Legit quick fast question

legit quick fast question

Aristoteles said that there arent no biological differences between slaves and the freeman. But if time pass and people that are slaves stay slaves and their kin stays that way to years to come. Wouldnt their body change depending on their environment, unlike the freeman?

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i mean ofcourse the freeman will also change, but rather a forced change for slaves than a fluid change for the freeman?


alright bet!

it would depend on if you used selective breeding in the slave to get the desired qualities you would want in said slaves

if the leaders decided they just take 100 random people and make them work breed normally and work with a strict line of work wouldnt it eventually just become a "trend" in their body?

i think it would develop muscle groups for the type of work they where made to do. ex make the work mines for 5 to 6 gens and they would be great miners. have them tend to farms and live stock for the same amount of time and they would be expert farmers


so with that assumtions in mind can i say that with time and different types of environment people who once was created as equal will later become different?

the fuck you talking about willis?

they will be the same but with different skill set. two groups of the same race and train them in different skills. they still are equal but know how to do something the other group may not know how to do as well

much appriciated!

Natural selection will do its job, but it will takes at lot of time.

For comparison, the ability to digest milk, which is a huge genetic advantage, exists since between 5000 and 9000 years.
Only 10 or 15% of the world population have this gene.

anywhere I can more of this?

and where in the world dont they have this gene?

Absolutely. Social factors have always played a roll in dividing a species into either competing species or a master and a slave race. Look at how differently people all around the world have evolved. We have only been out of Africa for some 100 thousand to 60 thousand years and you get entire regions with majority blonde hair and very light skin. It would take a lot more time than that to divide the human race into distinct species, as in: unable to interbreed.

How about you stfu and post more Dva

Absolutely wrong.


please do explain handsome

yes sir!

what you're forgetting about Fuckweed is that masters and their sons always fuck their slaves and the child of a slave is a slave no matter who Daddy is.

>anywhere I can more of this?
>and where in the world dont they have this gene?

Search lactose intolerance on Wikipedia, they should have all the details.

Basically, europeans and americans have it, but not asians neither black.

something mei for you

lets say the masters and sons are goodboys and keep their slangs in their pants then what?

Skill sets are learned, racial differences are inherent. Species split up and diverge to the point where they can no longer interbreed and become distinct species and that's surely not due to their skill set.

never happen. ever. not once in the history of man.

yeah... if you wait a couple million years

so what is the differences between africas population and europe?

Source pls

Well, the most obious would be the morphology: Larger skulls, flatter noses, black skin, curlier and thicker hair, longer legs, bigger feet for people in Africa.

Then the less obvious things: Higher testosterone production, bigger weakness to certain diseases (especially related to child birth, black women die four times more often from complications during pregnancy than white women, in the same country), life expectancy.

Now to the controversial stuff: Differences in intellect between the races (black

Do you mean socrates amd aristotle? Who the fuck i aristoteles

BTW, all living people may have a common ancestor around 7000 years ago.

Unfortunately, the blog article on the subject is not in english, but if you want scientific sources:

Rhode & al. 2004. -> nature.com/nature/journal/v431/n7008/full/nature02842.html
Derrida & al. 2000. -> sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022519300910956

exactly so if 2 different types of people are seperated enough in 2 different environments they will eventually create different strenghts and weaknesses?
