I'm a lung expert, Sup Forums. Ask me anything about the lungs, breathing, oxygen, smoking, whatever

I'm a lung expert, Sup Forums. Ask me anything about the lungs, breathing, oxygen, smoking, whatever.

why do i pee a little when i sneeze?

is marijuana better than cigarettes for your health.

My dad just got diagnosed with COPD...
How fucked is he?

Sneezing closes your glottis while your diaphragm puts pressure on your lungs. This also puts pressure on your abdomen, kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Some leaks out just because of the pressure and the weaking of a sphincter in your bladder. Pretty normal for people after like 35.

Why do my lungs hurt when i make mustard gas?

If I breath in deep sometimes I will wheeze at the end why?

why my chest and back hurts after smoking pot?

Hypothetically if i were to puncture a lung in the wilderness or a situation removed from quick access to professional care, how would i go about handling that?

Yes. Tobacco is probably the second worst recreational drug you can put in your body (alcohol being first). Tobacco causes hypertension, cancer, deterioration of cerebreal blood vessels, diabetes, etc. Not to say marijuana is healthy. A rolled joint deposists as much tar in your lungs as an entire pack of cigarrets does, but tar beats cancer, diabetes, dementia, etc.

How much could I get for a slightly abused but functional lung?

tree fiddy

in which ways do lungs resemble fractals, and how can this knowledge be useful?

It depends. If he was diagnosed early in the stages of the disease, AND HE STOPS SMOKING, he can lead a fairly normal life. The trouple comes when people with COPD keep smoking. His airways will start to collapse when he breathes out, and he'll have gas trapped in his lungs. When he takes another breath, itll be stacked on top of the trapped air. Then the process repeats and all of a sudden he's having to take a giant breath just to get in any oxygen. Then he starts the home O2 therapy, and he'll hardly be able to walk before getting completely exhausted. People with COPD end up chronically depressed more often than people with cancer do. Tell him to stop smoking.

If I were a lung, what would I wish my owner did every day? Any regular exercises or stretches?

I had lung cancer at a young age and my right lung now sucks ass, I wanna see if I can get a lung transplant. What are the risks of a transplant? Is it even real?


There are very few options here. If you puncture a lung, you're fucked. Air will get trapped between your chest wall and lungs. this will get worse and worse on every breath. Itll start putting pressure on your heart and great vessels and will decrease cardiac output. Its called a tension pneumothorax. Your only option that I know of is to seek medical attention immediately or you will die.


Don't listen to this faggot. Retards like him are why you can't have a smoke in a godammed bar any more.

And remember, it's never too late to start smoking.

Your chest probably hurts because the particles youre inhaling are "scratching" your airways in a sense and causing them to inflame. Kinda like when your dog scratches your arm and it gets a little puffy. Same thing. Your airways get a little inflammed and thats why your chest feels tight. No clue about your back though, friend.

Quit smoking (half a pack day) and been vaping 3-6 mg nicotine a lot for last year (could go through 30ml in 5 days). When I smoked actually didnt have to many health issues, but now I get an ache in my chest sometimes + sometimes I get short of breath.

Do you think vaping can cause lung damage/infection/ what kind of damage? Would it be temporary or permanent? What would I want to check with a doctor about it?

inb4 quit vaping just swapped to 0mg last week.

Thanks user!

Some people (especially people with asthma) will have small airway constriction from shit in the air, or even just the temperature of the air. The wheezing is air rushing between closed airways. Not too big of a deal unless you start to notice it happens during resting breathing. Then go get screened for asthma

What are early signs of lung cancer?

Why does my right lung hurt when I run far?

Its never a bad idea to exercise, but the lungs are kind organs. Not really much exercise or stretching needed to function normally. If I were a lung, I'd want my owner to not work in a place with a lot of smoke or air pollutants, not smoke tobacco, and thats really it.

I get pain on the top left side of my chest when I inhale deeply sometimes. I used to work in histology lab and breathed formalin for about a year. Is it related?

So as a welder, how fucked are my lungs? I'm constantly breathing in all kinds of shitty smoke. No cigs though at least

There are endless risks involved with lung transplants. Rejection by the body, complications from the surgery or pulmonary bypass, etc. I honestly don't know a whole lot about transplants. That more the surgical field and I don't know a ton about that. If you dont need a transplant to live, you are better off with one shitty lung.

