Okay, so the Milf Margaret wanted to whatsapp a pic of her pussy to her lover...

Okay, so the Milf Margaret wanted to whatsapp a pic of her pussy to her lover, but accidentally sent it to the high school hocky whatsapp group, which includes her daughters, friends and teachers!

She's the one on the right, the 3 left are her daughters.

Dubs get the daughters fb if you want to send them a message..

Mom right, three daughters left


How 'bout that?

the translation is:


'sorry everyone'

'sent to wrongly, intende for my husband, sorry everyone'

'Chris have you received it yet'

'Aren't you still on the wrong group?'

no more?


The number of the last messager is shown -- maybe she could be contacted

duubs 4 da noods


But guys... Het Chris al gery?

Welk taal is dit? Ik kan 't lezen maar moeilijk, soort van zware dialect ?!

It's Afrikaans

Lol, Chris het dalk al... ver weg uit die dorp uit!


Apparently the mother likes the young guys

The guy she whatsapped the photo to wasn't her husband

They are from a small town... imagine the akwardness

Bump for uncensored

Alright, here are the fb of the daugters:

facebook com/tesla.vanwyk

facebook com/chirisma.vanwyk

facebook com/sarene.vanwyk.73

Feel to ask them for some more pics..



I second this.