Come to Sup Forums daily

>come to Sup Forums daily
>always see a million kpop, marina, grimes, lavren, st. vincent, XCX, del rey, rihanna, beyonce, solange, iggy, ariana, selena, gaga, demi, miley, minaj and lorde threads and other thinly veiled waifu threads
>not to mention the dozens of shitano and shitfork shill threads

Why isn't there a /celeb/ board for these """"""""""people"""""""""" so those of us with girlfriends and lives can actually discuss music in peace here?

I feel you OP, but this thread is also low quality/non musical discussion

At least it's attempting to be constructive, and didn't Hiro/whatshisname say each board was allowed to have one meta thread at a time?

Then make an actual music discussion thread yourself dumbass. Those threads you mentioned discuss music sometimes at least

Because all of the people you just mentioned are all musicians and this is /mu.

Who do you think you're fooling my nu-male?

Hopefully only crummy moronic types like you.

what the fuck is a "nu-male"?

Wouldn't that invalidate the purpose of /qa/ entirely
Go post this there

One of those buzz-terms that crummy moronic types like to invent and use as a slur against other people/things/ideas they think are beneath them, but in the end just make it easy for others to instantly identify them as crummy moronic types.

no it's this

Post a picture of yourself

>Why isn't there a /celeb/ board for these
This actually isn't a bad idea.

the only ones i actually see on a daily basis are Grimes, Kpop, and Lauren
idk what board your browsing there you're seeing an Iggy Azalea thread every day lmfao

This is why I hate Sup Forums, you all have bad taste and I've never discovered any decent music in the 4 months i lurked here.

Also none of you can take criticism AT ALL.

>taking the worst aspects of Sup Forums and Sup Forums and smashing them together

just call it /cancer/ mate

as long as it's on its own board who cares what it's called.

The biggest issue with Sup Forums is the kpop threads that constantly bump other actual threads off the board, raid other threads to derail actual discussion and steal gets. They make like 8 of them at a time so most of the catalog is cluttered with their threads, it's fucking annoying.

If we need to get a general banned, it's the kpop one.

need more hasband thread

Marina threads are also heavily made here by the same faggot wishing her to die and never really talking about her music. it really gets annoying when you want to talk about the music of an artist and all that happens is that people start shitposting and they never come to their music but rather how the artist turned into shit and how they havent managed anything in their life etc.

>girlfriends and lives