Old fag with asthma. Non smoker. Allergic to dust mites. I hit my Combivent Respimat like 10 times a fucking day.

Would immunotherapy help me?

A few years ago my breathing suddenly got worse. I don't smoke or anything like that. I have put on 30lbs, not sure if that matters or not

The best way to describe it is; it feels like I can't fully exhale or inhale. Why is this? It gets worse when lying down on my back.

Sometimes I can't take a full breath. Not after physical activity or anything, just random times when I try to take a full breath, it feels like my lungs aren't getting all the way full. It hasn't caused me to black out irblose consensus or anything because I can still breath, but its very annoying. And idea as to what it could be?

There isn't enough studies out on vaping to know for sure. Its too new. I vape myself though if that tells you anything. No tobacco is always a plus. The shortness of breath you're having is likely your lung trying to rid itself of the tar that you've already put in it. Smokers often find that they never coughed shit up when they smoked, but they started after they quit. It sucks, but its a good thing. Your lungs are trying to repair themselves in a sense. If the shortness of breath gets to imposing itself on your quality of life, see a doctor. Honestly, he may screen your for airway hyperreactivity and COPD, but he'll probably just tell you to quit vaping.

>my right lung now sucks ass
Can you explain this to me? Not OP, just curious.

ive started smoking lately, its pretty soothing. But i heard it might be bad for my lungs. is this true?

Breathing through my nose is really loud in my head and I hate it so I breathe through my mouth a lot because it's more quiet. Is this normal?

You can google that yourself.

General shortness of breath (meaning not after you ran, but like it happens all the time) and coughing up either frank blood or blood streaked sputum are both early signs.

>Not OP
Just stop for your health and you'll save money

Well ok then, they mostly consider it because where my right lung is so fucked it gets me sick, I've been hospitalized with ammonia 2 times now both that set me back a pretty far ways. They say they might just remove it too who knows. Anyways thanks user

but it feels good and is tasty :(

OP answer this one.

How can I be healthy, like I'm the laziest piece of shit but I want to be healthy, please send help

Im on Gold IV, how long do i have left? (Swyer James, no Smokin involved)

Chest pain could be a heart thing or a lung thing. If its a crushing pain, its probably a heart thing. Stabbing is a lung thing and that could be a pinched nerve, pinched parenchymal fibers, intercostal muscles, etc.


I coughed up tar blobs for a few days about a week after I quit cigs for vaping.

Then I worked my nicotine vape level down to zero for a couple months, and now I'm done with both.

I haven't been able to breath/smell air as fresh as I do now since I was a kid. Sometimes I literally feel like one of those old guys from the COPD drug commercials.

Shit is indeed pretty cash.

Get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise daily. Change your diet. Eat less red meats. If you drink, only drink moderately, or not at all.

Depends on your age. That shitty smoke can be just as bad as cigarettes. Your lungs don't know if your puffing on a cigarette or not, it just takes the shit air and does the best it can. I realize shifting careers isnt an easy thing. If you notice you start to get short of breath easily or you have frequent chest pain, talk to a doctor and consider changing jobs.

Have you been gaining weight, or have you gained a lot of weight recently?

You gotta good fucking inhaler. Good for you. Best on the market right now. And yes, it sounds like some kind of low dose steroid would help you. Ask your doctor about a combo drug like dulera or advair. Those help with asthma too, not just COPD.

I read that eating fiber is good for lung health, any idea if this is true?

No. I'm 5'11" 178 pounds

What are the significance of creola bodies, curshmann's spirals and charcot-leyden crystals? Are the only found in asthmatic people?

Well when I was around two I was diagnosed with ewings sarcoma, but it ended up growing around a nerve (can't remember which) and it also kinda around my right lung. It ended up making my lung towards the top look like an upside down train funnel making it hard to breathe. Then when I was put through radiation and chemo therapy the lung just got worse. They ended up heavily doing it and it actually left me with a whole lot more problems like scoliosis, and indented right chest wall, and a shorter right arm. Lasltly when they went to take the tumor out the actually fucked with one of my eye nerves giving me horners syndrome in my right eye

OP this question deserves a chin scratch and a sip of bourbon

You have become sedendary.

