Wtf I hate Godspeed now

wtf I hate Godspeed now

>drop someone from your show because they said something you disagree with
So progressive and tolerant

lmao somebody snitched on her. not even safe at your own safe space LMAO

safe space XD

Jesus Christ you guys are pathetic trolling or not

>invite someone on your show
>they say your a perverted sinner
>drop them from your show
I don't see the issue

>boohoo someone said that they don't like someting I do better drop them from my show

>you should be tolerant of intolerance
holy kek, user

> Love and Liberty Fellowship Church

Yeah that's how life works kiddo

Better get used to it

You're retarded. She didn't say "oh i don't like that you eat pizza with a knife and fork" she said that homosexuality is sinful and gross. If you were gay that'd be pretty fucking weird to keep that person around.

I ain't saying I necessarily agree with it, I am saying why shouldn't she have the right to do it? It's her show.


>Hold one (1) opinion that doesn't fit exactly in line with party dogma
this is how you lose an election

>y-you should just tolerate the people who hate you !

republicans are such cucks lmao

>saying that you dislike something = intolerance

At least you admit that you're triggered when people disagree with you.

it's an opinon that even most republicans don't believe anymore. Religious cucks are hilarious

>call your friend a pervert who deserves eternal torture
>"dude can I still come over and play Xbox"

Can any anti-gay Christian answer this: Why do you give such a shit about gays? Seriously, of all the sins in the world that need to be fought why are bummers top priority?

Yes, being discriminated is a really shitty feeling. Backlash is quite normal in real life.

>I only associate with people who think that my lifestyle is perfect
>if you criticize anything about me, I'll drop you from my show

Of course it's her right to do so, it's just another showcase of how tolerant liberals really are.

I'm not an American.

>I came to tell you about sin. That sin nature. That perverted homosexual spirit, and the spirit of delusion and confusion, it has deceived many men and women, and it’s caused us pain on the body of Christ.
Are you trying to tell me she is tolerant of homosexuals? Do you know the definition of tolerance and intolerance, user?


asking god to smite all the homosexuals is just a mere dislike? Not intolerant at all right

Did she every threaten, injure or kill a homosexual? If not, then yes, she is tolerant.

its against the bible.....
also muslims don't like you gays either at least we don't kill you guys :)

>Be Hillary
>Try to win votes from people who watch Ellen AND black people
>The only way to do this is say nothing because these groups don't actually agree on anything
>"Why don't democrats vote?"

So she is accepting of homosexuality? Whoa. I guess you watched a different video, user.

>at least we don't kill you guys
I'm not gay I have a calendar with naked ladies on it

Muslims as well though. I know it's against like every religious text ever, but why of all the sins does that one get pushed to the top, you know? Surely like adultery and shit is more important.

You did not answer my question.

>one cannot answer in the form of a question
lol, user. And you didn't answer mine.

>but why of all the sins does that one get pushed to the top, you know?
something about them not being to give birth....

>Surely like adultery and shit is more important.
it is important but of course theres lots of hypocrites at the top of any religion saying one thing and doing another
Hopefully god punishes those who use Christianity in vain

I already answered your question. If she has never harmed a homosexual person then yes, she is tolerant of homosexuality.

Also, I sure hope that everyone in this thread who calls the woman in the OP "intolerant" is strongly in favor of preventing Muslims from entering the West.

She does not ACCEPT homosexuality. She believes it is a perversion. I seriously do not believe you know the definition of tolerance. I'm just going to end the conversation here because I can see you are stuck with the idea that simply because someone is not harming someone then they are TOLERANT of them.

Hate to meme, but I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Anyways, end of convo 'cause it won't go anywhere. bye bye, user.

It honestly blows my mind that people are still religious. Call me a fedora wearing atheist and all but it never ceases to surprise seeing all this christ wanking in these threads.



She has good intentions I think but got caught up in the rhetoric and said a rather harsh sentence.

i mean if being atheist works for you thats great I used to be one also.
but for my mental health i just feel better going to church and stuff.

