>still thinking the earth is round
Will this meme ever end?
>still thinking the earth is round
Will this meme ever end?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I've never been high enough to see the earth's curvature
>implying satellites are propaganda
The bigger question is;
>"Why haven't we been back to the moon?"
>"Why did most of the astronauts turn super religious, upon arrival back to earth?"
Not taking into account the countless years of scientific data and observation that prove the Earth is actually round
Not taking into account the few years of mediocre, non scientific "fact" that has been put out there with this recent "fad" that the earth is flat.
What in the actual hell is the point and/or benefit of the government and world leaders trying to cover up a possible flat earth? If it was flat, don't you think we would be right here on Sup Forums knowing it was. Right now I would be posting in conspiracy thread stating that the earth is actually round.
>Right now I would be posting in conspiracy thread stating that the earth is actually round
So true. Alas, it's just bait user. Wouldn't ya know? Look at all these (You)'s
There are thousands of satellites out there in the orbit but literally ALL pics of Earth from space are CGI/composites
None of these satellites is able to take a REAL pic of Earth and nobody is questioning why.
Some even say there is no scientific benefit of taking real pics of earth from space
>Some even say there is no scientific benefit of taking real pics of earth from space
WHAT? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you're a fucking dumb nigger. That's how serious I am about you being stupid. I'm just going to call you names, and I'll still be right.
so why don't flat Earther's start a go fund me bullshit raise the money and make their own rocket so they can take their own photo of earth from space to prove its flat?
the answer is
> nothing to do up there
> thats not true
>>implying I've never been high enough to see the earth's curvature
>implying you have
>>implying satellites are propaganda
>implying they aren't
>The bigger question is;
>>"Why haven't we been back to the moon?"
>>"Why did most of the astronauts turn super religious, upon arrival back to earth?"
To add to that:
>How did NASA manage to lose 14,000 reels of telemetry data?
>How did NASA manage to lose the original footage?
>How is it possible the crossheirs sometimes underlap in their images?
>How were they able to get there and back, safely, in 1969 with computers about as "powerful" as an ordinary pocket calculator?
I could go on.
>countless years of scientific data and observation that prove the Earth is actually round
Pics or it didn't happen muhfugga.
>implying I'm not a pilot
The earth is round bubs, and there's ayyyy lmaos on the moon. There's a tomb in Mt. Vesuvius. The world leaders sacrifice children in robes at Bohemian Grove. Obama was created in a test tube.
>Prove me wrong
>How were they able to get there and back, safely, in 1969 with computers about as "powerful" as an ordinary pocket calculator?
>Implying the Germans weren't reverse engineering space craft since at least the 30's.
Acquire some new knowledge, read a fucking book.
Finally someone speaks the Truth.
People believe they landed on the moon in this piece of shit.
If i were to build a house for my dog i would make sure the metal plates will be tightly fit together.
>space craft
By that I mean what the ayyy lmao 's came in on. You know? Thousands of years ago when they helped us build the pyramids, cause we all know those would be impossible to build without knowledge of rudimentary electricity.
I'm not sure what you're getting at overall in that post but I'll humor you about being a pilot. There's no reason not to believe you've at least flown in an aircraft before if you say you have. But isn't it possible that while you think you're seeing the curve of the earth what you're actually seeing is the curve of the window of the plane? Afterall, are not all plane windows inherently curved in order to conform to the shape of the plane itself, be it because of the fuselage or otherwise?
>My dog is an astronaut
How dumb are you?
>But isn't it possible that while you think you're seeing the curve of the earth what you're actually seeing is the curve of the window of the plane?
It's possible, but I like the theory of the atmosphere distorting it. It sounds more smarty pants.
Hail wise user
and don't say photoshop. you can't just say its fake without being able to fucking prove that it is.
>tightly fit together.
you don't want the outside plating tightly fitting when in a vacuum or possible heat exposure.
go look at the SR71. that thing leaks fluids before and after flighr, the plating on it contracts when at high altitudes.
>garbage bags, aluminum foil, curtain rods, scotch tape
>cost: 150 billion dallars
No one is questioning why, because we all know their purpose is for other science or communication. Nobody except you gives a shit about trying to prove something that's already impossible to sanely even consider denying. You're a tard.
Saddlebagging samefag
Fake as fuck.
It is YOU who has to prove its autenticity, you dumb faggot.