Your body is designed for regular movement, but many people spend the bulk of their day sitting still instead. On average, a US adult spends nine to 10 hours each day sitting, which is so much inactivity that even a 30- or 60-minute workout can't counteract its effects.

How much physical activity do you do daily?

Ehh. If you were obese to begin with, the weight could play a factor, and it'd make a lot of sense that it gets worse when you lie down. Your intercostal muscles have to work harder to pull your lungs open when the weight of your chest is restricting movement. That would explain the breathing in part, and with the exhalation, the weight of your chest could also be causing you to exhale alot faster, when can collapse your small airways and trap gas in your lungs. Try breathing through pursed lips (or just google pursed lip breathing and mimic it). Try that for 10 minutes or so and see if it helps.

I do about 1 and a half to 2 hours daily

Lots of people I know say vaping is not bad for you. Is this true?

Fuck man, I'm sorry.

What effects will have smoking around 3 to 4 cigarettes a day on your lungs

does marijuana smoke adversely affect the lungs, (other than being an irritant and cough inducer)

That's very strange. You seem like a normal healthy adult male. Do you live around a lot of polution, or do you smoke? How old are you user?

I read a study that showed alot of people had this. There are different receptors in your brain that tell you to breathe in deeper, and others that tell you to stop breathing in (this is why you cant rip your own lungs apart if you try hard enough). Human bodies aren't perfect. Some doctors think that those two receptors in the brain can sometimes become desynchronized. Your brain will think your lungs aren't full, but itll also want you to stop breathing in for that safety reason. As long as you don't feel short of breath because of it, there shouldnt be anything to worry about. Happens to me too sometimes.

How are people able to hold their breath for minutes at a time? As I understand it, when we do breath training, our lungs don't get bigger or hold much more volume. Do we just utilize the air more efficiently?

I just smoke weed.

I've done it everyday or every other day for the last 10 years.

Is it bad? or can I ever heal my lungs to what they were before?

I get this strange tightness in my chest its mainly along the left side, near my heart but it also occurs on the right side. my doctor says i have costochondritis but i dont think that is correct. i think i have done damage from doing cocaine but i have had multiple ecg's and had several operations since the phenomenon began and no doctor has said anything about my heart, what do you think?

It alright, I pretty much got used to it growing up. It's kinda hard I will say cause I do wake up everyday and the first thing that hits me is everything wrong but I've made it this far lonely and fucked up. Why give up now right?

some poeple are born with more alveolar branches than others.

tape plastic over the puncture, leaving one side open -- it act like a one way valve, increasing the time you have to get medical attention

Are you an MD or a bs respiratory therapist?

Idk if this is a joke or not lol. Smoking is incredibly bad for you. Google COPD, google the effects of cigarettes on the lungs, and systemically. The body is a network, if you fuck one thing up, you can fuck alot of things up, especially the heart. I'm not going to spout off all the things that cigarettes can do, there are too many. Google it, friend. Switch to vaping or candy if you need something to do when you're stressed.

I don't live around polution. I don't smoke cigs or vape, I've smoked marijuana 5 or 6 times. My parents weren't smokers growing up, so no second hand smoke. Im 19

Lol sorry about that number, I'm on mobile and wanted to see what would happen if I changed that

But regardless of genetics, you can reason yourself to hold your breath for longer durations. I got up to 2:30 minutes when I was younger, but now I smoke and don't exercise so..

SJS is totally fucked. I'm sorry. If you're already stage IV COPD, there may not be too many treatments available other than what you're already being administered. I know of something called bronchothermoplasty that can help with the bronchiectasis, you can ask your doctor about it but it really depends on the progression of your disease, as does your time left.

Do you ever feel bloated, or as if your appetite isn't what it used to be?

Never heard of fiber in the diet being healthy for the lungs. It does help with GI function, and if youre shitting how you should, youre healthier than the next guy.

No, I eat a normal amount i'd say

op please answer me

at the moment, im advised to reduce my weight to make an heart-lung-transplantation possible "if necessary"

What is your opinion on vaping in terms of lung damage?

