Men's Individual Epee Fencing

They're marathoning it today

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Is this the double hit garbage?

Aldony Montano

Internet's busiest Olympic fencer.

is having points a good or a bad thing here?


It's epee which seems to have the least refstab bullshit. A lot more conservative compared to the other formats.


which one should i watch?

that fucking venesualian is a dickhead.. was really pulling for brazil there.

Well two of them don't start until tomorrow

red is good

>Getting to choose lanes

BBC just sticks me with one...

can someone explain to me what exactly is the point of this form of fencing? i understand you can hit everywhere.. but what types of hits? like slash or stab?

What ranks up strength the fastest? Do any of the sabres have a special like dragon dagger (p)? what potions do they use?

ours doesn't let us choose the piste online but it lets me choose the piste on the app, its fucking stupid

everybody watch red

anybody see this?

What is IOA?

International Olympic Association

nevermind, finally figured out how to switch on the cmoputer

Independent Olympic Athletes?

>brazil in charge of not throwing

The one fencer "Alshatti" is competing under IOA.

Sabre is much more interesting

if Garozzo won (although he probably won't) would it be the first time two brothers win gold in different disciplines?

Epee isn't bad. I like how it's more of a duel than just running and trying to stab.


Foil is better

t. Been a foil for 9 years

I still don't understand right of way sometimes guys, don't feel bad if you don't

>3. Lefort will be part of France's team competition on Friday and is expected to fight with a iPad tucked into his shoe.

rapefugee most likely

independent. he's hungarian

I like every type of fencing

Not having fenced myself, my viewpoint is just from being a spectator.

nevermind, he's not hungarian he beat a hungarian.IOA this year are either rapefugee, Kuwait (since the country is suspended) and one russian since he was butthurt about the doping

in brazil keep your personal belongings on you at all times

>he beat a hungarian
are you telling me my stream is not live?

Is dueling in our blood?

no I keep fucking up all over the place and I'm just done posting. he is fighting a hungarian you are live.

Considering how many you are compared to us or hungary, it's in magyar-pasta blood.

lol ok then :)

Was fencing really popular in Soviet Union? I know a few people from Russia/Ukraine old enough to lived during Soviet era, and all of them either took fencing lessons or fenced at one time or another.

>>dat run

wow this piece of shit hungary couldnt let the refugee win..? what an asshole dude been thru so much he deserved win not racist hungary

>this fucking music

>Was fencing really popular in Soviet Union?
Yes, don't know why, but it's true

some of us have been keeping warm all night for fencing related material and then here comes Op with a brand new day's twinkle in his eye and a clear lack of perception.

it's the pixies, good shit


>tfw started watching fencing in london
>tfw i'm in olympics right now

I did it bros

Were u that kid who couldn't stop yelling brazilia

do this on the piste or you're gay

my boi Nikolai coming up

This. Italians are the true masters, also unlike russians they're all natty

Anyone know the track that is played as the fencers come out?

muh per capita tho

In 30 minutes, hope he does well.

Looking forward to seeing Pryor fence. Dude's cheeky as fuck.

are you fencing now?

youre either the brench or the northern hue

If this hue takes out Grumier that will be two Brazilian upsets over world #1s this week.


I hope this is real because that's really cool

>be nº1 in the world
>be eliminated by some random hue

France never fails to amaze me

You enjoy to watch this live ?

To the spectators:

Epee: Makes sense but is really boring
Foil: This is better, but i have no idea whats going on

i can't make these cute webms and watch men's fencing at the same time! i haven't even gotten through individual epee finals yet!

careful with the zika m8

>this canuck on yellow

This is boring, much less entertaining than sabre and foil

dude on red piste just got knocked the fugg out


He's winning all these simple touches and making it look fucking easy. Baited the Russian into a fleche against extension and just tagged him on the arm.

He is really good, trouble for our fencer

In Soviet Russia leaf blows you away



Can't the Canadian just ask for a new sword?

how often do they cut each other?

only épée counts desu

watching his feet he is much more like a boxer, doing little hops on both feet at the same time. the russkie is leaving one foot on the ground

this hue hue is getting stomped

Do you have a link to the video of that? Can't seem to find replays

I think the sword is the least injury inducing thing in this sport.

red card! penalty!

frog weak


That's pretty common in epee fencing. You'll see plenty of fencers do that kind of footwork today.

kek yeah this is borderline rape at this point

i take it that you don't have a cable or satellite provider...but here's the official link anyway

>youngest olympic discipline

yea no

best form of fencing desu


>double hits
yeah no

that goyim jumping on the venezuelian



Watch yellow next if you want to see epee fencing made exciting. Max Heinzer is a fucking wild man.

>ref sword


>It is a France loses another 14 14 episode

Alright someone who was watching that russian-canadian one explain it to me. The canadian had priority and it was a double touch, so why did the russian win?

Im a foil fencer and i fucking hate epee

it values defense

The Russian started his riposte before the Canadian went off strip, so his hit counts. The Canadian hit the Russian after he was off strip, so his hit doesn't count.

the fck?