Here's the deal: there are two types of Flat Earthers: trolls, and literal Bible interpreters. Somewhat surprisingly, we usually encounter the latter on Sup Forums. They have the freedom to make shit up (lie) because truth and understanding are not their goals, and they end the arguments with "prove me wrong." By disavowing any science put forward and continuing to make shit up, they "win" by attrition. It is simply impossible to keep up with having to explain away the barrage of the violations of the most basic principles of geometry, math, science, and logic. They aren't interested in critical thinking or putting in the requisite effort to do the science. Proofs are tossed aside, or they may not even respond when they can't fabricate anything that would pass even their own red-faced test. They are blind to 3D visualualization. They concentrate on believing what their leaders tell them, and will not allow any sense to mar their fractured perception of the universe. There is simply no arguing. It's like trying to paint over mud. You just end up with a dirty brush.
>curvature of window
then explain why you can send a camera up in a balloon and see it. or the guy that jumped out of the red bull balloon.
>inb4 curvature of camera lens
you can stand in flat planes in the U.S. in states that were once covered by glaciers and see the curvature with your own eyes
Burden of proof is on you that it is. Also that pic only provides further evidence against modern astronomy: notice the hotspot on the clouds? How could possibly happen if the sun is 93,000,000 miles away? You can follow the angle of the light up to its source and see that the sun must be much closer for that to happen.
>Nobody except you gives a shit about trying to prove something that's already impossible to sanely even consider denying
Oh you are so wrong.
Sooner or later you will realise. You cannot stop the flat earth awakening.
>Some even say
Some even say niggers are valuable to society. We all know that's not true. So stfu, you dumbass. The earth is round? Hah, yeah okay.
You think people who believe the Earth is flat would also believe spaceflight is possible?
Fish-eye lens.
Do you honestly believe the state of New Mexico covers such a large portion of the Earth?
>what is fish-eye lens?
>Nope, the general belief is that the Earth is round.
>Science and physics backs this up
>small minority of population believes it is flat
>small minority thinks it is majorities responsibility to reprove what is already proven
>small minority calls majority dumb faggot, still not providing any discernible evidence that backs up their claim
>small minority is dumb faggot.
I can edit elements in my phone too, faggot.
You're actually so stupid, niggers have more common sense than you
>everything we build for flight, rockets, satellites, etc. is based off earth curvature.
hurr the earth is flat.
>competitive shooting at long distance requires taking curvature of earth and gravity into account.
hurrrrrr earth is flat.
Nope. Burden of proof is on you. You're the one making the claim falsifying accepted theory. Therefore, you have to come up with proof.
Yes, I'm here.
>I can edit elements
Youre retarded.
Burden of proof is in the faggit who claims this earth is flat, kek.
>he thinks it's edited
Kek. The cognitive dissonance is real.
Well, actually he's right. It is edited. By NASA. Because, and I quote, "it has to be."
Am I ?
fucking thank you user. if you were here, id buy you a beer. or a fucking martini if you swing that way.
>Implying Truth is determined by social acceptance of the hypothesis
or you know, the fact that the sun is more intense and brighter than you're giving it credit for.
why would all the planets that we take flybys of be sphereical, but for some reason the earth isnt?
Everything is a god damn conspiracy to you americans. But when it is reality just like syria conflict, suddenly its all balonies to you. Only cavemen believe the earth is round. Galileo didn't die for dumbasses to still believe the earth is flat.
Nah, see you're looking at this through the lens of modern times only. You have to keep a proper perspective: for thousands of years, FE was accepted as truth. It is only recently, in the last 500 years or so, that the ball earth theory rose to prominence. So basically your whole point and everything you said, but in reverse, is in fact the reality of the situation. Congratulations, you disproved your own argument.
you can look up a YouTube video of CHILDREN sending a balloon up and taking photos.
unless you're implying that children are in on the conspiracy too.
Link it nigga.
It has nothing to do with the "angle of light", those are pretty much identical because of the distance, like you've noted. It's the angle the light is hitting the Earth because the Earth fucking curves away. In fact, if the Earth was flat, that "hotspot" would be everywhere. The fact that it is round is what makes it look that way. You've actually managed to disprove your own argument. Congratulations
We can literally see that the moon is round with your own eyes, but this dumbfuck still thinks its logical that the earth is flat despite anything else being round.
Children are evil
thousands of years without proper scientific documentation, proper approach at experiments as well.
a guy in a fucking desert proved it was spherical a long time ago when people still thought it was flat.
> in the last 500 years or so, that the ball earth theory rose to prominence.
Not true. Eretosthanes not only proved the Earth was spherical, he came pretty close to the actual figure measured.
You think Columbus really believed the Earth was flat? Horseshit. Everyone knew it was shorter to get to the East by going... east. No-one expect there to be a continent getting in the way westward.
Different generations of camera. Dumbass.
>Before the era of logic and reason, everybody believed what I think is true. You're only thinking of things in the modern times of logic, reason, and science. Therefore you're wrong
Nice strawman
If the moon is a solid, spherical, physical body that we can land on then how come it is possible to sometimes see the blue of the sky through it? Why do clouds sometimes appear behind it? And why does the entire thing apparently reflect sunlight, inconsistent with known examples of spheres reflecting light in which only a small spot of light is reflected off the sphere?
