Alexander H. Stephens, the vice president of the confederacy...

Alexander H. Stephens, the vice president of the confederacy, himself defended the true reason for the confederacy having left the union was the defense of slavery and is quoted:

>it's foundations laid, it's cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man, that slavery subordination to the superior race is his normal and natural position

>This our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.

The confederacy existed to be a nation built upon the subjugation of the minority of its people. So how then, could it's symbol, be considered positive in any light? I.E., heritage and not hate? That statement is an oxymoron.

If you fly this flag, you're a racist dumb shit. Come at me butthurt rednecks.

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yeah the people saying it's about principles/state rights are entirely revisionist.

nothing wrong with hating niggers but not knowing history is reprehensible.

there was a book a few years ago where someone cited a bunch of transcripts from confederacy politicians that were saying the same thing.


double faggot

glad to see the niggers have proven them wrong 150 years later

Thanks for at least coming out and saying that. You're still a racist piece of shit, but at least you're logically consistent. It's the cognitive dissonance of the civil war revisionist fucks that really makes my blood boil.

Thread theme

white people in the 1800's (and before) thought blacks were inferior. It's not like that's a huge shock to anyone. Black people have known that for hundreds of years now.

The mistake you race baiting neo-unionists make is that you focus on that white supiriority mentality in the south but ig nore that northerners and europeans of that era thought the same thing.

fuck niggers

If you believe racism is the reason why Blacks don't thrive in this country, you're a multicultural dumb shit. Blacks are inherently less intelligent, and in first-world civilizations which place a value on intelligence, Blacks are automatically relegated to the lowest classes by birth. As long as we continue convincing Blacks they are our equals and that "White privilege" and "systemic racism" are the reasons why they're not a winner, they will continue to resent us and hate us. Diversity and multiculturalism are ensuring that the West will be in a continuous state of conflict, and the inevitable outcomes can only be two things: war, or an averaging of our two peoples as we continue to mix and a collapse of the first-world as we're unable to sustain advanced civilization. With Africans projected to be half the world's population by the year 2100 due to their explosive birth rates, the future for the Earth appears to be much, much dumber. I blame Communism, Christian values and empathy in general. If only we were able to free ourselves of the bindings of compassion, we would have wiped their cursed race from the surface of the Earth and be traveling the stars by now.

All of his statements are true...

I never said I thought racism was the reason blacks don't thrive in America. Different issue entirely.

It's not entirely about slavery. The South was heavily invested in an economic system that, yes, is largely sustained by the involuntary labor of negro slaves. They had this system in place even before America became America and since then, it was a successful system that grew their economy for over a hundred years. And then along comes the Northern states, making it harder for you to sustain your economy as you had always done, dictating what you can and cannot do, which is where the debate over states' rights becomes important. And most importantly, the North didn't offer any viable alternatives, expecting the Southern state economies to just collapse and become dependent entirely on handouts from the North. Anyone with an ounce of pride would balk at this arrangement. The first American colonists balked at remaining economic vassals of the British Empire. Why shouldn't the Southern states secede when presented with a similar offer from their supposed Northern brethren?

The issue with states rights (and slavery) was that each sovereign state had the right to deal with slavery as it saw fit without interference from any other state or the federal government or the president. Whether each state wanted to end slavery or maintain it is irrelevant to states rights but we have plenty of empirical evidence that it would have ended in each state in its own time.

Then what's your issue? That rednecks that fly the rebel flag hate Blacks? Whoopty fucking doo! A lot of people hate Blacks because they have to interact with them and Blacks hold Whites in contempt. The "Black Lives Matter" movement has probably done more to create racism in the US than the rebel flag ever did to sustain it. And as the old racism is slowly undermined by cultural relativism and other bullshit ideologies, the blending of the races is furthered and conflict continues. Blacks are welcomed into the White systems, and they fail, and then they get angry.

I don't even give a shit about the flag, but Whites who want nothing to do with Blacks should have every right to not be forced to live around them. Whites who welcome Blacks into their communities and encourage mixing with them are retarded and will be the downfall of the West if we allow them to continue down this destructive path.

