Does anyone else get paranoid when they're stoned? Like really paranoid

Does anyone else get paranoid when they're stoned? Like really paranoid

only if i'm around a lot of people and high af

It's fleeting. I see a guy walking down towards my car, I start to freak out a little. Walking home and I see a cop driving by, I freak out inside a little. Overall though I'm just chillin


It's normal to be paranoid when they're out to get you. Weed just heightens your senses.

I become autistic when I'm high, also I worry about stuff in the future that I shouldn't worry about

That sounds like some schizophrenia
>out to get you

i got 2 dabs for free from a dealer once, and was supposed to take the bus home. It kicked in hard just as the bus arrived, and in my mind, i was certain stepping onto that bus was a ticket to death. So i sat down at the busstop for 2 hours instead. But that's the only time it was too much.

Yes. But different people react to it differently, and different strains.

Legit feel like this is true

Don't know about you guys, but I was smoking with friends once and I was legitimately convinced that I had forgotten how to breathe, and that if I didn't consciously think about breathing i wouldn't do it by default and suffocate. Scared the absolute shit out of me.

Change your dealer OP, you might be getting a shit strain

I've been smoking it for 4 years idk I'm just addicted to the feeling

When I started smoking weed, I was always paranoid about the faster heartbeat.

only when I'm in any situation that has the potential for cops to be involved

you guys need to discover psychedelic drugs. you'll find what paranoid really means

Probably, I've heard sativa is what I should be smoking but no one knows what shit they deal

Ive gotten to drive police cruisers baked af. Most hilarious and ironic shit ive ever done i think. This is still a regular occurance

Not a cop btw

Sativa makes you more paranoid that indica strains. Indica just makes you stoned

>i used to live in a high-rise apartment in baltimore
>smoked weed from time to time in the living room
>one night, i was high and there was a traffic helicopter flying around
>probably just patrolling, but i was really high
>convinced they're coming to get me
>rappelling in through the roof and all that
>hide under bed until i'm sober
>pass out
>never again

Kekd I got this when smoking legal

My anxiety actually shoots through the roof when I'm stoned. Hence I don't smoke anymore.

Oh god, I first did acid Sophomore year of highschool. I remember sitting in one of my history classes and just hearing people around me talk about "He's super high, nothing they can do, they called security or cops or whatever." It's just a deep sick feeling in your gut, that this is it for you, or the time I had to sit in a doctors office on acid, feeling all the eyes sitting on you as you sweat profusely climbing higher and higher. The worst situations are the one's you didn't expect to get thrust into.

Smoked five to six times a day for almost nine years, then tried Acid and two months later couldn't smoke even a hit without horrible anxiety, kind of paranoid I suppose. Been clean for 3 years now because of it, drinking like a fish instead.

Convinced I was gonna rip out of the matrix and have my data scrambled into electronic hell while the real world body of mine was about to get mutilated.
Never again. Stopped selling and smoking 6 months ago.
Still mentally recovering from that day.

You're the only person who's ever actually admitted to me that their anxiety gets worse when they smoke weed, thought it was just me

You just need to take a break dude, Pretty common with heavy use over time

You think? Hope so, I kinda like the feeling

Is acid worth taking? Are there any real risks? I've been considering for a while, but I've been on the fence ever since.

This is why I'm scared of trying acid, because I always hear of how it fucks people up. Yet, a bunch of normies on college do it and it doesn't seem to do anything to them

in college*

yes i have the last couple times i smoked. but that was only because im on probation and was scared of going back to jail agian. but if i can smoke and not worry about being jailed for it then i'll have a good time

It's a crazy fucking experience. Most intense thing I've ever done. I'd only do it if you knew you were going to be absolutely safe, and protected, also for a first time I wouldn't do it alone.

To be honest, when I smoke weed my anxiety is so bad, but when I've taken acid it's literally been great

acid is fun, the only real risk is the unpredictive tendencies of acid and just psychedelics in general

Really? I have a few friends that get like this too. It effects everyone differently though.

The trip is pretty much up to you. Do it in a familiar place, with a buddy if you'd like, and do something you like, and that'll guide you in a positive direction.

dude i was cruising with my friend and i had the same thing, i couldnt feel the air going in my mouth down my throat and into my lungs

I used to be okay with it until I smoked legal high for 6 month then it fucked me up

there's been points I've gotten anxiety over literally killing bugs, Because I've been so stoned for such long periods (months) at a time. You seriously need to take a couple weeks off here and there to clear your mind

Not me. But I know thats one of the side-effects so youre good. Enjoy

And also, If you can get weed now, You can get it in three weeks, So don't get mentally dependant on it. I am currently two weeks off smoking, after about 2 years of daily use...It's rough, and any faggot bitch who says you can't get addicted to weed are fucking stupid.

Don't get me wrong, loved the acid trip, it was insane and beyond amazing, but it ruined weed for me as I explained. Now I can't smoke without anxiety and paranoia. But i'm cool with it, saving a lot of money by being clean now.

Hmm, might just be a mentality change thing, I wasn't sober for 3 months straight. All of the sudden, it just started getting weird.

CBD is rumored to suppress the feelings of paranoia caused by thc. A lot of medical pot is high in cbd so maybe give that a shot.

I'm the same way. I usually get panic attacks and anxiety now If I smoke weed. I take both Celexa and Vistaril for it now and I hate taking fucking pills.

They threw me on Alprazalm, and Ativan (excuse my poor spelling), actually I noticed that there were just a few things in my life that I needed to change until finally I was able to break out of my anxiety problems, weed was an unfortunate one that I had to break :/

I'm just like you. I had to give up weed which was something I loved very much and was an escape for me. My life has improved a little bit since I've been taking my pills and I finally got a job I really like. So it all kinda worked out for the best.

Same in that area, I actually just got back into university now. Tried a few times before, never made it. More motivation now though.

I did at first but I started smoking a shit ton more and the feeling went out pretty quick

Good luck man. All the best :)