Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



Yuuko Aioi claimed!

still here


rivens fun to play but i like yasuo
its pretty neat but i think im going to play rust

Good taste spotted
You just seemed like the life of the party

Saber claim
Nothing much about to eat dinner
Are you implying you weren't my darling~
I'm cruising for a lot of things

You didn't hey me. But it's fine.

I still need 5k xp for Murakumo Kai Ni

Hey Fran, how's it been?

Yeah I know
>Near random people
>Mostly crazies
I've been told a story about how my friend sat on vomit because they couldn't see it. Its fucked up but hilarious at the same time

Everyone here are my darlings, except Nazrin, Naz is my bby l-lewd
It wasn't a total steamroll, but we lost by 5 rounds. They were Master Guardians queued with a Silver Master... I'm Gold Nova Two...
Fran ~
Relaxing is always good. When do you go to work?

Do it, she's cute.

I need one more level for Satsuki K2 at the moment.

Mami Tomoe claimed unless someone else has already claimed.

Checked the catalog for that video, it's missing Protectors of the Earth.

>80% of the time
>The other 20% you're sleeping
And I don't mind the sun, it's just when there's no wind and not a single cloud
Its just not fun to be outside
>My friends have a pool
I wish I was there right now
Its so much fun, people don't respect it and try to 1v1 all the time.
Tbh the change of his ult passive wasn't really appealing but I guess I can now get first blood
Basically the same thing

It's already getting colder at some hours here. Track name gave me insta-hype and the song lived up to it.

True. /waifu/ theorycrafting right here.

I hope you enjoy it, I think it's very relaxing but not as comfortable as UK garage.

I've always been yours, but I wonder when I became Alice's
Well, then I'm honored~
ooooh, cool pic


Claiming Akiko

>Still impressed, as it still took effort
Yea it did. Sifted through the anime 4 times. I just wish I had done it on an HD version first time
>And good luck
Thanks. It's gonna be a Skyrim cosplay Akiko. It's looking alright in photoshop so far but it's gonna take me some more work before it's finished
Maybe you'll like this

I seriously thought I was the only one that had it that bad. Anything to redeem your short term memory?
It was pretty awkward looking at my exam and getting stuck at the "name student" part
>i wouldnt of welcomed the new saber
Right. You don't like most newfags do you?

Hello third time

>be me, studying
>300+ slides of agony
>almost in physical pain
>decide to put my eggs in one basket and put all chances on the multiple choice question
>get exam
>it's all multiple choice

Hello Mami

It's a good artist.

Oh hello again energetic yuuko
>i'm going to go with this name for now

Nice guys finish last in all aspects of life don't they?


Space balls









>I've always been yours

I don't know about now, maybe later.




Hey there! Sounds a bit better than new Yuuko, so I'll accept it~.
How are you?

hi yuuko

Hello Doll

Hey there saber

Must have missed you

Hello there shiro!

I'm good, just had some nice chicken breast for dinner

How are you?
I-i am n-not bakka!

Hiw many times can I greet you in one day? The world may never know!
How might you be doing?

Pin's my senpai

Claiming Teto here

Homura ~
There's room enough in my Grinch-esque heart for everyone here
Hello Akiko
I must have confused you for someone else then. My apologies. What you doing in school?
Getting pretty tired. Might be an early night for me


mandatory cc claim

aight, im going metal on your ass

honestly think rhcp do it better
thats just my opinion though

why do you think im part of the LLLC?

i collect spoons, i use spoons for almost every meal, even if i don't need a spoon one will go on the table.
a spoon for each thing i need to remember,
i have my name engraved in one.
only problem is remembering to put the spoons on the table.

most, some can be chill.


I haven't seen you before. How are you?

Is this the mom I know?

Heyo yo. How you go?

Lucky you, I'm probably going to eat a burger right now.

But if I pull you won't I get something to drink~?
>Yes, but that's Karen.

>It's my thing~
What game was this in?

Oh haha. I do have times when I'm not lewd!

If only we had some giant disc to block the sun. Super villain success when?
Pls no, I sun burn easily.

