You cringe you lose

You cringe you lose

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It'll take some serious shit OP. Give me your worst.



fake, he will never reproduce

>I #FeelTheBern because my husband is a beta faggot


Pretty cool King George is your grandfather




Why do these idiots compare and treat science like a religion?


>I need feminism because I'm a cuck that gives woman to much credit.




because they are expecting science to "deliver" them or some shit. they are expecting it to make them whole or happy, when it is not made to do either.

Because they're still mired in the philosophy of belief. They are not in the slightest atheistic.

Faggots get credit?
I thought they were supposed to be opressed?

The irony is he's the one treating her like shit. This is actually really funny.


Just go to /X/ and you'll find a lot of these



>implying that faggot will breed

i just want to puch this face

don't really get whats so cringy about this, people with these kinds of conditions really need these affirmative comments.

This Nikolai ll

Mate, Nickolas II never had grandkids

No they don't. most people would be at peace with themselves and see straight through the shallow bullshit.

What's the fucking plan here?

why is oinkers wearing a sweater and boots?

When shallow girls give obvious bullshit comments like "you're so beautiful, teach me your secrets!" and think it's good karma, it's cringe as fuck.

They definitely don't need that.
The fact that she's saying ignore my face is bad though. She should just not put her face in the pic.

Don't just repost the shit from the previous thread you guys

Because it's all bullshit. Would you like being lied to?

>user, your dick is so massive!
>Have you been losing weight!?

See what I mean?

Nice Clannad reference.

How fake it is makes me sick, she shouldn't be deluded either or else it will burn her even harder later on.

What they how ever could do is provide sincere honest feedback on something that she can actually fucking do, maybe she's a good painter or a skilled ventriloquist. Give the poor girl a compliment based off actual truth

Tommorrow walk up to a midget and go brooo brooo broooo your so tall man... huge bloke!!

Get fucked in the ass By a micropenis and scream too big stop!

Own what you got and find what you can do

Weabboo faggot

Yeah, well Albert Fish probably looked like a pretty respectable guy from his oldskool portrait too. Doesn't mean he wasn't a sick individual.

Can't even spell weeaboo. What a fucking idiot.
Let alone assuming because Someone knows the name and plot of one anime they are a weeb. Nice insult. You compensating for something?

Have some OC...

This guys posts pictures of himself in used diapers on his facebook (also obviously a furry)... Humanity is dead


that comment at the bottom

>looks like someone needs a changie

yeah, total fucking pedophile.

>complaining about anime on a website made from japanese code
>complaining about anime on a website created FOR anime discussion

>not being a YLYL /bread

topped kekked

posted this on his facebook aswell.. wtf i dno man


holy fuck

They're saying things that are clearly not true. It's not far off bullying.

In fact, it's probably worse than bullying. At least the bullies know they're bullies. These girls trying to outdo each other rubbing hollow compliments in this girl's face will claim to be trying to raise her self esteem, when really they're only doing it for themselves. To make them feel an unwarranted sense of good about themselves. To make sure everybody on Facebook can see what a fucking great person they are.

Meanwhile the ugly girl knows fine fucking well how ugly she is and has to deal with the comments she knows are fake and ungenuine. She could have something else going for her - a talent, a sense of style, muscial ability - anything that could be complimented but instead she's reminded about her appearance that she can't do much about.


Name one thing he did wrong.

>is relatively attractive blonde, blue-eyed, young man
>drank the Kool-Aid and became a goddamn cuck
Fuck, I hate this generation so much. I would have wanted to fuck you if you weren't such a pussy.

>my wife's son
this gotta be a bait

>Anita Sirkeesian

my lungs escaped the universes expansion

Gotta say that's a pretty good one there.

Thank you for conclusively answering a question I have been researching for several decades. The answer was no.

The question was: is there a limit to how much of a faggot you can be?


entertain the idea, perhaps, that their world is not as grim and bitter as your own, and that their praise and approval is genuine?