>I have to end this conversation because I've been BTFO

Nope, you're just a hopeless cause who can't afford a dictionary.

Saw OP and thought it was something to do with GY!BE for a minute.

what if such a person was in charge of legislation and would pass anti-homosexuality laws or forced them to identify themselves a la pink stars. They're not injuring or killing them so it's still tolerant?

How do we defeat homosexuality? It encourages femininity in young boys and weakens our nation.

>How do we defeat homosexuality?
Mass species suicide, leave no survivors. Sorry, only known way.

>some retard tries to be contrarian and deep the thread

wow not like I don't see this every 10 mins on this board

Whatever you say, user.

Passing laws against something is obviously intolerance. I did not include this in my post because the woman in the OP is not in the position to do such a thing.


wow you're a fucking retard. people have the right to distance themselves from people they don't like or that say things that make them uncomfortable. that's why there are never girls within your vicinity.

>what if such a person was in charge of legislation and would pass anti-homosexuality laws or forced them to identify themselves a la pink stars.
welcome to the middle east!

Anyway this is america things like that will not happen. so no need to go so extreme

Stunning arguments, user.

See >Of course it's her right to do so, it's just another showcase of how tolerant liberals really are.

What are some really good right wing free jazz albums

>drop someone into hell because loldongs

I assumed from your post that you meant only if you threaten, injure or kill can it be intolerant. Kinda see where you're coming from but I still think that if you go on some religious tangent about how X group of people are sinful and gross then you deserve any and all backlash. Especially from the group you're condemning.

didn't think we'd be arguing with stone-age autists in this thread who still want to find a reason to hate homosexuals

ork bork urg ooga booga booga (if you cavemen know what I mean)

See? It's not so fun when it happens to you, is it?

It's almost like it's just an autistic troll and autistic people taking it seriously as opposed to a real argument

literally who

is this just really good bait?

its a sin tho

Well, I guess I can't argue against all those arguments in your post.

Dropping someone from your show because they said something negative about your lifestyle is incredibly immature.

If a conservative talkshow were to drop a liberal because of an opinion they voiced, that would be just as stupid as the case in the OP.

I don't hate homosexuals.

>everyone I disagree with is trolling

Just like all those racist whities who bulldozed out to the country to escape into suburbia and then turn right around and complain about being forgotten, ignored and left behind from the safety of their literal safe spaces.

> it is ellen who is the intolerant one, no the person how homosexuality is a deplorable sin
> see! it's the left who are in fact the closed-minded ones! check mate, cucks!
fucking hell friendo, please stay on your containment board

>all these "tolerate my intolerance" arguments

that doesn't mean you should hate gay people

These people act like they hate SJW's but are exactly like them. They just direct it at slightly different people

Please stop fighting everyone can't we all just get along

Let us not bicker amongst ourselves

Not really their lifestyle so much their sexual orientation. If she specifically meant something like promiscuity then yeah but simply being gay isn't a lifestyle.

Exactly, this is why I should be aloud to call my boss at McDonald's he's a cunt and get a promotion for it

you have no concept of nuance lmao
if you invite someone over to your house and then they say you look like a fat loser you wouldn't let them stay lol

>everything I disagree with is bait

Moving away from a neighbourhood because of a rising number of crimes is in no way comparable to "safe spaces" (online discussion forums where opposing opinions are not tolerated) because crimininals, unlike different opinions in online forums, are an actual threat.

Holding an opinion has nothing to do with intolerance. Also, I don't know why you're telling me to go to another board. Do you want Sup Forums to be a liberal safe space?

>haha why are you guys discussing things in a place for discussion loool just chill and 420 blaze it all day

i don't. i pray for them :)

i still really like dicks

if your god cared that i was gay, why did he make me gay?

>everyone responding to the doddleheaded intellectual troll

way to go Sup Forums

How is one's sexual orientation not part of their lifestyle?

>saying that you don't like something another person does is comparable to insulting them
Sounds like someone can't handle criticism.

You don't have to act out on every urge you feel.

