>bunch of slack jawed faggots around here! This stuff will make you a god damn sexual Tyrannosaurus! Just like me
How can one movie be so B A S E D
>bunch of slack jawed faggots around here! This stuff will make you a god damn sexual Tyrannosaurus! Just like me
How can one movie be so B A S E D
It was a simpler time user
Post your reaction when Shane Black was announced to direct The Predator
They'll come back again. And when he does I'm gonna cut your name right into him... I'm gonna cut your name into him!
>there will never be another movie celebrating masculinity
Characters personality and traits were allowed to be whatever they wanted as long as they served the intended purpose and image of the character.
If you had this character in a movie made today, certain communities would go into meltdown because they have convinced themselves that if someone writes something negative into a character it means they have that belief in real life.
over here
>a bunch of ultra masculine movies and celebs
>following generations of males turn out to be ultra faggots
Characters were just allowed to be characters. Simple as that. You are not allowed to write a character that's sexist or racist or says inappropriate things in a jesting manner/as a personality quirk because identity politics have convinced themselves and the world that if the character says or thinks those things then the actor does too and it also poisons society and is unacceptable.
If you take a step back you then realize these pieces of shit are the exact same moral panic forces at work except it manifested on the Left this generation rather than the Right of the last generation.
Who actually followed the TV spinoff? It's pretty good.
It was made in a time when masculinity was celebrated instead of ridiculed
Slacked jawed faggot detected
>I ain't got time to bleed
why did Mac like him so much?
> it's a Billy falls off the log episode
Watch the a Heart of Dutchness documentary by Marty diBergi for a frightening view behind the scenes.
Shit was intense.
That MTV shirt always makes me wonder if Ventura would've made a decent Punisher.
The funny thing is they'll rail against a movie like this despite Dutch's team being diverse (a Euro, 2 Blacks, a Mexican, a Native American and I guess a central american woman) and then complain that nobody wants to see the new ghostbusters (3 whites and a black stereotype) pretending that the reason is that it's because of a lack of white men.
This is why action movies are pretty lame now. At best you'll get capeshit where 110lb girls have magic powers to compete with 220lb men physically. The media is trying to kill the tough guy because it's "toxic masculinity".
Why do mustaches get laughed at nowadays? They look more manly than a faggy beard
Freddy Mercury
There was one a couple months ago. But it got chopped up by the jews and panned by the nu-male and feminazi fucks.
Public sex
Why do puffs have to ruin all the best things in life
Frank Zappa
people don't have the bodies or haircuts to go with them
>Predator gets released today
>Anna turns out to be a total badass and picks up Blains minigun and is the 1st person to injure the Predator
>instead of getting to the choppa she stays behind because shes so brave and helps Dutch kill the Predator
I love the use of gore in this movie. When they find the other team flayed in the trees they, together with the audience, realise the seriousness of the place. Can't have that in modern movies, even when it would be effective filmmaking.
You do know they're actors and they read the script first which will tell them the seriousness of the place
So Predators then.
>There will never be a team of badasses going around places fucking shit up
>They could include a sane Sarah Connor-like god-tier character and it would get criticized heavily for testosterone
>implying all the male characters wont get slaughtered like the pigs they are while the strong womyn kills The Predator, a metaphor for rape culture itself, alone
They went through a lot of shit together. Would assume everyone in their unit were pretty tight.
Jesse Ventura was one of the greats theirs no debate there but the fucking ego on him
Is anyone in this thread aware of the Expendables movies?
Dream cast for new predator
>Iko ukawis
>the fact that I can't think of another is sad
Part 3 sunk the franchise
>Javier Bardem
>Ken Watanabe
>Mads Mikkelsen
It's gonna be
>Scarlet Johanson
>Jennifer Lawrence
>John Boyega
The Predator is actually just some white dude who got laid while drunk so he's a sexual predator.
so we got
>el rocco
>the stath
>iko uwais
But I'd add
>tadanobu asano
>tom hardy
>gael garcia bernal
>barkhad abdi
>yayam ruhian
>lee byung-hun
instead of what said
who the fuck is pepefu?
Rami Malek you fucking normie
What about Scott Adkins?
You should probably add Michael Jai White in there too
>Barkhad Abdi
>not Cuba Gooding Jr. or Idris Elba.
Ah good choice, budget Statham
>tfw you wanna take the predator ship's bridge