True, it needs more
>4 times
god damn.
>Maybe you'll like this
Its not bad, actually. But honestly I like edm and electroswing the most, really

have an OST

god damn right
top tier anime SOL girl
And right back at yeah
And it gre 3 sizes that day

I just fapped to your waifu

Why do you have to be such a fucking cuck you damned kike
Claiming some shitty bitch waifu makes you feel so fucking cool, doesnt it? Well time to wake up fag, you look like a retard.
Grow a fucking tongue so you get some FUCKING TASTE!

Hi. How're you? I just got myself a virtual ring on a virtual poker game, it's lit.

I was a good slave today.
How about you? Did you sleep in late and neet it up?

Because alice in wonderland

Till then.
Anything else of interest. Anything at all?



Sleep is good for you

Burgers are good

You're just jealous of my bread

Exhausted, feeling a little sick.

Nothing positive.


>you made this sound dramatic
I guess, it was because I was able to connect to a wifi connection that was more than 3 blocks away.

Pretend I have a pic

There's so many metal heads in these threads ... not that that is a bad thing
>I haven't seen you before
Awawawa, but I've been here forever~

Let me strangle you with some love.

Hey cute.

Is it bad that I have no idea what is that supposed to mean?

Should I feel bad or honoured?You play yasuo, you want to outplay everyone
Which is easy to counter with TK because I just press w and do insane damage
>Just as riven
Yes you expect me to believe that when you talk like that?
Somehow I highly doubt that
>You talking about motor cycles also means lewd talk
Fucking kek, actually made me laugh you cutie
>I sunburn easily
Then put on some protection you dummy
Or stay in the pool all the time that works

Yomi here!

General ed classes. I'm at home now
Hey Fran
>That maid
>Right back at yeah

Anticipating it very much.


Glad to see you're keeping the LLLC up & running.

I saw your last message and I am not cute!
What have you been up to?

>I'm more of a cuddle kind of guy ;-;
CS:GO. I hate when people who have no business playing in a level bracket are there so we use the Prime Matchmaking thing. We still got fucked by the ranking system though
Yes, and once you get past my rude and morose exterior, you can taste the juicy depressing pessimistic interior!
That's a different Alice, we don't take kindly to her coming around these parts.
>Hey Yuuko
I don't like sleeping, then I dream
Got a stomach bug or something?
What are you up to this evening darling?
Hmmm, same Saber from earlier. I thought you had said something about waking up and getting ready for work.
>maybe I got my conversations confused



Yeah, I bet. Counld probably suckle that enterior for weeks, like a willy wonka gobstoper


I don't remember nanoir? Why is this? I'm getting confused.

Burgers are good. But not so much when you eat burgers everyday.

I good. I long. My dick I mean.


Life doesn't want me to know nice people. Why must you be pulled away from me...

I'd love some

I'm not even a person.

Yes captain


Doll claimed.

Haven't played rust in ages, might redownload it.

Oh, no I meant how're you killing time silly.

Aren't we all?

I love that period of time between you w'ing them to death and them raging.
Hasn't seemed to affect him that much though.

If it's anything like the others, I will.

When the stars align...
Love moments like that when a gamble pays off. Especially in exams.

I don't tend to repeatedly listen to RHCP to the point where I get bored of them like I do with a lot of bands. Look arounds a good one for me.

Nah you'd need to get me the drink for you to pull me.
>the man types up a storm


What do you mean by that?


Honestly feel the gods are beyond displeased with me after my recent luck.

Wise words my good sir, wise words.
In return I pray for the best for you children and your childrens' children.

(Pretty sure we've already qualified for cancer)

Sounds good, be sure to count cards

Oh hello shino

Oh no!

Poor dude

N-no sempai

Hey there!

Bad dreams?
How often do you have them?

At least I've been on these threads and a few others for a very long time~
Oh, my bad. Just posting on here and RPing a bit


Where's the dick port?



Oh ya? Dick size go.

Doll face

Only good things


Peace out Yuuko

Don't test your limit

Halla Alice

That's an interesting way to spark your memory
>only problem is remembering to put the spoons on the table
This. Exact. Shit
They advised me to keep an agenda so I wouldn't forget everything all the time. So of course I forget the fucking agenda all the time
>most, some can be chill.
There's some I don't like but I don't waste time on them
I like most of the very new ones like new Yuno and Doll

Oh dang that song is really beautiful
>god damn
Kek. I have watched OniAi 9 times now
How about this than?

