Dear Femanons:

Dear Femanons:

What's it like to always receive compliments? Like what does it do to your psyche to be constantly told you're beautiful/sexy/attractive etc. regardless of what you look like?

Even the most hideous hambeast can go online and get attention and compliments from literally hundreds of men, or go to the bar and have sex any time they want.

How does it affect you in your daily life?

I don't believe it because honestly, I'm obviously an internet dweller and I see women that look 10 billion times better than me.

I've posted on Sup Forums a few times. Sure the compliments are nice but, in reality, how will it ever actually benefit me? Looking "cute" will never hand me a job, or give me my diploma any faster, nor will it create any sort of income that I can profit off of sanely (speaking personally) and use it to have a stable career/lifestyle.

Sure, the constant compliments are nice when they're given with honesty. But you've got to remember that anything negative is going to carry a heavier sentence than anything positive.

So women always remember the negatives more. Which is why we strive to wear makeup, dress up constantly, etc.

I hope I helped. Just letting you know that the women that take themselves seriously see compliments as a passive thing, but nothing we ever act on. Especially if we don't really believe them.

For instance, i don't consider myself sexy. Or beautiful by nature's terms or media's terms. I may be beautiful compared to people around my level, to the highest degree that I can be considered beautiful.

That means out of all the people of my race, weight, age, height. I compare myself amongst that group. I cannot compare myself to any other variation because it's not the same ballpark.

TL;DR: compliments don't matter to women who take themselves seriously because we realize that either A.they aren't always true, B.they cannot practically further us economically or stability-wise and C. we will always remember flaws more than compliments.

>looking "cute" will never hand me a job

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

tits or gtfo

actually attractive people are more likely to succeed, be hired, etc. so it does give you somewhat of an advantage.

And because I fully expect this question:

Here's a gif of me.

>Inb4 attention whore, "you're pretty", ugly nigger, tits or gtfo, negress, etc etc.

Statistics: 5'5", 220lbs, 20 years old.

I hope my response helped you understand the female mind a little better.

To be honest, most compliments made by men are just a way to lure the girl into having sex with them. And we know this.
So compliments are making me feeling uncomfortable. I really can just taking compliments made by girls seriously.

The cute I'm referring to is when friends of mine will comment on a picture and say "aww you look cute".

You have to remember that for a serious job, in the field I'm pursuing (computer science), looking professional and having a good resume is more important over anything else.

You need to think of real world terms. Having an impressive resume over looking cute will guarantee the job.

Get your head out of porn and TV land.

would bang, but seriously, youre cute enough that looks still give you an edge. good for you for recognizing that looks wont get you ahead tho

Id fucking that thing twice If I could, no joke

its not porn and tv land. This happens in the workplace. seriously. Ive watched it happen.

Also, im a professional software engineer. This still happens in this industry.

Also, im not trying to deter you. We need more women in tech. But there are a lot of tough realities that come with being a woman in tech.

There's a difference between cute and attractive though.

Acknowledging that someone is attractive enough to not cringe from is one thing. Hiring someone because you wanna fuck them is another.

I understand you're likely to be a better front face for a company if you have better looks. When I worked in retail (and if you notice now when you go to some retail stores), attractive women work there. Same for restaurants.

But those are jobs where you're required to be attractive and it's up to the discretion of the hiring manager.

Now think about jobs where you dont need to be attractive. Engineering? You seriously think an engineer is going to be hired because of fuckability? Think again.

As I said before, I'm in the IT field. Looks mean nothing for me.

I work at a high profile silicon valley tech company. You're in for a surprise if you think engineers are exempt from this. I work right now for an incompetent Architect who makes twice as much as I do and is half as competent as me. Bad engineers get hired all the time based on silly shit.

I fully understand that. The possibility of me being hired over a taller, thinner, white woman is a lot smaller than the other way around.

Which is why I stated that for me, I actually have to work really really hard for an impressive resume to get a leg up. But even then, it won't be much.

I guess I may have been wrong when I tried to generalize all women, and I'm sorry for that.

Oh wow. Yeah, I guess since I'm still in college, I've got a lot to learn. I've yet to get a corporate job, which is what I'm working on right now.

Alright, so I'm changing my response a but. Scratch out B. I guess.

Since I'm a minority in the sense of race and sex, it still applies to me but not to all women.

Dont apologize. We need more women who think like you. Please dont let any of this deter you. Keep going. What realm of computer science are you looking to get into? hardware dev? web dev? native dev?

Well I've taken some network engineering classes, I'm pretty great with HTML/JavaScript/PHP.

Something I'm interested in learning is big data and hadoop.

My dream job is to become a consultant and travel a bit, setting up networks, routers/switches, and security for different companies.

Halfway to graduation.

Great. again, keep going. I do mostly web development... APIs, javascript front-ends, etc. Its a great field and if you enjoy it, then you'll reap big rewards. Network engineering is good, I thought I wanted to do that before I got into mainly web dev. Best of luck to you.
