Going to start smoking, what brand of cigarettes do you recommend Sup Forums?

Going to start smoking, what brand of cigarettes do you recommend Sup Forums?

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Don't do it you fucking retard

The ones that give you cancer.....
>srsly tho , im a hookah fag myself


Pack a day here.

Dont fucking do it.

At this point it doesn't matter anymore. I dropped out of college because of my schizophrenia, my family hates me, I can't hold a job - I have nothing to lose.

If anything, speeding up my death is a good thing.

smoking? Just go kill yourself now already.. smh.

Marlboro Reds.

If you didn't smoke before, why would you start now?

Start with Marlboro. Its one of the more popular brands

if you want to speed up your death, just cut some heroin with drain cleaner and you'll be shaking hands with god in no time

just kill yourself then, smoking is just torture.

Marlboro reds. Or camel Turkish golds have always been nice.

dont do it, too expensive
marlboro anything is the best besides american spirits

Drum. its roll-your-own but good shit.

Definitely reds

You seem like a newports kinda guy.

Start smoking weed.

Kicking a nicotine addiction is no joke. Rather smoke weed instead as strange as that may sound.


From what you said i I'm guessing you don't even have a job? It's too expensive on the long run man and isn't even worth it

If you want to smoke relatively heavy cigarettes, smoke Pall Mall Reds. Marlboro Reds suck.

honestly just smoke weed. it's healthier and girls are into it

I would go with American Spirits

>smoking cancer little cocks

Nicotine won't make you feel better, only the lack of it will make you feel shit.
You don't even look cool anymore, just smoke weed or get some good coke once in a while.

Marlboro reds, if you want some heavy shit, try the black benson and hedges

Lucky strikes, there Unfiltered

This is bullshit. There's a reason people smoke - nicotine feels good.

Smith and western or 9mm

Going to start smoking... why the fuck would you want to do that? I mean seriously... After awhile you will be back here making a thread here: "going to quit smoking, plz help me Sup Forums"

I mean jesus fucking christ, some people...

newports if you're black, marb reds if you're not

No, people who smoke say it feels good because they are getting relief from their whithrawl, that's an emotive falacy.

Enjoy your 50's wired to the machines.

Don't do it OP.
It will slowly swallow you into slavery.
It will give you the "void" feeling that will make you smoke more and more for the rest of your life.
It won't help you in social relations, it won't help u meet qt3.14, it won't fucking do any good for you.
>personal experience

Kicking nicotine pales in comparison to kicking a solid heroin addiction.

Source: I quit both cold turkey. I am an anomaly.
Don't start it's not worth it

as long as no menthols you re good OP


bullshit rumors aka self excses

very fucking correct

I smoked for a year when I was doing my compulsory military service and I quit the day I got out. I'd say from my experience; dont do it. Start having a oreo or a strawberry cheesecake every once in awhile instead or something... Anything else than a cigarette. Enjoy your smokeless life user, stay away from shit that you have to pay for to get cancer.

schizophrenia is the problem, not lack of nicotine and a surplus of cash i guess? Why not medication for schizophrenia?

There are a lot of good brands, bro

I like to smoke the Supreme Cancerello on the weekends, but mostly I buy the No Lungs For Longs, but you may be bored after a while!
My friends smoke the Tu-Mour To-Good, they are pretty cheap

Nice one, sick burn!

Don't start smoking OP. Better start sucking dick.

Do you seriously think that nicotine only makes you addicted and gives no pleasurable feeling? I liked smoking the second I started.

Marlboro are the best, golds are worse but not the worst
Dont smoke slims

I'd love to see you in your deathbed craving for one last cigarette while the nurse asks you to put the oxygen mask back on your face


smoked for 35+ years
watched smoking kill my grandfather
watched smoking kill my mother
watched smoking kill gf's aunt
was spending $8.00 a day or more on cigarettes
finally quit last december with Chantix

don't start op. it's not even "cool" anymore like it was when I started, it's just dumb

Fuck cigarettes, go for cigars.

Marlboro. Only.

If you think you only smoke because you enjoy it,
then try to stop smoking for a week to prove to yourself that you are not addicted.

>inb4 but why should I stop if I like it?
>inb4 I could stop whenever I want, but I like it.

Yeah, sure.
The truth is that you are scared shitless.

