sup Sup Forums
Im drunk as fuck and my life has taken a spiral for the downturn. So I thought I woudl share my story with you . I've seen it go both ways on here, so maybe im a fag or maybe I can get some Sup Forumsrotherly advice.
>Be me
>Below average student with below average looks, halfway decent athlete though.
>Go to good school with shitty sports programs (pic related)
>We were often ridiculed because our mascot is a fat retarded cow and our handsign was basically two "guns up" signs on our forehead (trying to look like a longhorn I guess.
>made varsity football, baseball, and wrestling team as a sophmore, so I had some luck in popularity and chicks.
>Dating a senior when your a sophmore was awesome for the social life. Good times.
>Fast forward two years to my senior year
>Senior GF dumped me halfway into her freshman year of college (My Jr year.) bummed but met this amazing younger girl.
>Guys, this girl, Lindsey... Was perfect. She was beautiful, smart, a cheerleader, the whole package.
>She was always accepted by the popular group at HS but wasn't into it. Beyond smart and giving.
>Many feels developed over the year, but she was a virgin and didnt want to give it up.
>I could cope with that. We messed around, and I loved her, so I was going to wait until she was ready.
>Fall turns to winter and football season wraps up. We made it to playoffs, but lost firs round because our team sucks.
>I had an awesome season, but between my grades, whiteness and height, not many colleges were looking at this linebacker.
>Was bummed but okay.
>Looking forward to baseball and wrestling.
>I was picked early to win State in my weight class, so I had big hopes.
Will continue if anyone cares. Chhers Sup Forums