

I'll start: I wanted to ask if anyone else has tried out cell phone detonators? They are actually really awesome! They are expensive if working with shrapnel bombs and shit but I have only really used them for fireworks etc., you can just get a really cheap tracphone

Any explosives related topics are accepted here

just a reminder the fbi is more scared of electro bombs - emp and stuff - than explosive bombs

Nice, I hate that we are punished for having interests in explosives and want to practice with them in safe spaces, and be responsible for our own actions. I hate that the fbi only lets me use my mind on fucking fireworks, I hate this world.


If you wired the vibration motor in series with the battery and explosive it would just power the motor and detonate instantly

The thing is, it is wired so the circuit is complete when the motor turns on. Not a complete circuit until the motor turns on.

Why would they be? The worst you could do is break a shit ton of electronics that will be replaced anyway. $$$ < lives

The government prioritizes money over lives already lel

What needs power to live think about it. It Is very bad

i'm not sure. maybe its harder to later track and shit. maybe it does more damage. imagine a few EMP bombs in the center of the city. all the cares, all the banks computers would go2hell

i was saying that because of a pdf i found in the4 fbi archives that was talking about electro-terrorism and how hard it is to fight it

I don't even know shit about EMPs lmao, I just have a grasp on normal explosives. Do EMPs even like, explode, or disperse something, or is it all computers and processing?

Its a nuclear bomb detonated at a super high altitude.

Ahh, I see. Also, what explosive materials and such can be used? I know about the black/smokeless powder and the fertilizer+alcohol whatever's, but is there anything else cheap and easy to find that can be used or made?

thats not true. there are non nuclear emp's

you can make them from a microwave oven i think. the magnetron is the part that resonates electrons

You seem knowledgable, could you answer me this one?

noperino. im dont. i kinda know about this stuff only because a friend of mine was a big explosive nerd. he made some kind of a bomb that was heard in the whole goddamn city. the feds did take an interest in him.

long story short - his internet buys are now monitored closely and he has a gov official to look after him. other than that he didnt really get into much else trouble. than again im from eastern europe so check your local laws

EMP stands for electro magnetic pulse you morons
It sends out a strong wave of electro magnetic energy which causes damage to electrical appliances. If they're not turned on I think they survive it but if they're active when it goes off I'm pretty sure it shorts the circuits and damages the wiring and such

they wouldnt survive unless protection measures are made. faraday cage and such. otherwise the emp itself would actually power the circuts before burning them

Oh really? My bad

That is actually really cool. I can see an emp being dangerous af, but if I could get away with it, I would detonate it in a random town and watch everyone come out and get pissed cause their shit turned off lmao

A well place emp would turn off an entire city.
It would be chaos, and cost billions to repair.


Firstly, I don't know anything about the validity of the fbi being more concerned with EMPs or not, and I'm not extremely knowledgable on this topic.

But; if your goal is to shield something from either conventional explosives or an EMP, it reckon it would be a lot easier to shield from explosives. Depending on how safe you want something you just increase the meters of reinforced concrete, or even better armor should you want it. There's always reactive armor, as used on tanks, to shield from shaped charges. An EMP on the other hand doesn't give a shit about 5 meters of concrete. Your best bet here would be either an advanced power surge cutoff fuse or some sort of faraday cage. How hard it is to build a faraday cage capable of withstanding an EMP of power X I have no idea.

It would seem logical they are more afraid of an EMP. What do you think would be the bigger tragedy for a government, some hundred people dying in a public event or the entire NSA datacenter being fried beyond repair?

Damn EMPs are no fuckin joke, goddamn

Shit you can make them from copper wire and pipe.


Care to elaborate user. Mods prob don't want us to share ideas for too long

>Shit you can make them from copper wire and pipe.
Basically you just make a pipe bomb with the explosive at one end, wrap copper wire around it, as the explosive travels down the pipe it creates the em pulse from the copper wire. Now granted this is small scale shit. You arent gonna black out anything with this maybe fuck up a tv or cell phone. Think of it this way, the energy for the pulse has to come from somewhere, bigger boom, bigger pulse.

Hey what are good explosives that can be made. I don't always feel like getting smokeless/black powder all day or fertilizer. Anything easy?

You kids need to find a copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook, lots of good info in there. Not as relevant as it used to be but Boom! is Boom! no matter the level of technology

Can anyone give me a quick tutorial or a link to one on how to make a relatively small bomb, preferably as simple as possible too?

Cant really help ya there. I used Black Powder when i was playing around making mine. I imagine getting your hands on any high grade explosives would require permits and licensing, and a paper trail is probably a bad idea if you are making bombs lol


PVC pipe, two end caps, black powder, fuse. Glue one cap to pipe, pack with black powder, drill hole for fuse in other cap, wax seal the fuse, glue other end cap, light and run for the hills.

Even easier, same shit but you put fertilizer inside then alcohol and cotton balls on the side the fuse is. You need chemical fertilizer tho

*gasoline not alcohol

About how big of a boom this will make? Also check 'em

Fertilizer bombs have been used in a bunch of terror attacks, just for reference. They were also used by the Irish Repbulican Army. It's terrorist level efficiency

>fetilizer and gasoline
Are you talking about ANFO? You don't just put it in a pipe and stick a fuse, it's such an insensitive high explosive that you would need an extremely powerful shockwave to set it off, like a big amount of confined primary HE, or a secondary booster. I myself have made KNO3/sugar smoke bombs, crappy flash powder and TATP

So how far do I run and will this fuck up an abandoned factory?

I have to go to bed for work soon. Can I get TATP recipe pls?


would be a better board for this though.

ElectroMagnetic Pulse. Basically all electric devices have a magnetic field. Coil some wire up and the entire wire will support one EM field and be a lot more powerful. Then it's just a matter of passing a big enough electric pulse through the wires


Google it, or even look up on youtube, plenty of recipes
Potassium chlorate/fuel explosives are shit though, there are much better secondary alternatives, mercury fulminate is also toxic and not the best initiator


All I find are liberal media outlets saying TATP is bad. I need some help user

I wouldn't actually attempt to make this one myself.

When making an EMP always place a solid iron core inside the coils, literally 1000x the magnetic field

Search for "acetone peroxide tutorial" or "how to make acetone peroxide" or "acetone peroxide tutorial". But I recommend you don't mess with it, it's impressively sensitive. However if you're as stupid as me, make absolutely sure your final product is properly washed and completely neutralized. What do you need it for btw?