Not in Deathmarch

not in Deathmarch

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Is Racquetball popular in Mexico? Our female NT is 100% Mexican immigrants lol

>Unbeaten in 555 consecutive matches over 5 years and 8 months

i bet if you put a 2 cylinder honda motorcycle engine, attach twin turbo with a MGU-K/H attachment, along with Pirelli Ultra Softs, all whilst adding wings for optimal down force and certainly not forgetting the reliable Volvo trans and drivetrain our lady Esther here would be competitive in the 400m to 1600m Paralympic events.

I feel like a pathetic little piece of shit for fapping to this poor woman. Will the ride ever end?

>this poor woman
That's disrespectful. She's very successful.

>This poor woman
How exactly is she a 'poor woman'
she's achieved more than you ever will, people know who she is, who are you?

she was left paraplegic after I finished fucking her

I don't understand the point of wheelchair tennis. They use the same court and net as normal tennis. You can't wheel over and swing the racket fast enough to repond, so the game just ends up being a bunch of return-aces or faults. Boost a bit of skill and spectatorship by shrinking the court a bit for some rallying


she looks decent af, too

I knew this thread would be made by a Norwegian flag when I opened it from the catalog.

How did you know?


Because you post not-so-subtle threads about your fetish on Sup Forums and Sup Forums every week.

It's not a fetish. I'm genuinely interested in Paralympic sports.
>Unbeaten in international competitions for 13 years
>9 times world champion (for 10 years straight)
>12 times european champion (for 12 years straight)

I understand. Most of the women you post are pretty cute desu.
Keep doing you, you magnificent cripplefucker.

Did someone need to pick her up, undress her, and put her back down naked into the wheelchair?

Jesus, even as cripples, women find a way to be vain and attention seeking

she should hack off and auction her feet

shit sports with no competition. im undefeated in kickball against my little sisters who cares

Do you have any particular favourites among Paralympic sports?
No, she's perfectly capable of doing that herself.

Ever fucked a crippled girl?

This thread is about Esther Vergeer and other dominant athletes, not "fucking a crippled girl".

>Most dominant athlete ever

That would be Anne-Caro Chausson from France.

Yeah so... have you ever fucked a cripple girl?

No, why do you ask?

oh i just thought it would be cool. thats okay.

its about whatever we want, faggot,

fuck the cripple

what an interesting read. The guy who took his crown was american i started to feel good about my country. Then I saw that dude was on biggest loser later. Fuck america get it together

he didnt even lose he fucking quit. quit biggest loser holy fuck
>the guy who beat him
>"The harrowing experience cost Gardner the middle toe on his right foot, which he keeps in formaldehyde in a jar in his refrigerator, to remind him of his mortality."

Well, there's that.