Lyanna casting edition.
Pic related.
Lyanna casting edition.
Pic related.
Other urls found in this thread:
loras! highgarden!
first for what could have been
I'm almost fucking certain the series ends with the wall coming down this season and Bran rebuilds it next season and then entire song of ice and fire is just the same story repeating itself over thousands of years over and over and over
>tfw waited all this time only for Euron and the Kingsmoot to be utter rubbish
>Early thread
Fuck off.
Ayy lmao
This spainbro came back? did he ever confirmed that the woman was actually Kaya?
Who based /blakfyre/ here?
>Euron gets named King
>First thing he decides to do is a bit of kinslaying
>someone makes a new thread way early
>reddit actually starts posting in it
Thats it, I give up on /got/
Yeah nah promise me, m8
here bro
Fuck off
What the fuck happened to her face?
Still a better Dany.
Stannis lives you fucking plebs.
When he shows up at the battle of Winterfell as Jon's army starts to get its shit pushed in in Ep 9 with a army of northern lords and a sell swords provided by the Iron Bank you can all suck my dick.
>after openly admitting to kingslaying
It seems that Jaime is the only person who gets shit on for that.
Blackfyres are the realest niggas of the ASOIAF universe. They're the actual targs desu
Who is that supposed to be?
Ramsay a qt
Misfits >>>>>> GoT
new thread
Are you retarded?
Fetal alcohol syndrome?
Rhaegar's chest was caved in by a massive warhammer. I assume his last words were AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHRLBLBLTA-
are you? there's literally 50 posts left till that reaches the bump limit, and even then we could continue posting till it's well past 350 posts.
give ONE reason why we should be posting in this thread