Do some drugs instead, way more fun and you might change your perspective.

look, just start doing outdoorsy stuff
go to out and have a gander
go for a hike tomorrow if weather permits
I've just gotten a pouch of tobaccoa fortnight ago when out with mates and now im smoking 3+ cigs a day
i stopped when i went to the city for a couple days but point is, ive smoked regularly and a shitload more this past week then i ever have in my life.
I know its bad for me and have no intentions to buy more but. I mean when you're drunk you never know .
Also the people i live with have started noticing and its pretty shameful, i do it in private but the smell is fucking bad man

smoke dmt instead, don't be that drug addict chad who likes to show he can handle life with his smoking skills while your heart is deeply rotten; when your house starts to collapse you fix the frame, you're not painting the outside walls

If you're going to start smoking anything just smoked weed

No, I know I'm addicted. But, you aren't gonna be able to dissuade smokers (or potential smokers) by saying that it's a pointless practice. I find nicotine more pleasurable than alcohol. Even when I FIRST started smoking (and was not as addicted as I am now), I immediately noticed that it made me a bit clear headed.

I know many former smokers, even one that hasn't smoked in 20 years. I asked him if he would still smoke if cigarettes weren't unhealthy, and he said he would.

Yes, people smoke to fix their nicotine withdrawl. But a love of nicotine occurs before addiction takes place.

Not OP, but where can I get DMT from and how much does it cost?
Pretty interested since it's a safe halucinogenic drug.

kys! ..wait i guess you're already gonna be doing that.

fuck all these people trying to tell you not to smoke. nobody I have ever personally known has had any health complications due to smoking aside from some phlegm and you won't even get that till you've been smoking like 10 years.

I say marlboro red 72's. they are small but powerful. nothing else gives you the same consistent taste.

Lucky Strikes

just continue not smoking!
if you relapse while drunk, then it's a shame, but whatever just keep not smoking and you'll get increasingly good at not smoking. aka quitting.

i know from experience

Newports are masterrace

>Going to start smoking
Why the fuck would you do that?

Do you think you'll look cool? A bit like Marlboro Man? Tough and outdoors-y

You'll ruin your fitness, you'll smell, your teeth will yellow, your clothes will smell, you'll spend lots of time standing outside restaurants in the rain because you can't control your addiction, you'll spend a lot of money and statistically it'll kill you, and not in a good way.

Such a good decision.


OP, remember that most of the faggots trying to dissuade you are mostly potheads and vapers trying to, "taek dahwun big tabakuh" and few of them are actual dmoking victims.

As an ex-smoker I understand your point. Though there are deeper things behind cigarettes that I am not able to explain here.
That's why, when and if you ever decide to stop, I warmly suggest you read this book: Allen Carr - the easyway to stop smoking

go to alphabay, log in and encrypt your message with a pgp key. I had 150mg for 16$

Fuck off. You want more people finding this place?

if your gonna kill yourself do it the right way

Wouldn't assume the risk of shipping.
Plus, I have no btcs whatsoever and I don't wanna give my credit card info on the darknet

>be me
>be uber driver
>rider left cig pack in my car
>still had 4 left and a lighter
>fuck it
>decide to finally try one
>go to parking lot
>light up
>just breath it in my mouth first
>blow out through nose
>taste is terrible
>next one puff i fully inhale
>blow out
>try a few for times
>feels and tastes fucking awful
>give up
>gag a bit
>go home
>brush teeth and use mouthwash and tongue scrapper
>still cant get that nasty taste out

it was fucking gross.

then you can diy like a real og, buy some mimosa hostilis root bark and make a dmt extraction with soda and naphta, more infos here :
plz be safe fgt

if you did that at 14 you'd have been the edgiest badass ever.
i mean.. uber driver at 14 is pretty sick HUE HUE HUE

Golden Virginia here

Half satan checked

Then don't give yourself torture and these companies money. Donate the kesh and end it if you want to.

Well shit, I guess I shouldn't have skipped my biology and chemestry classes
Ty user, will give it a read

damn wrong link, here the right one :
njoy your trip, I blasted off my first hit of dmt, 75mg, most intense thing that happens in my life; way better than getting one's lungs rekt with tobaccoCancer

marlboro reds.

>Vapedag detected

Nice, in that case I better start off with 50mg max

Zigaretten review youtu.be/3_J0nvVMxzE

black indians are the best

Listen to this man. If someone has this history, he went through some serious shit.. personal/family experience are by far the most pregnant and remembering ones...

i feel with you.. same in my family (all 3 brothers) with meth.. horrible thing.

>in b4 no homo

Take it from someone who started really young don't start op it will make you sick and you won't feel good anymore

Roll your own sigarettes.
It tastes better and it is way cheaper.
>pic related

I beg to differ, go White Ox, more bang for your buck

Try to find "schwarzer Krauser" or "natural American Spirit light Blue" and roll them by yourself, Smoking for 12 years now, i know what I'm talking about, btw no problems with my lungs/stamina jet

As retarded as I might sound, smoking isn't really fun unless theres people to smoke with. If you dont have firends or know someone who smoke, just get addicted to alcohol instead. Kills you just as fast, but is way more funny :^)

You might turn into a nigger, but they'll put hair on your balls.