When did you realize you were not special?

When did you realize you were not special?

That happened to me back when I was in the 6th grade, I'll never forget it.
My dad took us to a baseball game at a stadium. I didn't care about baseball at all but I got surprised when we got there.
There were so many people out there, it was like all of Japanese people were packed in the stadium.
Then I turned to my dad and asked him how many people were there.
He said since the stadium was full, it was like 50,000.
On my way home, I saw tons of people walking towards the station like a massive current as well and that made me surprised again.
When I got home, because I already learned the Japan's population was like 100 million in social study, I divided it by 50,000 using my calculator.
The answer was 2,000.
I was at a loss completely. The crowd in the stadium that looked like very large was just a fraction of the entire population.
After that, I noticed it.
Until then, I thought I was kinda a special person, it was fun to be with my family, and I had fun with my classmates too.
I believed people and things around me were literally special and I was as well.
But it wasn't true.
Those kind of things were really ordinary and happened all over the places in Japan.
Waking up, brushing my teeth, going to school, and going to sleep, there was nothing special about my life.
I felt like everything I thought was cool and interesting faded away to a gray void.
But if there were so many people in this world, then there had to be someone who was living in a weird and special life.
If so, why wasn't that me?

That's how I realized that.

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kys gook

when i looked up Aspergers on google.

When I finally reached adulthood and realised I wasn't born telepathic, wasn't going to get a letter from Hogwarts, wasn't going to gain super strength from falling into a vat of radioactive goo, and will probably never achieve anything remarkable even by mundane standards.

You mean aspergers are special?

And thats when I started believing in Haruhiism...


Why are you so sure that you won't achieve anything remarkable?
maybe you could eh?

When I played on the baseball team - I live in australia and I've never been good at "Aussie sports" like cricket of footy
But baseball man, I just intuitively picked it up
I worked hard, I practiced at home at school in free periods when I should have been studying..
I gave it all I had and I was one of the best players on my team
I got 4 runs in a game and came home so happy
told my dad
He looked at me and said
"Why can't you play a real sport?"
I cried
I cried harder
I gave up baseball
I swore off sports altogether
I realised I was never special and never will be

What if your not so special life impacted on somebody elses life so much that you knew you weren't special because they said so and then all of a sudden you aren't able to talk anymore?

but you a telepath now mofo

That's too bad
If you were born in America/Japan, you'd be a good player though

I live in sort of rural/bush part of australia. When I lost my left arm to the shoulder and my left leg to the knee in a tractor accident on our property. The 5 years have been the worst of my life. I'm 23 as of a few days ago.

Fucking cricket is a faggot sport anyway, I'll always hate my dad for saying that

When I realized I wasn't good at anything and that even if I tried to be good at something, it wouldn't matter because when you die, people remember you for a short while, but eventually, you will be forgotten.

Really..., that must be really hard

I hope you'll give baseball a shot again someday, if you still love it of course

Your dad is a faggot

Haruhi, this is Sup Forums
Tits or GTFO

That way of thinking would lead to the conclusion that you don't have any reason to live right?
That'd be sort of extreme I guess

fuck that's where it's from
I was trying to figure where I heard it from, thanks for saving me

Yeah, that's honestly what I thought for a long time and became an alcoholic. Religion helps though and ive been sober for two months. I still feel insignificant sometimes but again, religion helps.

Then you may want to find something you live for
I guess everything will do as long as you like it