Yea I got a good feeling about it but for those chances I could've failed hard as well. Life is about taking chances and accepting every possible outcome



That's more blackjack.

Oh well, it's been a while since we had that conversation. Bound to forget stuff/misremember
As long as you like bitter
>now I want a hug
Hello Chibi, how are you doing this evening?
What are you up to?
Hello Doll
Quite frequently yes. But there's nothing I can do about it so I just live with it as much as I can
What are you up to tonight?
Ah, just not feeling well?
>Feel better soon :(

You can't have a nightmare if you never dream

Good things need patience

And I need sleep. Good night

Just chilling really. You?

Sounds really poppy, I like it.

Make a sign when you want me to stop.

Both are very solid albums and listening to them will feel like a journey. I think black sands is more epic sounding while world without is more relaxing.

And why is that?!
Not cute!
>I have literally gotten sunburned within 5 minutes while I was in the pool, and I had sun screen on.

>Cuddling is fine too~
Ah, I don't play FPS too often. But matchmaking systems are always rather bad.

Is that a nyanpasu?

I can arrange that~
>That's Karen's thing. He likes to have conversations with the whole thread. You're like Karen Jr over here.


how goes it
but i like playing those champs
just started its pretty silly

Shes mine bitches

I really do have to applaud the number of variations you've produced

Shiro! How's your day been?


Were you on earlier and posting a shitload of denko faces or are there multiple Yuuko posters

>lone digger
At least post a caravan palace song that everyone might not have heard by now, comics or beatophone or something

That may or may not be a nyanpasu
Is that a dong?

I am well, you?
>the name's shiro

Tilde a cute~
>How about this than?
literally my favorite
Bitter is good
>pic related

Playing the same old games but at least I found some new music to listen to
>Thought I exposed you discretely


Why not?

Try to sleep then

Oh yeah

That must really suck man

Hey there renge



i have cake.

i tend to spread myself as far out as i can, genre wise.
it helps a lot.
one day i will speak of my journey through music.

yes? no? maybe...
is the Long Lost Losers Club
its just me and anomaly pondering things we think up,
it started with milkshake and ended up with time being an element and multiple paradox's
ask anomaly if you want to hear about it in more detail.

ye, i try.
wonder if we could get a few more members,
another perspective never hurts.

i think the main band i do that with is soad.
sometimes ghost.

memory is something i never liked.
its why i have a manager.

original yuno was an edgy dick.
this new one is pretty chill.

doll fits in with us pretty well. let him be.

I'll take it then.


I've been just going through a whole lot of old & gold songs.



Good enough, school was fine, playing some Poker now. Getting my friend onto the thread, I'll introduce you to him in a second. How about you wonderful?

Oh, I bet. Become a musical genius~


Are you a god then?
That's the fucking best, honestly I need those few seconds where they spam all chat with "no skill" as fuel for life
>Hasn't seem to affect him
Yes it's true, at first I thought "muh lvl6 power spike" but he's still a great dommy daddy
Is this how our conversations are gonna go from now on?
>Hey tsundre
>No sempai
So tell me dude, how mean is your fried rice?
Well if you really want to know
I guess you'll have to force it out of me cutie
>Sometimes I am worried you'll soak your phone with drool when talking about your bike
And I do too, it feels so good to outplay
>Yas vs all skillshot champ
That's the best

Oh wait. I have seen rin before never mind. Was just the name that confused me. Never mind and pay me no mind.

Infinity :^)

Messing with people online and drinking sprite.
Soda isn't great, but this is the best kind.

Goodnight beautiful
I'll be sure to miss you yet again tomorrow.

Is turning blue a good sign?

Life is a holocaust of dreams~
Good. You?

That sounds like energetic yuuko
A new one has entered the arena.
Haven't seen you in a while.

Nothing up that compares to your cool traveling life of making cash and living large.
You are 1 step away from being a musician

OKAY. Like seriously. Im not an oldfag, im here for about 2 years now. But i still dont get how u guys can really keep an conversation going without knowing who the other guy is.
Could someone explain me some shit pls?

That is true, but what would the perspective be for?

You playing league then? Good choice
What are you listening to?
>Link it
>You'll never expose that which can not be exposed

To be fair, I sometimes post from mobile, so I won't have a trip
Trips or pics, that simple. And why use a pic of Sadako?