Dept of Education decided to shut this school down

Dept of Education decided to shut this school down.

I don't think I know anyone who actually went there.

Any anons who went and have stories? What was ITT tech (or any other for-profit school) like? worth the money? shit show?

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bumping with random shit from my Sup Forums folder

lets hear those stories


I've never met anybody who went there either. did they even do anything besides make commercials to air during daytime tv?

also, because I'll never get a chance like this again:


69 chk also i like you

it was complete shit, their department that helped us find jobs was 4 people that posted weekly listings that they took from craigslist, most of which were way above the skill level of anyone at the schools or were in other cities too far to drive to.

I assume they taught classes or something

I've seen the physical locations around, but zero people I know have gone there or any other place like it.

buddy of mine who works in HR for a tech company told me that if he sees ITT Tech or University of Phoenix on the resume, he just shitcans it.

I know three people from my graduating class that went to these for profit colleges, all were in the army.

details user

what classes did you take or what was the program called?


so they probably did GI bill or whatever.

how did it work out for them?

High school level math classes and basic computer classes with outdated programs. We had to pirate most of our software they were teaching us because no one could afford what we were being trained in. I was part of the Multimedia program which no longer existed 6 months after graduating

continuing to bump

>ITT we discuss ITT Tech

so what do you do now?

I work for Apple, but it wasn't thanks to anything I learned through ITT


So what you're telling me is you wasted time and money on things you could learn yourself. Gotcha.

How did you end up at ITT then? Like what made you pick that over a community college?

Mind numbing commercials that get blasted on the radio and TV tbqh fam

School wasn't really my thing to begin with, one of the recruiters was a family friend and talked my parents into pressuring me into going. At the time I was barely out of high school with no job and I was being threatened with getting kicked out if I didn't immediately go. My parents were pretty shitty.

I have noticed something, radio and ads on TV all have the same thing in common. They're cancerous succubi that feel on the poor middle-lower class citizens who are struggling in life.

It was a scam, almost a degree mill, except their degree wasn't worth shit, and it was overpriced.
ITT Tech bilked the system, raking in millions using the federal aid system and throwing people into a debt that they cannot shake, while giving them nothing worthwhile back in return.
Knew two people that went there - $60k in student loans to pay for the place, both graduated, and neither could get a job with their degree from that shithole.
One of them died with their student loans still unpaid.
Glad that cancerous shithole got deep sixed.

>University of Phoenix
I used to have a boss who had a university of phoenix degree on his wall. he also had other, more reputable degrees though. and he actually did know his job, so I never really thought about it much. but in retrospect I could easily see an HR manager not putting much credence into a degree like that.

I did go to a for-profit business college called rasmussen for a few quarters. they were one of those turd-polishing schools that will take basically anybody who can pony up the tuition. they'd test new students and give them remedial classes in english, etc. if they were too dumb to do basic college-freshman-level shit. they also required classes in the vein of life skills/time management and business writing. the business writing course was actually one of the more useful classes I've taken, as I ended up later getting an (unrelated) office job.

they also had a business dress code (shirt and tie for guys, blouses etc. for girls, no jeans ever, etc) that you had to follow if you took classes on campus. didn't apply to me because I did all my classes online.

the reason I went in the first place was that they had an associate's program in criminal justice, my plan being to secure an AAS then be able to get a bachelor's without my previous credits expiring as happens in some colleges. with the AAS itself though, the only CJ job I'd have been able to get would've likely been in corrections. I ended up dropping out for health reasons and while I was recovering, decided that trying to get a BS while working as a prison guard probably wouldn't work out for me. so I gave up on it.

the other reason I went there was because they offered the entire curriculum online so you never had to come to class if you didn't want to. the state university didn't have that at the time. (I think they do now though.) but at the time it was a big bonus even though it was more expensive than state uni, because I was working overnight shifts full-time and did not have the energy, work schedule flexibility, or sufficiently reliable transportation to make the state uni thing work.

all in all it mostly ended up being a waste of money, but that was partially my fault since I changed my mind about what I wanted to do.

sucks man. hope you got out before you got loaded with too much debt

from what i've heard of prison guard jobs, a lot of the lower end privately run prisons just need you to have a pulse.

Private prisons are being ended by the Feds too.

most private prisons are on the state level. it won't affect them. also its only DOJ contracts. DHS still uses them.

>from what i've heard of prison guard jobs, a lot of the lower end privately run prisons just need you to have a pulse.
pretty much. it helps if you have some kind of related education though. but either way, there wasn't much else you could do with an associate's in it. if you wanted to even be a parole officer, much less anything cool, you had to have a bachelor's.

I did shadow with a parole officer for a day or so. what a depressing fucking job. I can't imagine being a guard would be any more cheerful.

paid just above minimum to be understaffed and risk my life? nah...i'll be a parole officer instead

girlfriend is getting her masters in international development online while she works full time at a non-profit school. its the only degree within that sub-school that's all online.

seems legit so far.

$32k in debt
Over $2k per class, 3 classes per "quarter".
School dropped me out of the program due to attendance.
Took my money and no degree.
Fucked my credit and is one of the reasons i cant work some jobs and cant find apartments. Ive been homeless because of it.
Monthly payment is over $500.

Will closing the school down give me debt forgiveness?

pretty much. that's the other thing about colleges like that. if I'd known then what I know now instead of being a dumbass, I probably wouldn't have gone. but they give you a bunch of stats about their high job placement rate and the incomes of graduates and so on, so it sounds good on paper. but the actual job prospects aren't so hot for some of the degree programs.

not to mention the fact that by the time I dropped out of there, I was making more at my factory job than I would have made with any of their associate's degree progams.

she should be fine. I did like the online class format. was nice to do work at my leisure instead of forcing myself to sit in a classroom absorbing nothing because I was too tired from work.

sounds like it might

possibly. DOE forgave some of the debt with the schools run by Corinthian.

you probably have to apply to DOE or maybe find a lawyer to help you. i'm not sure.

probably yes. you likely have to get in touch with the DOE to start the process.

I'm sure she'll be ok. It's a major school in DC with a good reputation. She had to apply just like any other masters program. GRE and undergrad transcripts and everything.

i know a guy that went there, and to devry in orlando. he is a fucking meatball head that can barely use webmail, youtube, and turn on the computer.

he's the head of IT for this car dealership now, since his underlings do everything for him since he has a degree, and they dont want someone competent to get on their cases for being pillheads.

Thank you bros.
Its been really hard. They promised the world and i didnt know any better until after i was fucked.