Jesus what the fuck, Brazil
Jesus what the fuck, Brazil
Looks like the Indians got to it.
Didn't know Rio had that much Irish pride
The colour of zika
My aunt lived in front of there, this shit is abandoned, nothing new this green color
designated shitting pool
i-i-i-is it supposed to be green?
They put a shitload of chemicals to prevent Zika, that shit can't be good for the athletes
>all the divers end up with diseases way worse than zika because of anti-zika precautions
blood is thicker than water they said
black people don't go to sporting events
Some pools have green tiles. Big whoop.
It rained yesterday.
quit being sensible. this is an opportunity for banter, shitposting, and memes
>I've never seen a saltwater pool
Flyovers pls
Canadian broadcasters asked about why the water was fucking green and officials refused to comment
Water polo players piss
>numale coast cuck can't even swim without salt
How come the stands are so empty?
Is it lines?
Are the tickets to expensive for most locals?
>Are the tickets to expensive for most locals?
Yes, and many foreigners didn't buy tickets due to the Zika meme.
chinese pissed in it
Some Brazilian guy I know who is over there said that the tickets were expensive and that even the people able to buy tickets didn't because some of their interest doesn't go beyond football
Sun Yang peed there.
After soccer most brazilians only care about murdering people in their favelas and doing drugs, so yeah that makes sense
I was going to buy tickets for some of the fencing events but then I just decided to save the money and watch the games at home desu
That would make the water purple tho
dunno then
Maybe they colored it green to make the diving prettier.
There was heavy rain yesterday, our media said that's the cause
>tfw the mutant Olympics will be a thing in our lifetimes
Oh you lot are talking about the water. I thought you were laughing at the emptiness
>Is it lines?
>Are the tickets to expensive for most locals?
No. Most tickets were sold already. but there are problems, long queues for eating and entering the venus have been a hassle. Besides, Brazilians are mostly interested on watching Brazilians and nobody else.
So they may leave the venue for a time (to eat, loiter about etc) or at all if there isn't one of us competing.
Then how come the other pool is still blue?
>believing your corrupt media
I read it was intentional, don't ask me why
It's algae from the heat. Someone forgot to treat the water with chlorine.
The media is not corrupt or biased at all, if you understood portuguese you could see by yourself. We are por but we are a free nation
If anything the media is anti-brazilian
Epic. Our media was much more truthful than foreign media in this Olympics, by a wide margin.
>The media is not corrupt or biased at all
Menstrual blood
>not biased and corrupt
is this bait?
hues how the fuck does the pool go green. embarrassing. you are not white untill you can keep your pool crystal clear all year round
They definitely would not lie just to make Brazil look better, if anything they keep saying how much we suck and how much our economy is in the trash right now. They may be biased against local political parties (PT), but they don't lie or make shit up. They are not even close to true biased media like the RT, CNN, or the north korean agency TV.
What you are posting about, foreign? You don't even live here.
You guys are foreign and probably don't know a word of Portuguese, i really doubt any of you know anything about Brazilian media, so why are you posting?
Nah mate, he is right. Our media haven't been biased at all in this coverage, on the other hand, foreign media has been lying and blowing things out of proportion so to fit their narrative for a long time.
you are a clearly a VPN user, Brazil doesn't speak brazilian they speak brazilian
you fucking retard
>Brazil doesn't speak brazilian
I mean to say portugues
Não cara, no Brasil é tudo só corrupção, todo mundo aqui é vagabundo querendo roubar gringos, mulher rebolando e gente bebendo esgoto.
ayy macaco
This thread gets more retarded by the minute. First a south african (!) saying we want to be white, now i can't even understand this fucking leaf.
itt people without pools at home
Did they also say it only rained over that pool?
South Africa is a white country.
They didn't bother cleaning it since it wouldn't be used today.
No. Being green means something is off, it means something is growing in the water. It's probably due to but it also means it wasn't properly treated since.
Did POO participate in swimming categories?
Italy asking the right question here.
Yeah sure. Just because a few whites from the apartheid era play white sports doesn't mean most of their population is white.
Com certeza. O pior é ver os vira-latas que defendem essa narrativa e só postam memes ou risadas quando alguém tenta argumentar com eles.
that's not it, there's a cover over the pool to protect from rain. you can see by the shadows. it just happens that in the moment of the photo the light through the cover was making the pool look green
It's green because whichever fucker is responsible for chlorinating the water "forgot" to do it last night and now there's a shit load of algae growing in there.
No wonder Brazil is such a shithole when nobody "remembers" to do their fucking job.
go empty your shit basket
o país não tem muros nem portas, dá pra sair caminhando se quiserem
Are you mad? Your country is like 90% nigger, the white people live in secluded areas. You are also the rape capital of the world. Stop acting like you are white.
see what, bastard? sunlight changes during the day
ignorance at its finest
>Brazilians in charge of adding stabilizer to prevent the sun from burning out the chlorine in the pool
Water maintenance is easy. If they had looked into copper ionizers shit would be clear as fuck.
so why is it used then?
Go watch the diving.
The pool was green. None of this bullshit about covers. From any angle and even from underwater the pool was green.
They could have just used a salt system instead of chlorine.
nah its dat rayyycist sun angles
>They definitely would not lie just to make Brazil look better
But this is exactly what they do. Brazilian media exists to please the people, not to inform them.
Did you watch the diving? Yes or no?
Nobody knows yet. They will release a explanation in the next hours. What is strange is that only one is green.
>Thinking salt systems aren't chlorine
You must be the dumbest motherfucker in this thread.
so the ocean is yellowish
>taking a screenshot of an image so that it's compressed and unreadable
>not just saving the image
>that pathetic attendance
Is this the WOAT modern olympics? They could have moved this olympics to somewhere else and no one would noticed seeing as no one has bothered to turn up for anything.
Show me only one recent piece (since the start of the olympics) where they do that. Also show me also foreign news articles talking about the same subject. You can't do that because you know you are full of shit.
How can I shoot blue and red arrows from my fingers huehue-sempai?
>You must be the dumbest motherfucker in this thread
That's not what I meant you idiot. I was talking about different delivery systems.
There's no event happening in that image yet. If you watched you would see it was at least 90% full.
this is what caused it
There's the polo pool right next to it that's blue
This is what you get for letting the third world host the Olympics
What a fucking joke
>literally blaming the sun
Hues in full damage control
My swimming pool is the light blue all year round
>tfw indoor pool