What's the best Jackie Chan film?

What's the best Jackie Chan film?

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Old School Chop Socky - Drunken Master 1, Snake in Eagle's Shadow
Comedic Kung Fu - Drunken Master 2
Serious Action - Police Story, Crime Story
Hollywood - Shanghai Noon

it depends who's watching




The one where he says he doesn't want any trouble.



i Don Juan no trabble

The one where he gets sued for tax evasion.

>Commentator thinks plural of Lego is Legos

wheels on meals is my favorite.

really good fight scene in a meh movie

In what movie he's a test driver for Mitsubishi (I remember it was in the '90s) and inspects riced cars for the police?


Thanks mate

that was a weird movie,I don't remember a final boss fight, but he settled the score with some terrorist in a car race

80s Jackie was a huge shill for Mitsubishi was he

This and its sequel.

Rumble in the Bronx

Armor of God

still is

sorry he was just driving a weird Mitsubishi car in that one

>During filming of the opening sequence, one scene called for Jackie Chan to jump from a wall to a tree branch. The first take went as planned, but Chan insisted on re-shooting the scene. On his second attempt, the branch broke and he fell 5 metres to the ground below. His head hit a rock, cracking his skull and forcing a piece of bone up into his brain. Chan was flown to the hospital and was in surgery eight hours later. As a result, he now has a permanent hole in his head filled with a plastic plug and slight hearing loss in one ear.

I all about da base, no twabble.

the sequel has CIA guy in it.

Damn it, I came here to say that.

To me, Jackie Chan is Twin Dragons.

And weird and wacky Asian pop culture: youtube.com/watch?v=PRlgBXQ-igQ

Both Drunken Master.

Has to be this one

The one where he joins forces with a powerful government and stomps out the degeneracy known as democracy.

The most 90s action movie of them all

this and around the world in 80 days

comfy as fuck

Rumble in the bronx is my personal favorite.

It's the one with the ladder fight? If so yeah.

the one with the ladder

Rumble in the Bronx and Police Story 4 (First Strike) are my personal favourites.
Who am I? has a cool ass fighting scene at the end though on top of a skyscraper

Yeah. The fight in the gang hideout is one of my favorite fight sequences ever.

What's the one where he plays a government shill with likely mob connections hiding his money in offshore accounts?

Snake in The Eagle's Shadow was my favorite Jackie Chan movie as a kid, but it's also been a long time since I watched it, so I dunno if it's just nostalgia. Maybe I should rewatch it. I'm kinda afraid to do so after rewatching Drunken Master and seeing it wasn't as good as I remember...

Who am I is a bretty good Jackie Chan movie. Or the one where he's a race car driver, what's it called again?

The Fearless Hyena

Probably Police Story 2. Though I do love Wheels on Meals, Miracles and Drunken Master, too.

drunken master and wheels on meals

>tfw the "wacky outtakes' from the HK movies has comatose people getting carried out into ambulances


Muh Nigga right here, Miracles is really fucking good but criminally underrated

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