Hey, i found my dad's collection of photos from Afghanistan, will post some for beggining

Hey, i found my dad's collection of photos from Afghanistan, will post some for beggining



interesting stuff. was he a contractor or something else




>i read it from some 14 year old kid on the internet
>it must be true

No, he's in army and they attacked the camp. That's what's left of them





pretty sure it's a felony

Is this meat halal?

Sorry for the order



My first dubs yay

Any females in those pics? i
wanna see some action private, pussy,tits post the good stuff



>do grills do isis attacks?

Sorry, I only have male corpses ://

>merely pretending



Why did your dad take like 500 pictures of the same pile of bodies? This is like some girl's fashion blog


kek, i also have photos of their weapons

Hey, OP, care to explain what happened to these people? seems like they are all middle-eastern people.

>they attacked the camp

You sure about that? These guys look more like they were killed by drone strikes or mortar fire.

They got killed you fucking retard


yeah, so i want to know if they were good guys or bad guys, Attacked by radical muslims or american forces.

OP doesn't have a clue what these are pictures of. They weren't taken by his "dad" and you're all gullible autists.

good collection OP

Yeah they look like that because they were suicide bombers. Dad told me that they destroyed gate to base with truck filled with almost 2 tons of explosives and then they were just trying to enter buildings and blow themselves

cool shit OP
thanks for sharing

>implying there are any good guys



Are you retarded?

Legendary "dad"

Post the so called "dad" of yours instead.

That bottom one had a round go off in the the mag by the looks of things.

nice weapons.

this should be an easy war to win.
Over in 3 weeks i'd wager

that's possible. that happened on a fob i was at. gotta hand it to em, honest A for effort. If someone with a huge organized force was invading my homeland and destroying my big god-fueled plan for society, I'd be pissed and attack them too, but not sure I'd have the balls to pull off a fucking move like these poor brainwashed bastards. Eh, but then people are simple apes, and will follow whatever you put in their heads.


Because its so far fetched to believe that one of the tens of thousands of foreign soldiers that was deployed over there took pictures of some bodies and has a son.

Found even more dead muslims, post?

>thinking the poles didn't learn their lesson the first time they lost their seat of power and then got bootstomped into the ground

hitler killed all the peacenik & intellectual poles that wouldn't fight, user. & left us with a nation of machinists making weapons and guys who use them. pretty much same story with the jews.

Thats bullshit. They dont just go and blow each other up, they're not that dumb. They'd send maybe half a dozen suicide bombers in at the most, the rest would have firearms, and not be fucking exploded.

Upload them all to dropbox or something user

find the porn and post that, user

please......4625 looks particularly interesting.
Ignore dogtrollz

>this user knows how every single attack "would have" hypothetically been planned exactly the same regardless of importance or scale.


I wanna see 4612
That rectal bleeding tho

Could it have been something he ate?

>i will sit in this thread for the next 45 minutes
>repeatedly begging for porn
>because i have difficulty finding pictures of tits on the internet without assistance

kek you learn that in COD?

>ive never been in a battle in my life but I'm an expert on the subject

yes, I do.


>missing the point entirely
protip: it's not to watch porn

ITT: 13 year olds discuss military strategy

No I learnt it from playing a lot of mil sim games. I do have a clue about what im talking about.

>I said something retarded and everyone is making fun of me, better act like I was just trolling them

OP, post moarrrrrr.
Shit like this is rare! !!!!?

I fought with the polish in Iraq. Good bunch of dudes. They had more balls than the Ukranians.

I was in Camp Babylon...Marines


>Going to attack a Joint Forces base at the main gate
>How many guys do we have for this attack, and how much destructive power can we...
>No Habib, we only send half a dozen with bomb vests, and just give the rest some small arms, to see how far they get. We don't want to overdo it.
>Good thinking muhammad.

Good thinking user.

>Lets point out what retarded people do in this thread because Im insecure that they will add me to the group of tards

Ok I'm uploading them to google drive, 260 photos

Sorry friendo.


No faggot like for real. I did two tours there. Got out in 2010

You should probably take this pic in particular down.

Insane muzzies and their enablers use images like this to target people.

EXIF data, national origin, and a face picture can form a near-complete profile.

These are photos from an actual war, user.
Not a sim game.

For your Dads sake, if he is your Dad, never post his image.

EXIF data is stripped from images here ever since you socially-stunted fucksticks learned how to find the home addresses of random girls.

Also, "Mr. Pollock B. Shitinpants toured in Afghanistan" isn't exactly top-secret information.

its not muslims were after fucker its islam, btw are u chek or russian ?


I dunno they look pretty realistic. Plus with computers now a days and up conversion could definitely be rendered in 4628 quadlace with an upcore graphics modulator.

I live in Illinois w my mom and dad

Got out in 08 myself.
1 Afghan tour, 1, Iraq.

I get the feeling that for as big a shitshow as vietnam was, when the guys relaxed, they could actually have fun. This shit was not fun in any way.

polish for sure

Afghanistan was shit, we had a dry tour so no drinking.

Apparently the Poles were able to booze to their hearts content in RC East though.

Lucky fucks.


Yeah our 1sgt was a fucking drunk with like 8 DUI's he would confiscate booze that got trough the mail throw us on some busy work and get shitfaced in the TOC

I hope they KILL him, fucking asshole.
now you see why the muslim like to KILL you americans.
I hope muslim eradicate all you americans.


how long was your debriefing soldier?


Mom usually buys me either small or medium.


Yeah you're right. Deleted, thanks.


I don't think American soldiers need booze out at war. You pricks are violent enough.

Not everything in the world is a lie.

I feel sorry for you.

is that freddie mercury?
