What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing went wrong in portugal
what went right?
>what went right?
weddings are so beautiful
lmao she's wearing flat shows and still towers over him
>this guy can slay olympic puss but i still lack
H-h-he must have a g-g-great p-p-personality
>tfw manlet
>tfw will never be him
I used to date a grill who was an inch taller than me
Might be different tho because I'm 6' so she was a giantess freak
what exactly is wrong with the OP picture other than the girl being uglier than the guy?
She has a great personality. Something you'll be lucky to ever experience intrinsically or extrinsically.
>tfw 5'4" chink manlet working as a nurse
>tfw gf is 5'7"
M-m-maybe they really like each other.....
>Implying this ever happens to no-name manlets
>Her huge nose getting squashed
she went from setting world records to being absolutely shit despite being in what should be her physical prime
all white people have big noses
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in the last hour
>black pants and tan shoes on your fucking wedding
>getting married at city hall
t; chink money
Why not get married at City Hall?
Asian men > White men
>we got married at city hall
>we had our photoshoot on a parking garage complex
So, who's marrying who for the money?
>the insecure AM/WF spammer is at it again with his collection of creepily stolen facebook photos
stolen? you realize that white girls put hashtags like #AMWF on their posts so they can proclaim their preferences to the world.
is she an athlete?
Until Chad tries to take her from him.
It's true, though. Just watch:
Looks like she's taking him to his first day at school