What's this guys name again?

What's this guys name again?


i think that's...tom cruise

David Scheckelberg


Arnold Schwartznegger

Nah Blondi is his German Shepherd


You guys are all fucking idiots. that fucking Adolf Hitler

twilight sparkle

darude sandstorm

Not falling for this.

Benedict Cumberbatch

no it isn't, you fucking retard

Nah man, that's not it. It's his twin, Adolfo Hitlero.

nobody ever has had this name

Arnold Hinckley



Trump is*


Um.... Adolf Hitler?

Abradolf Lincler, who rescued the jews during american civil war II

You stupid jack ass, get yourself educated. That's obviously young bendidick cucumberpatch.

The feel when he will never come back to save us from globlism.

His name is beenthatdick Cuminthatbitch

That's Captain Beefheart and his dog Frank


Pretty cool picture. Saved.