Old thread reached bump limit What criteria do you use when rating films and why? Is any criteria absolutely 'correct?'
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Se o pojjaat sillee että tää langu on julistettu Suomelle
Reminder that enjoyment and quality are two different things, and anyone intending to be patrician works with the distinction
>Attractiveness of the female lead/support
In that order.
Bad post.
true patricians enjoy good movies and don't enjoy bad movies.
end of discussions
>true patricians enjoy good movies and don't enjoy bad movies.
kill you're self
>that one guy within a general trying desperately to force a meme
maybe you should go to a non-anonymous forum where you can be a special snowflake with your own sig and shit
There is a great article about this failed movie called Empires of the Deep if anyone is interested
This guy gets it.
Suomi /lbg/ aika taas?
Give me some great movies from the 60s to put on the watchlist
>t. Refn
t. neekeri
Going on a good streak, friendo
30s need to be between 20s and 80s, other that it's spot on
I know f a m might watch something shit in the next couple of days just to balance things out
Dumb ghettoposter
Why you ignoring the 80's, 90's(XIX), 00's and 10's(XX), you fucking bigot?
nice meme account. I am laffin
Hello team!
Hope you’ve got your flat shoes on, because our red carpet is a stiletto-free zone. Some people don’t even own a full pair of shoes, you know? Aaanyway, congratulations to Ken Loach on his Palme d’Or win for I, Daniel Blake. Check your Cannes-cred with this list of every Palme d’Or nominee since 1946 and get a few good ones in before blockbuster season hits us with its overblown, 180-minute mallet. Or perhaps just check out Shane Black’s latest noir action comedy for something with a little more kiss kiss, bang bang.
Happy watching,
The Letterboxd crew
What did they mean by this?
It's real, add me bitch.
Why do they have to talk in such a faggy way? Yikes
>Malick's paternal grandparents were Assyrian Christian immigrants from Syria and Lebanon
>watching television
>not watching television
TV is lowest-common-demoninator's pleb medium. 'the fuck outta here.
Wasn't it milked enough already?
OH get a load of this guy
pleb n' proud. I like it. I respect it.
If a guy with total shit taste and not that many movies watched adds you. pls no bully just let him see what you guys like so he can expand his tastes.
so this is the power of Chinese cinema....
It depends on his attitude and dedication to evolve. If the lad is a pleb cunt, he gets the heat.
don't you dare follow me you cretin
i need to start waking up earlier goddamn
true, my guy.
i don't even interact with my followers unless they comment on my shit
Can you explain why you put GITS2 in your favorites. I´ve watched it only once and I hated back then but it´s with "I´m a cyborg but that`s okay" with films I need to rewatch
Just to get you started,
La Dolce Vita
The Exterminating Angel
The Fire Within
The Woman in the Dunes
Red Desert
Au Hasard Balthazar
Marketa Lazarova
My Night at Maud's
Funeral Parade of Roses
thanks man
i put INNOCENCE in my favorites because it's one of my favorite films
but for a response that's not a tautology, i find it incredibly fascinating. it's more well-rounded than its predecessor, effectively fleshing out its characters and the world they live in. i was really taken in by its visuals, too - the contrast between the 3D environments and 2D character models really emphasizes the depersonalization i imagine would be experienced in such a future.
>one word reviews
i put INNOCENCE in my favorites because it's one of my favorite films
but for a response that's not a tautology, i find it incredibly fascinating. it's more well-rounded than its predecessor, effectively fleshing out its characters and the world they live in. i was really taken in by its visuals, too - the contrast between the 3D environments and 2D character models really emphasizes the depersonalization i imagine would be experienced in such a future.
how much of an autist would you have to be to react like that to a one word review
>mfw I realize I have never seen a movie from Bresson
Dumb animeposter
>one word reviews
Okay I´ll keep that in mind when I rewatch it
>not ironically posting anime
>when the one word review is Ugh...
>one word reviews
>one word reviews
>two word reviews
>one word reviews
NOW I'm done with the semester. Jesus Christ. Got to catch up up on /lbg/ and actual movies
>one word reviews
apparently /lbg/ is just
>one word reviews
now, so i don't think there's much to catch up on
Sounds like shit my senpai
Might write a review on The Nice Guys. Wanna watch it again though.
Dumb ghettoposter
i was curious to see it but i'm unemployed at the moment and can't afford to go to the theater
did you like it? i've heard pretty much nothing but good things
>9999999999 word review
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied
Everyone goes 'round a little empty inside
Take a breath, look around
Swallow your pride for now
Nothing lasts, life goes on
Full of surprises
You'll be faced with problems
Of all shapes and sizes
You're going to have to make
A few compromises for now
But only for now
Only for now
Only for now
Only for now
For now we're healthy
For now we're employed
For now we're happy
If not overjoyed
And we'll accept the things
We cannot avoid, for now, for now
For now, for now
But only for now
Only for now
Only for now
Only for now
Only for now
For now there's life
Only for now
For now there's love
Only for now
For now there's work
For now there's happiness
But only for now
For now discomfort
But only for now
But now there's friendship
Only for now
For now
Only for now
Only for now
Is only for now
Is only for now
Is only for now
Don't stress, relax
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes
Everything in life is only for now
Each time you smile
It'll only last a while
Life may be scary
But it's only temporary
Everything in life is only for now
What the fuck was his problem?
>Only for now
>Is only for now
>Is only for now
>Is only for now
It's good. Did you like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? You'll like this
I manually typed out senpai, desoo
Dumb animeposter
i despise the indiana jones `flicks`
Dumb dumbposter
I haven't seen it, but i like Shane Black, so i'm sure it'll be fine.
Care to explain why
They're better than your favorite flicks I bet
That's kind of bizarre, especially since it's really his only directorial film of note. Pirate kkbb, see nice guys when you get around to it
Based Malick
Teernse Malk is terrible
T. Person who pretends to be way smarter than they actually are
I hate Teernse Malk
>This passes for humour on /lbg/
the sky trembles was crazy, i'm regretting not going to the panel in manchester
connor i think i saw you there if you were the guy with the shopping bag near the front
dont like the jokes, indy is too macho and the plots of the movies are too dumb imo. the first one is okay at best for me, rest suck
Amazing how this thing got to be. Maybe not on the surface, but still. Arriving from some loose place to there up high. Really makes one wonder. Am I too accepting of their influence? Numb goes the mind craving them answers. Treason to oneself is hard to see. Hard that it be, it's now and here.
Dumb Dumb dumbposter poster
Shut the fuck
>indy is too macho
>still glorifying overblown machismo
if Indy is too macho I wonder how you feel about Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson
they're too macho
>Indy is too macho
Hello Lyzette. Only boys are allowed in this thread.
t. embryo
>it´s a nu-male episode
cinemos when?
sinful pic
what do you have against tennis
Is that Liv Tyler? Holy shit