Actors you lost respect for by doing capeshit
What happened
Any actor who has ever done Capeshit. Nobody comes out with their reputation intact. Remember when Fassbender was the freshest meme actor? Now he may as well be mickey mouse, doing literally video game flicks.
Most recent example is Oscar Isaac. So much hype and good will. Then he did star shit and capeshit and he will never be taken seriously in a real film again.
But I've never done capeshit, OP
ITT: dummy who hasn't seen the movie yet making unwarranted claims.
You respected one of Weinstein's cock sleeves?
I'm sorry to hear that
Weinstein biopic starring steven seagal when?
Even if it was out I wouldn't watch it because it's capeshit and capeshit is for children
what would it be called?
>capeshit is for children
>starts thread about capeshit
Idiot. How's it feel having such strong opinions on children's movies?
Above The Law
>now, I will snatch every motherfucker Waifus punani
>says she tired of superhero movies
>get older and more irrelevant
>sell out for capeshit
OP is an infantile faggot. A lot of venerable actors like Gene Hackman, Jack Nicholson, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen played parts in capeshit and they were great there.
Wait, what? What capeshit is she in?
aren't you the same guy that'll be watching x-men apocalypse as soon as you can download it?
She did Blue Jasmine and Carol recently, two movies that at least gave her nominations.
Upcoming Thor kino
Thor, the new one.
Is that the title?
Must be, nobody cares
Thor: Ragnarok. Cate plays Hela, the villain.
Will also include Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster (who loves making high stakes bets), Karl Urban as Skurge (muscle enforcer), Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, and Mark Ruffalo as Hulk.
>respecting a homewrecking whore
would still bang/10 though
Shit. She's in capeshit and it's the worst of the worst, Thor? Holy fuck why couldn't she at least be like based Tilda in Dr Strange?
Or does this mean Thor will be good? Trailer or anything out yet?
>openly admit to hating comic book movies years ago
>will likely play the victim card all throughout the press tour
>hurr comics books are rooted in misogyny guise that's why I played the villain
>mfw capecucks will defend this
If Maika Monroe ever does capeshit I'll kill myself.
She is tossed between Allen and Weinstein
First i was a little sad that she would be in a Marvel movie, true... but then i remembered that she was in the Hobbit movies and in Cinderella, so... she will return to serious movies soon. Also she is doing a lot of Broadway stuff and she is even better on stage than in movies.
Bet she gets childhood flashbacks when they fuck. Woody Allen knows the merits of reminding women of their fathers. True alpha, even if he is a 4'8" hunched Jew.
>implying LotR isn't capeshit
It's a children's book but not a children's picture book.
Well she is in Independence Day 2 if that is close enough.