You are the only person who has ever asked about any of those and I've talked to a ton of pulmonary patients lol. I've read very little about creola bodies, curshmann's spirals, and charcot-leyden crystals. They hold very little diagnostic value because while they do present in the sputum of many asthmatics, they don't present in the sputum of those with intrinsic asthma, or those with exercise enduced asthma, etc. Not to mention you need to biopsy sputum for them when you can just get a pre and post brochodilator PFT to diagnose asthma, which is easier and cheaper. The first two are a result of hyperactive mucus glads, which just makes sense since a pillar of asthma is increased mucus production. The mucus glands also slough off part of the airway, which is the cells basically are. The charcotleyden crystals can really stem from any allergic reaction, but its often seen in asthma because the literal definition of asthma includes that it is an" abnomal response to an assortment of stimuli". Thats really all I have for you about that topic, friend.

Its too new to know for sure. You are inhaling a man made substance, so to some degree, yes it is going to be bad for you. Some studies show it is relatively harmless, while others show that it causes an incurable disease called "popcorn lung" (google it). Decide for yourself.

The popcorn lung thing is only from a certain juice that has since been phased out.

How fucked are you if you breathe in some asbestos?

At first, not much. I've already told someone else to just google COPD and the effects cigarettes have on your body. There are too many to talk about in one thread. Just know that the longevity of smoking can be just as detrimental as the amount you smoke per day. It takes 100 cigarettes at any point during the span of your life to put you at risk for COPD.

Yes. Marijuana still deposits tar in the lung. Quite alot actually. Believe it or not, one rolled joint will deposit the same amount of tar in your lungs as an entire pack of cigarretes will. That being said, it still lacks the carcinogens and systemic depressing agents that cigarettes contain.

I have trouble breathing exclusively out of the right side of my face with moments of relief but strained breathing. I also have bad posture/balance on the right side and back pain. Do you know what this could be

How bad is the average of 1-2 cigars a week for your lungs? No cigs. Smoked usually indoors at a cigar shop/lounge.

There are two receptors in your brain that stimulate you to breathe. One that reacts to low oxygen, the other that reacts to high CO2 (thats really the main reason you breathe at all). People who are able to hold their breath for long periods of time have trained their body to do two things: use less oxygen on demand when activity levels are low, and they have dulled these receptors in their brain from holding their breath over and over. Its like doing a drug. The more you do it, the less responsive you are to it. Since these people have gone about holding their breath for so lung, their brain feels less of a drive to breathe from the lack of ventilation. Regardless, no matter who it is, if you hold your breath for long enough, you will pass out and your body will attempt to ventilate on its own again.

Occasionally, when I lie all the way back, I am unable to draw breath, and feel like I'm asphyxiating. It feels like when you exhale, but it still felt like cold air was present. Also, possibly related to my lungs, or just because I'm a fat fuck, I have symptoms similar to Tietze's Syndrome, except I'm not a 12-year-old girl. Wat do?

It's probably because you're fat. Belly fat puts a lot of pressure on the lungs and diaphragm. That's the number one cause of shortness of breath although people never think it.

Lose weight and your dyspnea will also start to slowly fade away

Sorry, friend. The questions are pouring in faster than I can keep up. Prolonged cocaine use, depending on how often you did it, doesnt have too many chronic cardiac effects since its a short term stimulant. The costochondritis doesn't sound too far off, though you could have an airway issue from the cocain, which can be assessed with a PFT. Remember your doctor has 10+ years of education, and if youve had several operations, youve also been evaluated by surgeons with 15+ years of education. If they didn't think anything different, your best bet it to consult with them, trust them, and find another doctor if you think you have to.

Yeah, I figured as much. It may not be your area of expertise, but any ideas about the second part? Thanks btw

thanks mate :) didnt mean to rush you

Respiratory therapist. Trust me if you want lol. I get more training on the lungs than any doctor other than an actual pulmonologist would. I've been consulted and asked for recommendations by plenty of physicians.

Pretty fucked. Asbestos particles are too small to deposit in the lung, but are also so small that they cant follow the current of air to be breathed all the way out. They're shaped like a saw. You breathe in and out and the particle runs up and down your airway over and over.

i just watched that seth rogan movie and now my lungs hurt when i laugh to ylyl threads, is that ok?
i been having heart attack symptoms lately, could be anxiety tho, should i call doctor?