
>Wurst-Uli back to FCB
VFB Stuttgart wins against St.Pauli in 2nd Buli
>Watzke is hating on RBL
Arsenal is interested in L. Klostermann from RBL

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yes, hallo good meeerning

So how long are we going to make it today. 2hrs?

i'd say 30 mins desu

depends on all the olympic shitposting

I'm glad when the Olympics are over 2bh.

RB Leipzig vor, noch ein Tor!




Is the 'Mario Götze is good looking' meme finally over now?

Why is /Bundes/ still on autosage? Haven't the fagmods realized that Bünde started like two weeks ago?


just pin it

meant for

why were on autosage for almost the entire RR.

*we were

>legitimately undeserved win against Pauli
>only one player in the squad who knows how to play football
oh boy cant wait to get BTFO by teams like Würzburg

I hope they don't do a Alemannia Aachen and never see the light of the day again

Good morning

>Leitner-Wechsel zu Lazio steht bevor. Es hatte sich bereits angedeutet, nun wird der Wechsel von Moritz Leitner zu Lazio Rom immer konkreter. Der Mittelfeldspieler von Borussia Dortmund soll noch am Dienstag in Italien den Medizincheck absolvieren.


Maybe >we should rename us into /Fußball/ or something when the 16/17 season starts.
A fresh and new beginning for everyone! Shitmark could learn how to stay OT with at least 50% of her posts. Brazil starts to write more than 3 words per post etc.

German most expensive players in the world: 0
Danish most expensive players in the world: 1


>when the 16/17 season starts
it has already started you dip

nothing to be proud of tßh.

I was talking about 1. Buli.

I forgot that PEH had signed for Southampton.

>Sell Wanyama
>Replace with PEH

Good work

This is a buli free zone


Yeah that is some upgrade

He has been pretty mediocre for the past 2 seasons

>Danish most expensive players in the world: 1
What did he mean by this?

>nearly £50m on John Stones

Maybe the Pogba price isn't that crazy. Or maybe they are both crazy?

Thank you

PEH Wertpapier
FRA: PEH - 9. Aug., 08:20 MESZ
20.80EURPrice decrease0.15 (0.72%)


Peter-Emil Heuber

Seriously, I don't know what he meant by that.

Probably that at one point in football history a Dane (Laudrup?) was the most expensive player in the world.


1967: "Guld" Harald Nielsen from Bologna to Inter, £300k

He later became one of the main forces behind the merger of KB and B1903, creating FC Kobenhavn.

I hope they do.

So is Wolfsburg going to qualify for the european competitions next season?

we'll have to find out


for my fellow trans posters top wew

goodbye /bundes/