A small point of history. The "stars and bars" you show was the battle flag of the army of northern Virginia, not the confederate national flag.
The closest thing to a confederate national flag was the "bonnie blue flag that bears a single star.

replace slavery with CP and see how ridiculous your argument sounds.

oh wait, this is Sup Forums

the issue is when they fly it and claim it doesn't in any way denote racism, faggot. as someone else said here, it's the intellectual dishonesty that pisses me off

that's why I specified
>principles/state rights
it wasn't the principle, people weren't dying for states rights (at least not the people making decisions). they went to war and died because of the economic realities that would come of a stronger federal government (the end of slavery), it was entirely material.

Except that isn't the flag of the Confederacy, it's the battle flag which waved over the poor farmers and bare foot children defending their homes from Northern Soldiers burning down their homes, raping their mothers and sisters and generally killing them for the crime of rdistant rch people.

Not everyone in the south owned slaves, not all slaves were black. You can wave a flag honoring the rebel soldiers who just wanted to defend their homes caught between the invading union army and the tyrrany of the bible-brow beating government.

There is no shame in honoring the dead soldiers of a war which defined this country, whether you are the family of the winners or losers.

the Confederacy never really existed and never really had a flag. their battle flag is the most relevant representation they have

>the negro is not equal to the white man

They aren't, you delusional nigger loving faggot

Kill yourself

The CSA did exist even if it wasn't recognized, and it had several flags which changed so often for political reasons it got confusing on the battlefield, so people tended to flock toward the Battle Flag, or Naval Flag of Bonnie Blue which a majority of the scotch Irish rallied behind. This was the Soldiers choice, not the CSA government, and it was General Lee the soldiers respected, the guy actually on the field. Even Grant respected him, and it Lee fought to have blacks join and knew slavery was doomed... But he wouldn't watch 'his country' burn and fought back. Many respect him for that.

As for you general rebel soldier? There is a famous antidote, yeah sorry but still, where a union soldier asked a captured rebel why he fought, his answer?

"Because you're here"

A lot of lost causer revisionists would indeed bemoan and cry about 'the war of northern aggression' but that doesn't negate the damage of Sherman's march to the sea which even Licolin regretted.

The South fought and lost, but they still remember the people who died and cling to the dignity of 'fighting for what they believed in' which yes, some WHERE racist... but not all. Blacks fought on the confederate side too, even Indians...

We GET IT people were racist back then, but people still want to honor that sacrifice, even if it was misguided. Point is, they're dead, but we don't want to forget them and will try to remind people they weren't ALL racists nor fighting for racist reasons... especially near the end.

>the issue is when they fly it and claim it doesn't in any way denote racism

Well we can agree those people are retarded. It does, but I see nothing wrong with racism. It's a natural phenomena associated with being around Blacks and the shittier races. Fly on, Stars and Bars, fly on.

what a fucking retard you are

>Implying the US Civil War was about slavery.

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

On September 22 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, in which he declared that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves *IN STATES IN REBELLION AGAINST THE UNION* "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free."

>that isn't the flag of the Confederacy
Retard alert.
>Blacks fought on the confederate side too

Man I remember singing this shit in my Catholic elementary school. Pains me that it won't be sang in schools again unless multiculturalism is defeated. ;_:
>I Wish I Was in Dixie

I thought everyone with an education already knew this - oh, right.

Your redneck culture is like the mosquito. Eradicating it would do nothing but good for humanity.

both rednecks and hood rat blacks all need to be caged and drowned together

Heritage not hate. That means everybody.

Erasing history is a good way for it to repeat itself.
Yankee revisionism spiked by Tumblr tiered progressivism is a good way to make it happen again.


They behave more when under Chinese rule like in chocolate city.

Detroit and SA lol, you whites went full retard and let Shaka loose after giving him infrastructure.

Can you guys get any more dumb?

I'm reporting you to the FBI

Being "logically consistent", what flag SHOULDN'T be banned? I'm sure every country has its dark chapters.

racist... yes.. dumb no. Have you seen crime statistics?

> crime stats therefore the confederations has nothing to do with all da slavery


Exactly the point. This "ban the (not actually) confederate flag" bullshit is just some hyped up liberal noise.

pic related

LOL u reported urself too what a chod