Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact...

Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species

Trips decide the nigger species name and will forever be used to classify niggers.

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World without whites.

Day 1, Morning: The blacks wake up, but sense that something is wrong. There is no radio and no T.V. Electrical power is partially gone. Venturing out into the world Realizing this, they immediately begin to loot.It’s a free for all. Windows are broken, cars are stolen from garages & parking lots. By the afternoon, most valuables in stores & private homes have been stolen.

By the end of the First Week: Electrical power is all but gone. Working blacks are beginning to understand the nightmare. But no one listens to them; they are "Uncle Tom's". There is no government, no order. There is nothing to stop them. By the end of the First Month: Looting & anarchy continue. War begins among black gangs as they battle for territory & vanishing resources. There is no longer any electricity, and most fresh food has spoiled. Fires are widespread from looting, and very few know how to put them out. There is no more tap water.

By The End Of The Third Month: Canned food can still be found but fresh water, milk, bread & produce are non-existent. Gasoline becomes scarce. Garbage & sanitation services are gone, & diseases begin to rise. Some hospitals are still running but with almost no trained staff.

By The End Of The First Year: Starvation is rampant. Food becomes the most valuable thing in the "New Black America." Trees are cut down for firewood. Many die from cold. Most infants do not survive, as medical care becomes non-existent. A few blacks hoard all the food for themselves by the use of force (just like Africa today.). Blacks begin to reorganize by tribes. Gangs rule the city. Travel is almost impossible, except on horseback, & gangs frequently murder travelers. Nomads now roam from destroyed town-to-town looking for food. All farm animals have been slaughtered.

By The End Of Five Years: Nearly 2/3rds of the blacks are dead. The life span is down to about 35 years, as it is in many black countries in Africa today.

they can interbreed tho

[citation needed]

roll for niggers


Where d8d you gwt this? I love it and im using it for my college essay

Blackinus spooki.

Found it online somewhere kek.

Nigerous dindu

homogenious harambeious

Roll for this


This one, A+

rolling for this too

We can still interbreed, which means we're by definition the same species, there's no getting around that.

Still rolling for "Homo Stultus" meaning "dumb man" in contrast to "Homo Sapiens" meaning "wise man".


Stop this

Now we're getting somewhere

Bigger detected


On the Creation of Niggers: By H.P. Lovecraft

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

The Harambe facebook meme needs to die.


master race

Él que no tiene dinga tiene mandinga.

Is that Leslie?

That's just unfortunate.

different species cant breed with each other.

You sure?

Is that Harambe? Holy fuck that shit is nasty.

Rolling for this.

and of course the fag gets the trips

lions and tigers.

Rollan again.




well got trips i say Homo-Harambe


It is decided.

But think about all the potential fire mixtapes and urban fashion!

Ever heard of sheep and goats doing it? Or lions with leopards? For fucks sake a mule is just the half breed baby of a horse and a donkey

gr8 b8 m8

lions and leopards are both part of the cat species horse and donkey are both equine species

I’m a white male and I am prejudiced. And the reason it is is something I wasn’t taught but it’s kind of something that I learned. When I open up the papers, I get very discouraged at what young black males are doing to each other, and the crime rate. I understand that they live in an environment with a lot of drugs—you have to get money for drugs—and it is a deep issue that goes beyond that. But when, I have these different fears, and I don’t want my fears to come true. You know, so I try to avoid that and I come off as being prejudiced, but I just have fears. I don’t like to be forced to like people, I like to be led to like people through example. What can I do to change? You know, to be a better American?


lions and leopards are of the felidae genus (cat FAMILY) however they are separate species. Same goes for horses and donkeys, same family (equine genus) but different species. Species dose not mean family.


I'd watch that, and I fucking hate sitting and staring at the fucking tv.

Homosexualus shitstankius

>So close

untermenschus retardicus

Was that written by a retard?


dindus nuffinus




Post some fucking gore or scat. It's better than a fucking fat gorilla.


Fucking bestiality? Come on.

someone pulled his nigger trigger



Homo Pefectus


you think that makes me mad?
kek try harder nigger
then again the only ego defence you guys use is "muh dick"

Psssst, you're being baited


i know but just in case ;)


They all can breed but are left with sterile offspring due to the nature of their chromosomes.

>is mad

> basic digital security



is that Nas? Say no please

Win has already been had. Read the thread faggots.
Homo Harambe confirmed

>1st month. I think you overestimate their chances.

Day1. All KFCs, Fil-a-Chcik looted and burned.
Day 2 Smart blacks realize the problem and take over a small but easy to defend places with lots of guns, like Army bases. Then raid for all supplies they can
Day3 No power, no water in outside world.

Day 10 No gasoline, food, most cities burned as no firefighters.

>has to choke her so she'll at least feel something

You do know our ancestors that migrated from Africa to Eurasia some 60 000 years ago they bred with Neanderthals. So in a sense pure African Niggers and Ausy niggers are the closest to the original Homo Sapien Sapien. Since we have Neanderthal DNA we should name each other differently I think Homo sapien niger would be good for niggers as we should call ourself Homo sapien master race.

Checked, homo harambe


Title for screenplay "28 Jimbos Later"

thank me with 200K in small bills



If two individuals can breed and create an offspring that can also breed, logically, the two individuals are of the same species.
>"muh but niggers have bigger lips and are genetically predisposed to smoking crack and promoting violence"
fuck off back to Sup Forums and join the rest of the paranoid, pseudo-scientific circlejerkers




Ho-ha(s) for short

well horses, donkeys, zebras, mules can breed, doesn't mean they're the same animal

>she was blacked

Mules cannot breed, none of the offspring of any of these combinations can breed, faggot

ugh is that nastyass leslie jones?

>Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species

Butt hurt nigger detected

so can dogs and coyotes
>, which means we're by definition the same species
no, not it doesnt
>cat species
>equine species

Sneak this mufucka into Harambe's cage and declare Resurrection.