How the fuck are they failing this badly?
I thought they were an emerging superpower?
How the fuck are they failing this badly?
I thought they were an emerging superpower?
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Just wait until 2020 la
they only come of age in 2030. be patient.
bad b8 m8
They haven't figured out how per capita works.
They sent 120 athletes too.
Indfag here, I will tell you why. No one cares about sports in india as theres no money to be made there playing a sport other than cricket. The government doesnt care about showing its might like china so there arent government run olympics sweat shops churning out roided freaks.
I think they won silver and a few bronze in the last olympics in shooting, badminton, wrestling and boxing i think.
look at those clean streets!
How can they be a superpower if they can't even stop shitting in the open?
yeah really embarrassing heh
>heh look at india your "per capita" meme is now btfo as this nation of 1 billion people sucks compared to the mighty USA
>just ignore that the country is an LITERAL shit hole, 3rd world country, very impoverished with many people who struggle to even eat
Sports are a leisure activity enjoyed almost exclusively by the middle class and upwards. When you struggle day to day to survive the last thing on your mind is trainig and perfecting your random sport.
Only exceptions are the most popular and easily accessible of sports, soccer in most of the world and cricket in india. Its one thing for street kids to kick or hit a makeshift ball around, but another to become experts at fencing or sailing or some shit
they cant even compete in any sport though..
not even ping pong..
1.2 Billion people and not a single person can compete in fucking any sport.
>yfw poodia has to practice ping pong with dried shit balls because they can't afford plastic
They are okay in hockey
Shtting on the street is not a sport.
I love how even in their bizarro land role reversal power fantasy, the streets are still riddled with beggars and peddlers.
first time watching the olympics?
Well yeah but you'll notice they're white and the tourist says "what a shame for white people" and "they could never be as civilized as Indians".
This is a weird video.
Literally no shits given. Who cares! Sport is for shitposting. No?
How come india doesn't win judo?
surely all their opponents faint from the smell the second they step onto the mat?
>How the fuck are they failing this badly?
You expect a bunch of people who only eat grass to compete with meat eaters?
t. Virat
they're here to poo from ass and chew in the loo. and they're all outta loo.....
Less than half of them have figured out how to use a toilet and you're surprised they can't win at sports?
where have you poos been hiding?
Probably in the loo