Okay team, I need a diagnosis or the patient dies. WE NEED AN ANSWER

Okay team, I need a diagnosis or the patient dies. WE NEED AN ANSWER
Diffuse abd pain
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
High white count

Pt hx: cholecystectomy, appendectomy, hysterectomy.

CT scans are all negative. 0

The patient has autism


Probable gastroenteritis. What was her white count?



I'm pretty sure it's lupus this time

lol what are you premed taking stabs in the dark ?

Sarcoidosis 2nd most deadly and 2nd most common behind lupus

I'm going to go with acute dick aids. Tell me I'm wrong, faggot.

kidney failure.

WebMD says aids

13 a few hours ago, 16 nlw

tell us more about her symptoms and lab work

Trips don't lie. This man has cracked the case. As an African med student, I suggest we put the Patient on a regimen of virgin pussy asap.

So fuckin embarassing, right?

Why was the patient hospitalised? In what state did the patient arrive?


Everything worth noting is mentioned. Everything else is negative currently.

Pt has spiked a slight fever 99.8

It's the ED. Reason they came was for pain.

So worth noting. The Tachycardia and Hypertension spiked out of nowhere. Pt was in normal levels for hours until they randomly shot up.

Send someone to check the patients house for possible infestations, mold or toxins.
Then send another two people cause the first one was a moron and missed something extremely obvious.

When all else fails, go have a chat with the cafeteria cleaner in order to deduce that it was a Brazilian worm in the dogs food, which in turn licked the patient, transferring a type of bacteria which in turn fed on a the fiber walls of a cyst in the patients stomach, releasing trapped molecules of a drug administered to the patients mother 14 years ago, which he as a child ate thinking it was candy.

The bacteria caused the high white count and nausea, the cyst cells caused the vomiting, abd pain and diarrhea, the drug caused the fatigue, tachycardia and hypertension.

The vomiting was just an allergic reaction to hospital breakfast.

I go to the house with Chase. He is sexy so we fuck and forget to check for anything.

Diagnosis: AIDS.

so house couldn't figure out what they're poisoning me with?


just compensating for the dehydration, fatigue also related

fuck it let him die op to much work...... id rather just sleep


Acute botulism poisoning

How recent were the surgeries? I'm thinking it might be a post-operative junior mint situation.

My guess is either septic or neurogenic shock

i read about that or maybe some froyo just fell in the testubes

Seriously, though--the symptoms are consistent with sepsis caused by a surgeon closing a patient up with a 'retained surgical instrument'--meaning a sponge the surgeon left inside.

If any of the surgeries were within the past few months, my prescription would be 60cc of malpractice insurance, STAT.

CT was negative, would have seen it.

We know it's sepsis criteria, but what's causing the sepsis.








Hypertension : too much salt
Diffuse abd pain : too many crunches
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea : mcdonalds
Fatigue : it's 2:00 am
Tachycardia : nurses
High white count : racist

So insults are your way of fixing what's wrong with the patient? Oh if only they were dying of not being insulted enough.

Familial Mediterranean fever

Ayone else close sick as well?

Gastroentheritis vs adherences causing intestinal occlusion

Nerve Gas

VIPoma or pheocromocytoma

Yes slight fever 99.8 as I stated earlier. No, no one else is sick. Also note that she has come in before with the same sx a few times over the past 2 years to no true dx. I want to change that.


Doing testing to confirm. Will report back soon.

myelogenous leukemia + infection

Ignoring all the abd symptoms. Myelogenous leukemia would show well on standard blood tests.