So anyone got the leslie Jones hack releases? I woke up late to this shit. I need a laugh today

So anyone got the leslie Jones hack releases? I woke up late to this shit. I need a laugh today

bumpin dat shit

lurk fucking moar


I know shes fugly but I want to see what we got on this Harambe wannabe


Stop monkeying around



Why you nigs spoonfeeding newfags?


lol, suck my dick

He's right though.

"spoonfeeding" is for Sup Forums, not Sup Forums

lurking is a lost art.


I don't think you know what it means, user.

Dont you fags have school tomorrow

Don't lie to us user. You want to fap don't you

Not bad for a 50 yr old sheboon

spoon feeding isn't exclusive to any one board, newfriend.

Why wouldn't I want to disseminate these pictures to strangers to cause her embarrassment?

What, are you trying to keep the pics a secret to protect her honor?

>link posted
>no replies
>ungrateful OP is fag

It's to discourage spam, you retard.
newfags could find the pics just fine if you encourage them to lurk.

Tried to warn you.

>spoonfeed entitled little shits
>expecting gratitude
You have only yourself to blame.

What are you, the spam policeman? This is fucking Sup Forums. Spam is what happens here.