Don't forget the trendy faggot tattoo.

Oi is that Mathew?

>sick individual

if you have a horribly burnt face and i followed you around all day and told you how handsome you look, how would you feel? are you retarded?

I lost so hard it hurts

audible kek

The crashes and bumps must've damaged their brain by now. It's actually more common than you'd think.

its fraggin noah worwee


>implying they will ever procreate

does he think hes chitoge or something?

of course the fedora

Aw shit sorry m8E

Dequandro didn't tip you off?

this is not cringe tho.

>is a girl
>is a faggot for wanting to fuck guys

>dont add this to your fetish blog
i wont add this shit anywhere but on an ad for birthcontrol

>their praise and approval is genuine
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum, well...

>sniff this stinker

You are so full of shit. Even the bog monster knows it's bullshit.
>"awwwweh thank you but nah"

i dont want to live on this planet anymore

It's on Facebook, they aren't saying those things because they actually give a shit.
It's because they know other people will see their comments about them "caring"

I hate this fucking planet.

>on horse
>this is an obvious typo for in horse

Tbh this fucker has probably never ridden a horse in his life. Either that or he did this one time in middle school. I swear to god people like this give actual equestrians bad names. When my friend hosted a summer camp one time, a couple of people were arrested for trying to fuck the horses. These autists can go to hell

is it really that hard to imagine? have you never met a happy person? someone that always sprouts positivity and tenderness? It's not a conspiracy, user, some people really do love life

go to your room and think why you're like this

Look at the horribly disfigured girl's picture again and tell me that.

Yes, yes, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, beauty can be more than physical, etc, etc, but look at that girl's photo and then the kind of overblown compliments she's getting.

Reality can be grim and harsh sometimes. Other times it isn't. The girl's reality concerning her appearance is that she's hideous. That's only one aspect of her though. Could the vapid commenters not compliment her boots that look pretty cool? Her love for animals? No, they had to fucking bullshit her im a way that was clearly self serving.

the post itself is not cringy imo
but the commenters should meet a gruesome death

How beta you ve got to be to not say that its his son, or refer to him as his own son. Ive only heard that as an insult to beta cucks, but does acutally someone say this way. Fucking pathetic

imagine how autistic the 2090's generation will be tho, i bet they will consider the furry photo normal

But it's objectively a lie. Those superficial sluts call people ugly probably twice a week. They just did this to pretend to be kind, that's the cringe. And imagine that poor girl reading theough all those comments, knowing they are all lies.


Look, brah, if they're saying "teach me your secrets", they are full of shit. Tell an uggo she's beautiful, sure, on the inside maybe, but don't be so condescending as to pretend you would ever ask a bitch with those contours about makeup advice or whatever, okay? It's nonsense and it's doing more harm than good.

witnessed, also nice.

a lot of people don't think in the materialistic, obvious, 'logical' way that Sup Forums tends to think in. Yes, people are vain and shallow, and no, I am not one of the people who would say it in good conscience. But I an also see there are people different than me, who spread genuine kindness and care

you do not know what objective means

so much this.
i feel more sorry for her for getting such obviously bs comments.
they dont mean it genuine - all they care is about making themselves feel better.

Obviously you're the one who hasn't seen enough basic human interaction. Go live in a city or populated area, or work in the service industry and you'll quickly learn how fucking two faced people.

No one goes out of their way unless they benefit from it.

There are good and nice people in the world, but just read those comments and you can clearly see how shallow they are.

Yes I have thanks for noticing, hold let me suck some dicks and take nigger cock up my ass while I start another cringe thread.

That's actually really hot.

For an insecure faggot calling faggot? Lol.

You're clearly not one of these postive people.

People aren't happy and positive because of a complete denial of reality, you fucking retard. They're that way because they can see the positive side of things, and they deal with negative things in a positive way. They don't go around claiming that something negative is actually really a positive. Fat feminists do that shit and look how well adjusted they are.