The proportions are all wrong, look how far Australia is stretched out.
If earth was flat
>Where would it end?
>Why does gravity exist?
>Why is the government lying to us?
>Why did scientists say its spherical and nobody said it isn't?
>Different generations of cameras give different continents size
What a techie you are
>small spot of light
no.. the whole sphere reflects light on small scales as eell, or else you wouldn't be able to see the sphere
>how do eyes work.
You forgot one key point user. You can't use logic and common sense with these flat earth faggots. Cheers though. Strong points that they will surely shoot down.
Cuz muh science and muh absolute truth. Science is the new religion.
>>Why did scientists say its spherical and nobody said it isn't?
>I can edit elements
Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked
>lens abbreviation
fun fact, the moon has that size from earth because its smaller :)
if you stand on the moon looking on the earth it should be WAAAAAAY Bigger then a tiny ass moon sized earth hahahaha
>how come it is possible to sometimes to see the blue of the sky through it?
>why do clouds sometimes appear behind it
Neither of these ever happen, are you fucking retarded or what?
>why does the entire thing apparently reflect sunlight
Oh yeah, forgot how it's always a full moon every night. Dipshit
There is one key question that I have never been able to have explained to me by a flat earther. Not one single fucking one of them have been able to explain this away. Ever. Who wants to hear it?
>The proportions are all wrong,
Consequence of projection of a flat earth to cover the requisite longitudes. Another good reason to disavow flat Earth. But for giggles, why don't you provide a flat Earth diagram that's "correct?"
And you're entirely missing the argument regarding sunrise/set.
Not doing well, boi.
Sup Forums is full of trolls, bible interpreters are not to be found on Sup Forums since everything posted here is against their religion
I call obvious b8
You realize the moon is 1/4 of the Earth's size right?
>flaterthers ignoring this shit
at least b8 like you mean it, niggers
You never proved your theory. That is, the theory of everything asserted by modern astronomy. Modern astronomy has absolutely convinced the world that nothing that is obvious is true:
>it is obvious that the earth is flat, yet they say it is curved
>it is obvious that the world is motionless, yet they say that it moves
>it is obvious that the heavens revolve around us, yet they say it is us that revolves
>it is obvious that the stars are stars, yet they say the stars are suns
>it is obvious that the sun is bigger than the stars, yet they say the stars are bigger than the sun
>it is obvious that the sun and moon are the same size, yet they say the sun is 400 times larger
>it is obvious that Earth is the only planet, yet they say there are over a septillion planets
>it is obvious that up is up and down is down, yet they say it is not so
Of course, none of these statements should be taken literally as facts. The point is that modern astronomical theory runs contrary, and in many cases directly opposite to everything that is clearly observable to the individual. Thus it is their burden to prove that what is not obvious is true. And if you look into the matter they clearly have failed to do so, despite the widespread acceptance of the theories posited by the field.
>forgets that the earth has an atmosphere that makes the moon appear langer.
nigger have you never seen a harvest moon and tried to take a picture of it?
>Cuz muh science and muh absolute truth. Science is the new religion.
>By disavowing any science put forward and continuing to make shit up, they "win" by attrition.
Seriously? Just ask the question and stop being a dramatic fag about it
i was thinking the same fucking thing! No one is disputing any of these. probably googling as we speak.
implying that was true
prove the other 3 wrong
No you fucking attention whore, next time just ask your shitty question you fucking high school girl
The shape of the Earth literally does not matter as long as you understand that time is a cube.
Soooooo you're an idiot?
In the flat earth model, 24 hours of sunlight is impossible in the antarctic summer. How is there 24 hours of sunlight in the antarctic for 3 months of the year on the flat earth model?
>Only cavemen believe the earth is round. Galileo didn't die for dumbasses to still believe the earth is flat.
I'm confused.
I have a question for people on both sides of the argument - if the earth was flat, would it really matter? I think i'd say "neat" and get back to my life because flat earth or not I still have shit to do
lol top b8
>Oy fella', me mum is ill. Dost thou knowth a remedy for it?
>Indeed! Just pray and feed her rotting maggots! Everyone knows that, ye' fool!
Ancient times were so shitty for a reason, mong.
So, flat-Earth boi...
You haven't addressed any of these arguments disproving a flat Earth.
Are you going to cower behind Hurr-Durr Bible Says So, or are you going to argue?
Those fucking fire people, I tell you.
Seriously? Give it some thought.
This experiment neither proves nor disproves anything.
is this seriously going to be ignored? I want to hear an answer from a flat earther.