Another quality argument.

>Dropping someone from your show because they said something negative about your lifestyle is incredibly immature.
Many gays/lesbians as well as hetero people who would strongly disagree with those statements also watch the show.

Why would Ellen Degeneres keep around a homophobe just to show how respectful she is of other people's opinions and risk getting tons of negative press? Maybe that would be the right thing to do on a political talk show but Ellen is a fucking entertainment show where they show comedy skits and interview actors. There's no need to keep that person around.

>Why would Ellen Degeneres keep around a homophobe just to show how respectful she is of other people's opinions and risk getting tons of negative press?
Because that would be a sign of tolerance.

Yeah, this isn't music

>creating safe spaces is not comparable to creating "safe spaces"

I like pizza but it'll make me fat :( i ask god why he make like pizza so much
but sometimes u gotta resist the urges. i'll pray for you tho

Loving my boyfriend makes me happy and doesn't affect you in any way. why do you care?

Okay I have an important question.

You're at a party.

Suddenly. Herbie Hancock comes up to you with his beautiful Afro and asks.

>Yo man, what's your favorite album of mine

What would you say to him?

WOW being gay defines ONE part of their lifestyle, fucking the same sex


i don't like vagina. i don't like being unhappy. sex is healthy. i like sex with dicks. its not just about sex though, its the relationship i form with my boyfriend.

you gotta get off Sup Forums dude it's a hugbox there

you shouldn't care that i don't like you tbqh. lets just ignore each other

The former use of the word is a space safe from actual threats, such as crime. The latter use of the word is not actually a safe space, but an echo chamber.

>why do you care?
I don't, it's your right to do so. You'll have to deal with the consequences of the actions in your life at one point, but that's your business.

than that is great for you honestly. I wouldn't hang out with you but I wish you and your boyfriend years of happiness together!!!!

You can't fight the Herb urge forever.

i feel like you're understating this opinion. It's hate speech. She pretty much says that homosexuality is a perversion, that it's a sin, that it's ruining america etc.
It's not just an alternative opinion. It completely spits on the person that Ellen is. I can understand not wanting someone who hates you on your midday entertainment show. If this was a news show or something that wasn't aimed at mothers then for sure, keep her on and engage in a discussion. But for fuck sake, it's fucking Ellen. No one's going to want to discuss this on fucking Ellen. Get over yourself.

and that's why you're a cunt my dude.
gay people are fine.
you are not.

>The former use of the word is a space safe from actual threats, such as crime. The latter use of the word is not actually a safe space, but an echo chamber.

Where do you think the concept came from.

What are the consequences of a consensual marriage between two men

And how would that help Ellen?

Most people do not share your asinine belief that part of being tolerant is being tolerant of intolerance. If she came out and said "I'm keeping this woman around because I am tolerant of other people's opinions", she would probably lose viewers.

You have every right to feel mad at me!
i don't like you but again i wish you guys well! are you planning on getting married soon?

not the same user. just felt the need to tell you what a cunt you are. cunt.

thats fine user may god bless you!

Why are protestants so fucking cringeworthy?

>How is one's sexual orientation not part of their lifestyle?
It's not. See
>You don't have to act out on every urge you feel.

Promiscuity is a lifestyle. LTR-oriented is a lifestyle. MGTOW is a lifestyle. These are independent of race, gender, and sexuality.

Unless you're a promiscuous person, being a homosexual doesn't mean that you're just having sex with people of the same sex, it also means that you're forming a relationship with them. Relationships are a part of most people's lifestyle.

>everyone I don't like is Sup Forums

The only form of speech that could be considered hate speech is threatening someone.

>It completely spits on the person that Ellen is.
This would only be true if her homosexuality were the only part of her whole person.

Also, the article in the OP does not mention that the woman wanted to discuss homosexuality during the show.

The latter use of the term is not serious as this kind of "safe space" does not protect one from any threats, hence why it is put in quotation marks.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

I'm not saying that it would be good for her show. If she would rather be intolerant than lose viewers, that's her business.