Been binge watching breaking bad and wondering...

Been binge watching breaking bad and wondering, is it really that simple to make methamphetamines or is there more to it? Your thoughts Sup Forumsros?

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Sort of. You can learn how to make it at low purity and yields but if you want to make the kind of shit at the purity Walt made it, that takes a chemist and good equipment/precursors.

Not speaking from experience, I just know enough methheads that have cooked/supervised a cook before that will tell you all about it AT GREAT LENGTH if you are unfortunate enough to ask.

well I mean meth heads make it soooo. but really yeah it just wont be as pure as the shit you could make in a lab when you're using a gatorade bottle and lithium batteries

Crank is super rash to make but you can blow yourself up easily also. I don't know how to make clear.

Op here. By no means an expert, nor have i ever cooked before, but i love chemistry and grasp their concepts easily. I feel like if i "study" more, i could probably try this, or other things that require extensive use of chemistry

it's a work of fiction, Breaking Bad.

simple enough to do with correct ingredients and equipment, obtaining said things is difficult however, good luck.

I knew a kid who cooked when i was in just for the love of chemistry, or so he says

It's not difficult necessarily to do the reactions, but the difficult part is getting your yield rates as close to 100 as possible. That's where the sterile environment, careful calculation and measurement, and good laboratory techniques are really needed. In the show Walt had won a Nobel prize in chemistry and helped start a huge chemistry company with his friend from university, which is why he was able to make 98% pure products.

Some of said ingredients being??

just grow weed bro, way easier

If you don't know the ingredients then you don't know the chemical reactions involved and can't do the calculations needed. So you'd just be using word-of-mouth recipes from meth heads. But even then you'd know what ingredients are needed.

Go do some homework, friend.

But growing requires less intelligence and a lot less chemicals. Jus sayn

yeah so that makes it easier, so, fuck me?


It's a piece a piss, I made some a few years back, making LSD-25 now.
Next making Heroin from morphine, from codeine.
Making everything I need myself.

I made the meth the same way as BB but I was making it before the program started, making methalimne is better than getting all the ephedrine, it's pretty easy.

I took ap chem.... Challenge accepted

are you growing your own ergot culture?

Google: meth shake n bake

It aint hard.
The hardest part is the sulphur, but it can be done with time.

What said.
I said it's easy, but everything is easy when you know how.
I do have money, but I think it only cost me around £300 for a set up.
I read up and tried things out for about 6 months.
I have no background in this stuff. I just had a lot of time, and interest.

Yes, but with the meth, it's not to consume, I do have a friend who will try anything; but I'm just going it for fun, so on a really small acale, I made 73grams of meth. I'm still working on the LSD, maybe have a product in two months.
I should have LSA by tomorrow, but that's to easy to make, and the side effects, who knows with this extraction... my friend will find out I guess soon enough.

just order a 50gal drum from china.

How are you going to evaporate the products under vacuum, do you have your own DIY rotary evaporator or something?

73g's? Damn bruv, for 300 quid?

> is it really that simple to make methamphetamines

I didn't know BB made it out to be simple. Looked pretty complex on the show to me.

Truth of the matter is it isn't super hard. I've known people that do it.... but still harder than you think.

There IS some basic knowledge of chemical procedures and safety needed. You can find the techniques online (but use proxies or vpns) don't just openly search it.

Here is the hard parts. Everything you need is watched closely. It will generate highly explosive fumes, for instance if you do it in the basement, the pilot light on your furnace could cause an explosion. Those fumes are also quite stinky, they will cling to your clothing and stink up a whole house. It will likely be able to be smelled outside too.

And the worst most dangerous part of it, dealing with meth heads. They may actually be more fucked up than crackheads... They will steal anything not nailed down, rob people, tell on you if they get caught.

I'd say the most dangerous component of the whole thing is the incredibly unstable people. If you EVER mention that you're the cook you're fucked, robbed at best, turned into the police at worst.... but probably both, the meth head gets the most money out of it, that way.

See, the thing about any drug production is IT MUST BE KEPT SECRET. From fucking everyone, how can you expect anyone to keep a secret that you yourself, couldn't keep. And when you start making good money, it's easy to want to brag.... but that's the source of nearly everyone's problems...

I'm sensing another Paradise Valley in the future here Sup Forumsros, praying to kek user doesn't live near me

Can i have a recipe for the lsd-25?

The act of making methamphetamine is simple, with enough practice you will get good at it.

The question becomes all of waste materials that come out of the manufacturing process that cause problems. The other question becomes who you're going to distribute it to, and that's where things get scary.

I agree with what the other guy said earlier that you should just grow weed, growing good weed isn't easy either, and you won't be distributing a hated poison onto society.

Not that guy but here is a guide i found.

Thank you so much, user. If theres a surplus on the black markets in the future, you know who made it happen.

>And the worst most dangerous part of it, dealing with meth heads.
this. As dangerous as (I hear) it is, dealing with the clientele should be enough to dissuade you from doing it.

parazite has a html file on how to manufacture meth.

There is really ghetto ways of making it called "shake and bake" where you basically just throw a concoction of shit into a 2 liter bottle. Going to be impure as shit but it will be meth.

Try shake and bake by all means if you dont like your hands