Brand new colony thread Sup Forums!

Brand new colony thread Sup Forums!

Dubs decides how these colonies interact.

No genocide allowed.

Have fun!

why are black people on nigger tribes?

the entirety of ISIS catches on fire

Black dots = niggers, sandniggers, kikes
White dots = white people

White people welcome the refugees from ISIS


our first winrar

Kriegsmarine start blockade of white people's waters - no niggnog/rapefugee shall pass

Nazi build Trump's wall between them and white ppl

Isis builds bridge to nigger tribe, tries to recruit

enslave the niggers and force them to explore the uncharted jungles

Nazis attack the nigger

The Penis monster emerges and decides to attack the nazis

nazis build a wall that let only white people go in and out

Sup Forums builds church of penis monster



Reroll #2

Nazis invade nigger tribes

Penis monster ravages the uncharted jungle

Sup Forums joins the nazis


Refugees are accepted into the cuck land of niggers

They rape and create kids, thus injecting sandnigger genes into the nigger gene pool

oh wait no genocide

Nazis kill everyone



B colonizes penis island

Nazis take some kikes with them in concentration camps

Sup Forums attempts to colonize penis island

b builds a bridge to penis island

refugees interbreed with white people to create a single brown mass of New Europeans

refugees transform white people's buildings to mosques

Sup Forums builds a bridge to penisland, starts crusade

Trump is elected head white guy and kicks all refugees out, build wall around their entire colony

jews are offended by giant penis monster church and attack it but penis monster emerges to help Sup Forums


Trump kills all Mexican refugees, while Stalin rises from his grave and colonizes the uncharted jungles.


white people become nazis and send back refugees

Kike empire encourage white people to attack Nazis


the kikes are gassed and Sup Forums takes their territory

B tries to join nazis

Nazi's triple in population through mandatory breeding.


the whites join the nazis killing refugees

Sup Forums builds bridge to penis island

Kike empire and nazi's form an alliance




Sup Forums joins the nazis

Kikes largest building is now a bank

Penis island is a vulcano and it erupts



Sup Forums builds settlements on penis island

The niggers get fucked by global warming and they all drown

white people build a wall to keep out refugees and make their land great again



Rolling for this

Isis start attacking niggers


niggers escape to the Sup Forums colony
and rape them

Fucking christ those quads

And thats how it done

The double jew is strong with this one


several more penis monsters are found in the uncharted jungles by lonesome kike explorers who are killed

holy shit


Also, Sup Forums colonizes penis island and declares it a holy land

the great Dacu takes some white people to the uncharted jungle island to build a powerful starship

re rollio

Nothing will tear down this wall



Nazis build a bridge to penis island


Sup Forums Claims penis island

how do they even get that far? Niggers can't even swim


Sup Forums will colonize penis island

Nazis build a wall surrounding the whole land

roll it

Whites enslave niggers and make em work in the fields


How the fuck am I supposed to know

Nice trips

Trump destroys all refugees


Aliens colonize uncharted jungles


Sup Forums colonizes penis island taming penis monster

Kikes destroy the penis church

Terminators are deployed to ISIS to wipe out those filthy sandniggers.

Nazis build underwater tunnel to Sup Forums-land.

Sup Forums raids the kikes for their jewgold and uses it to fund a nazi invasion and colonization of nigger tribe

Sup Forums must colonize penis island, and build holy cities to the penis monster

They already built one...

Sup Forums captures and frees the penismonster on nigger tribes