Where were you when Coppercab became the hottest trap of 2016?

Where were you when Coppercab became the hottest trap of 2016?

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Only responsing because of trips
Also gavin broke him

Best troll

wow gavin really fucked him in the ass. it can put on 10lbs on make up but its still a piece of shit

What is happening

Gavin?? Who's that?

Not even the power of trips can hold back my vomit.

gavin not a trap


at about 1:40 he rapes cobberfag

Gavin McInnes



Why has this thread been blessed.

we are unworthy of all these dubs/trips

Coppercab is just a huge troll. That guy cracks me up. People actually take him seriously?

Do it for her

coppercab, jessi slaughter, bruce jenner... fame really fucks with your head..

i dont think hes trolling, he got the sex change/hormone therepy mang

Blessed be thy thread


im so glad that faggot didnt get quads, there is a god


>implying implications


more dubs

mother of god

That's what he says, unless you actually saw him at the clinic when you were there for your oestrogen shot I'm sticking with troll.

wearing all that make up and acting like that big of a faggot on social media makes me think he isnt trolling or hes just fucking retarded and taking it way too far

Give in to the power of dubs my child, you are arguing on hallowed ground. Be still

I never said he wasn't retarded but he gets a lot of attention from acting this way. He's had a ton of vids go viral and has probably made a nice bit of cash from playing the fool. His small penis rant was hilarious.


>implying dubs

It's amazing what camera filters and heavy make up can do for a fat ginger tranny

he said he was going to post another video but has yet to do so, i can't fucking wait.

Traps deserve death by crowbar


bro u forget to add his clown makeup





May claire be with you

:^) thank you gods of the intertubes for this assortment of dubs and these extra two

great jerb

More like this

>Still believeing coppercab isn't a troll
He admitted to being a troll all along on a stream a few months back, and he claimed he needed break to come up with something new. Look at his youtube channel, a five month break between his two latest vidoes. He isn't trans, he is just trolling, and you dense cunts took the bait.

its hard to do any worse than his first attempt

he looks like he's using a snapchat filter,
what the actual fuck.



*shrugs* its all for the better

Do you think I'm pretty guys

you are perfect

Nice GET thread, im in bitches



hope you guys realize that both of these people are actors and get shitloads of money and publicity for doing the retarded things they do


Plotting to rape and murder IT.

I just got a new top guys

What the fuck just happened?

duh duh duh go back to bed dummy

would u guys tap dis fr doe?

its a no from me



so disgusting

He's just doing it to stay relevant.



Did Amy Schumer just get fatter?