Greetings Sup Forums

Greetings Sup Forums.
Former friend here with a special thought that may interest you.

With Hillary set to make her speech tomorrow in Reno, she's gonna make a terrible mistake.

By calling out the "Alt-Right" supporters of Donald Trump.

Now you may be wondering "Oh who cares?"
Well it should matter a bit to most of us.

One, the msm is gonna eat it up like candy, (and we all know you boys love getting on the news) calling it just another nazi regime of the donald.
And if we do nothing, it'll seem just like that.

Now bear with me, but here's my suggestion.

Why don't we (people who identify as "alt-right", turn the tables?
No, we don't make it look like we aren't nazis

But we make it look like we ARE nazis, but instead of supporting trump, we're really gunning for HILLARY.
>pic related

Change your avi's, your profile bios, anything you want to make it look like we're as nazi alt right as possible and that we support Clinton instead. Just for one day. The media, people, EVERYONE will be googling us after the speech.

And what'll they find?

Hillarys biggest fuck up.

Think about it Sup Forums.

Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself

it could work

this requires you having the social skills to be on social media in the first place fag

Seriously ill lend you a glock you stupid fuck.

>>>Sup Forums

Hitler wasn't pure aryan, he had jewish ancestry. If you follow him then you're only doing it to be edgy because if you were back in 1940 Nazi Germany you would be shitting your pants seeing what the nazi's did to the Jewish in the concentration camps.

Sounds good. Frog twitter will look like a pro-nazi pro-hillary advertisement.

user has point, go there i think they'll like this idea

I lyk đis >:D

Yes, it COULD work. All it takes is a few dozen folks to rev up them twitters and hashtags of
And post some short shit about how we all love hillarys policy of hating blacks, minorities, etc etc.

Already posted there faggot.

Exactly. If only for a day.

It'll give the media a spin and make hillary look like a fool after her speech.

It's incredibly small effort.

>Sup Forums

Hitler did not have Jewish ancestry. That is lie. Just because you read it in a book doesn't make it true.



Spread it if you want, this is simply a proposition. We aren't begging you Sup Forums, we're just letting you know of a good opportunity to raise some hell.

Do with it what you will.
Sup Forums out.

Hillary will win no matter what, guys. Trump ended up being a loser of a candidate.

It says it's from Sup Forums. Hop to it kids, if you want to experience what old Sup Forums felt like, start pushing hillary as the new neo-nazi king.

Brag about how she wants
>gun control
>racial segregation in colleges
>state approved media
>state run schools
>progressive views

Yes he did and there is factual evidence to support it.

2 party system you useless shitbag = hillary wins.

not even the 3 letter agency HBO and their cuckboy oliver saying trump should pretend it was a ploy will stop that via a new republican candidate

your entire generation is like a discarded R. Crumb charicature of "chaos"


There's no evidence to support it you filthy Jew. A documentary on neflix or a fucking book isn't proof. Provide proof. He didn't have a shred of Jew blood.

Nice girl arms user

Stay in the cuck/trap threads. It's hard enough containg you faggots

>ended up
he was a loser before

Lol ur a fag OP

Take your own advice you republi-cuck faggot

Yes he was you cuck, Hitler wasn't pure aryan in the first place and he did have jewish ancestory. There has been DNA tests on his relatives and there has even been found some African roots as well.

I want the nigger Obama to stay in the shithouse

He was a short feminine dark haired faggot.
Hardly Aryan .

Before the primary
>trump? Hah he'll be in 8th place
After iowa
>see? He's in second. Give up
trump leads in super Tuesday's back to back
>uhh.. okay we break our promise to back the front runner. Just wait til the rnc. The people's vote doesn't matter, just the establishments!
Trump victory
>okay, look. Hillary will beat you, just give up
Trump hits high polls
>oh wait! Uhh Uhh look! We found some new polls that show these inner cities and liberal towns all vote hillary

The only way she can win is if she cheats.
>and boy, will she
But when the exit polls show 65% trump but the vote count is 70% clinton, then there will be rit's
>oh just sore losers. You shouldn't vote anyway.

It'll be America's brexit. It'll scare the shit out of then regressives.

What's in it for us?

Dear faggot,

Fuck off, we're not your personal army.

Sincerely, Sup Forums

Didn't ask for your help, just a simple proposition and posting of information.

Get back to your cuck thread then

There's always a chance.


If you faggots want to be known for anything other than cuck and trap threads, do something that made Sup Forums, Sup Forums. Fuck with the media, you've the chance to help fuck with Hillary and get your posts on tv once again.

But i won't beg. Just giving you the info and choice.
Sup Forums post was archived, it's now your choice to help if you want, either way, Sup Forums'll be brought into the light once again tomorrow evening.

Hahaha. Cute, he tried towing the same insult back.

I remember when Sup Forums wasn't infected with hurt fee-fees and people with fake genders; just weebs and fatfucks

then there will be rit's
there will be rit's
will be rit's
be rit's

Truly horrifying

>haha you forgot to type a single letter
>chekmate atheists

Hey remember that one time Trump married that former prostitute?

What the motherfucking fuck is "Alt-Right"?


You going to eat that ravioli?

don't you think your plan is kind of... obvious? nobody is actually going to fall for that.

>hahha And spelled a plural with an apostrophe.

Not a typo on that.
Just a dumb fuck typing.

preteen republicans


conservatism with angst

>Hillary likes the muslims
>the muslims hate the jews
>Iran is the birthplace of the Aryians
>of course us neo-nazis are pro hillary.

According to the media tomorrow, the "alt right" is going to basically be Donald Trumps racist nazi followers with pepes as avatars on social media.

To combat this outcome, we're disguising ourselves as hillary voters.
Look at the above hashtags you're free to spread along with any ironic racist dialog with "support" for hillary.

Already had dinner thanks.

The media has fallen for worse.

>rages when the AltRight calls him a cuck
>calls them names back
>I'll show you, you ideologically different babies!

>Everyone who supports Trump should publicly endorse Hilary on all their social media as a joke

Nice try, Mrs. Clinton.

>The media has fallen for worse.

When your plan doesn't work, just please think back on this moment and know that I told you it wouldn't work.

>His relatives
There's a huge fucking gap from then and today, his decedents probably race mixed out of white guilt and that's why THEY have African ancestry, not him you delusional brainwashed moron.

where did you find out that he did not? word of mouth? hard to believe since all mouths around you are stuff full of nigger dick

>Believes the big lie
>Calls other people cucks

The very definition of irony.

raise some hell? oh boy i guess you must be a pointless millennial. how about you run for office or whatever your equivalent is rather than playing pretend games on the pocket computer

.tv website, because your idea came decades after the internet was popular enough

You know what most neo-nazis have in common? They take no responsibility for the fuckups at life they are and project their own problems and insecurities on minorities they claim are inferior. If they felt as superior as they claim to be they wouldn't be wasting their time with this shit.

Weak argument. Also not my idea.