Why do I feel like shit everytime I go home from friends Sup Forums?

Why do I feel like shit everytime I go home from friends Sup Forums?
I have only one circle of friends who I regularly hang out with. I start off being very happy and exciting about everything but the further I spend time with them the more depressed and sad I feel.

They are generally good friends, but I feel left out. Nobody listens to what I want, they take me for a joke and don't respect me. Don't get me wrong, they don't literally say things or do things to make me feel bad, it's just the passive things that happen. I get left out of conversations alot, and when I say something nobody is interested at all. They don't ask me anything or make a conversation with me.

I feel so alone when i'm with them, i feel like a clown. I just want to be a normal guy, having people interested in my stories and laugh at them. I don't think I do anything wrong.. This didn't start this way, I used to be happy and outgoing when I was with them, but things slowly changed. There is also this alpha male in our group who gets all the attention of girls, and it makes me sad they are only going for looks. I'm not the ugliest guy, but neither am the prettiest. I just want someone to like, someone who prioritizes me over others, just someone to make me feel special and wanted, appreciated.

I have been in this paradox of thoughts thinking "hey i'm just thinking it, this isn't real, they like me" but as soon as i get back to them it just always ends the same. I have become very depressed because of this, i feel worthless..
Any advice Sup Forums?

I had the same problem. Its why I learned to play guitar. I bring it to every gathering. I'm the guy in the corner, plucking away on an acoustic. People will talk to you more....its also possible they will smash the guitar over your head too, but if thats the case, get new friends and repeat.

feel better

>You are that friend

Just too beta/idiot/ugly to really be in their circle

>some of us are destined to be different
I've excepted this but sometimes I hit hard lows and feel bad for a while.

I know that feel and there is only one option: don't see them anymore, delete their numbers, unfriend them on FB.

Sure you will feel lonely but at least you won't feel like a big transparent turd searching for scraps of attention anymore.
If you'relucky you'll find better friends (but you probably won't. Don't listen to the "get a hobby" advices.)

Tip:they don't care

There are a few things you havent specified yet ,like age ,interests etc. '
maybe you are that one shallow friend that agrees to everything everyone says. ''yeah thats great, sure thats awesome. omg i like that thing too (PLEASE LIKE ME FOR THE SHIT I PRETEND TO BE)''

youre probably still young and if so remind yourself that circle wont last forever.

>youre probably still young and if so remind yourself that circle wont last forever.
and the more you agre the more these circles just shrink and diseapear and then you're all alone

dude I feel kinda bad for you I can see where you're coming from, just focus on what YOU wanna do don't do shit just to have some social contact that ain't gonna work in the long run

try to hookup with different people, even family cousins or whatever to do something fun and take it from tehere Good luck!

if youre an anti-social fucknugget. But not if you go out sometime, and just talk to people. noone will mind unless you start about the following:

feminism (unless you bash it in a comedic sense)
racial differences

you get the point by now
dont make an embarrassment out of yourself

talking to people "sometime" =/= circle of close friends. I mean old friends you can count on even if you killed your gf or need money (and that can count on you for the same shit). You made these at high school or college. OP just failed.

I won't smash your guitar.
But I will quietly hate you and your faggotry.

I'm 22, I got to know my circle of friends a few years back when we were in highschool. I haven't always been this weak lowlife as i was. They have jobs now, have a life. I spend my days playing videogames and scrolling Sup Forums.
I as you say let myself be a pushover many times but i just don't feel like being fake and acting all alpha.

You are right. Try to find and meet different new people.

so you dont act fake but you are a push over ?
grow a pair ,grow a bear and take up hiking or smt.
then tell them how you spend your time exploring your mind in the woods or mountains with random people youve encountered.
be someone who has stories
all is welcome aslong as you dont regret it from this point forward and if theyre memorable enough.

>grow a bear

This is without a doubt the best advice on Sup Forums in my 10+ years of lurking

GROW A BEAR, my god why didn't I think of this

if you grow a bear you'll become like the most popular guy in town overnight THANKS ANONYMOUS GUY!!

Does it need to be a real bear?
I only have a small flat.

small bears allowed ,and dont be a fuckwad like me and make sure it has a D

So it is settled!
The end of Sup Forums has arrived.
Not with a bang nor a whimper.
We just all grow bears and become popular.

I feel your pain user. It can be really hard to make myself heard in a group, it's overwhelming when trying to compete with multiple voices, even harder when you're stoned as fuck. I have no problems conversing with up to say four people but more than that and I find myself pushed to the sidelines! Sometimes it seems like the only interaction people want is to ask me the time or ask for a fucking cigarette paper.

