I cant fucking stand cats. Anybody have pictures or videos like this?

I cant fucking stand cats. Anybody have pictures or videos like this?

Kitty slumber party =^.^=

cant stand humans the same.

you're next faggot

Is it normal for cats to sleep in large groups?

>I cant fucking stand cats. Anybody have pictures or videos like this?
Because they wronged you in this life?
Or you are just an immature tantrum throwing faggot?

Are they dead?

kys my man

well cats do wreak havoc on local ecosystems.They are an invasive species that basically just kill everything for no reason


Were you raised by niggers? You stupid ditch digging piece of shit.

>rule 0


this is actually true,

cant kill more than any other mammal out there

Yes and it's not the cats faults it's the irresponsible owners. You fucking new fag. Get your fucking facts straight. I like cats as much as the next person but maybe think about the fucking shit ton of things we ruin as humans.

humans do the same :p

OP was viciously gang raped by cats in his childhood. His poor underaged anus, mercilessly destroyed as those cats took turns penetrating him with their barbed penises. Never again will he feel the tender feeling of a (wo)man inside him, with his scarred, numb rectum.

Hang in there OP. You deserve to heal.


That's what apex predators do m8. Don't hate the player hate the game.

You mad about the cats because b/ loves cats? Because you posted your ugly face in a rate thread and got roasted like the nigger you are? You meme making career didn't work out as you planned?

Yeah blame it on the cats, faggot.

only objectively terrible people don't like cats. It's a litmus test for stupidity and shallow thinking. If you don't believe me, consider the fact that you're too stupid to conduct a simple image search on your own then hang yourself.

no you dipshit

Shouldn't you be sleeping by now, Timmy? You have school tomorrow morning.

Here is one of my favs OP

Thank god. I was worried. Kids these days, blaming on the cats their insecurity about sexuality. How come people don't like cats?

That bitch OP was asking for it.


You want to borrow the gun also. Wtf is wrong with you sick fucks. This is why your fat with acne sitting in your grandma's basement. Just leave the normal human population alone and walk in front of a bus.





Double pussy play.

I can't fucking stand people like op. Suck a bag of dicks.

Duck Hargis?

tfw the cat nip kicks in


What are you doing with dad's computer, Timmy boy? Make sure to delete that after posting it.


why do you have to hate on cute lil cats m8. theyre just fluffy bastards who do no harm


You do know what board this is right?