If you main this faggot you need to kill yourself

if you main this faggot you need to kill yourself.

stay mad

Villager main here

If you play that game at all, your an autist. Go back to Sup Forums you fucking manchild.


Still how bad did he kick your ass OP?

thank Christ someone that isnt a fucking kike little dick or cloud main

its not that hes that hard to fight its just every fucking game comp or online its ALWAYS cloud it ruined the game for me i cant go anywhere and play the fucking game without encountering some cloud fag that beginning of match charges hes nonsense and then literally and im not exaggerating literally down throw to up air all fucking game. its not fun to fight over and over and over again.

>If you play that game at all, your an autist. Go back to Sup Forums you fucking manchild.
>calls others autistic manchildren
>doesn't know basic grammar


Kirby main