These days I try not to let people walk on me like that, if they don't respond to my cheery greeting or observation, I'll keep at it I til I get a response. You should never be made to feel like you're invisible.

How do I get started when growing a bear?

You need a bear seed, idiot.

first you find a bigger bear
ask for his seed
put it up the nearest plant pot u can find
wait 6-18 years
water the seed consistently

Funny as fuck

>OP is suffering
>probably contempling an hero
>people just forget him and joke about the bear

(totally not OP here)

1) accept that people and things change.
2) you don't have to be fake, but you should be alpha for at least one reason: Yourself

Op, take some time to do something just yourself that doesn't involve losing yourself within a game/book/movie. I say this because I bet part of the depression you feel is probably linked to you feeling part of your identity is being lost in your group of friends, thus making you sad when you feel you haven't been listened to or respected.

Maybe it's partially your group of friends, but part of it is needing to make an effort for yourself. Go walking, ride a bike, build something, do something for yourself that will make you proud of yourself and remember that feeling. That's you listening to and respecting your own self being and creating your own identity, your own happiness. It's difficult, scary, and takes a lot of effort, but as you discover your own needs and wants, people you meet in the process of the change will respect you because you respect yourself first

OP gets a laugh and learns to not take life seriously

Sup OP
dont be a buzzkill , people are having fun in your thread.
Anyways if you must how can we be of use ?
we already gave you some advise but you have notified us what works for you or if its any good at all

KEK you made a typo. You typed "bear" when you clearly meant to type "beard". Just thought I would point that out for you.

I'm really not OP
I just can't bear to see a man like that suffering

Reply to my post or your mother will maga in her sleep.


Also, this is something a lot of people go through (not all, just alot). Our personal identity changes as we grow: when we are young, many identity themselves and one with their parents. Then as they learn to socialize, they remove themselves from their parents and identity with social groupings. As we transition to real life and society, we learn that our identity is really founded in our parents or friends, but ourselves. Everyone for the most part goes through this in varying degrees. It's called growing up lol don't be afraid to make changes to better yourself user

>As we transition to real life and society, we learn that our identity is really founded in our parents or friends, but ourselves.

Should be "is not founded in our parents or friends" lol typo

Literally me

I've been in the same situation OP, hate to sound cliché but you'll soon come to realise that they aren't really your friends. I just eventually stopped chilling with them and made new friends. People come and go.

Have the same problem. People are shit.

i think OP is long gone

I'm not an artistic guy though, i spend my time playing videogames and browsing Sup Forums (I do know that this can't go on forever though)

I try to be like that, but it isn't easy.

This is very true, I've been lost in my own mind for the last couple of months trying to find meaning for what i'm doing with my life. Ever since leaving highschool i've been on a downward spiral of doing nothing and seeing others make carreer and lives.

I have thought alot about trying to change and look for a job, new friends, new life setting but I don't seem to actually take action in it. I feel empty and i am aware that this is because i have no ambitions or things to keep me going.

Those people are the only people I see day in day out and I can't seem to escape it, drowning into self-pity more and more as time goes on, actually thinking about what would have happened if I wouldn't have been lazy and actually looked for a job, experienced with things, went traveling etc..

Your words make me realise yet again that I need to escape this lifestyle, but as hard as i convince myself to, the next day i'll just wake up exactly the same as before.

I really didn't expect all this good feedback guys, thank you

See now that's a fucking conversation starter not fucking, I go on hikess..

Don't worry about it happening overnight OP lol it takes time. I had a group of friends that gave me that exact feeling and I never knew what to do with myself. Just do small things. See a concert, do some chores, just small things. You are in the process of discovering yourself again, and taking the time to do that is well worth it. I am no friends with the group of aforementioned friends, but am now quite happy with the people I met along the way that know me and love me for who I really am. I would have never been able to show them who I was if I didn't take the time to learn about myself first. Keep thinking to yourself, "what's something new I can try today" what's something I can do better today". Hell, even if it's just cleaning your room, it feels good, and the more you keep that thought process going, you will find yourself doing things for yourself without even thinking about. You're doing great user!

OP here.
Good news guys.
My friends love my new bear and keep asking where I got it.
I've never felt so popular.
That alphafags GF even wants to play with my bear.
Thanks Sup Forums!

This is simply your personality I'd say, stop overthinking it and accept the way you are

I have the same problem too, so you're definitely not alone.