Why the hell are people getting pissed off that our basketball team is dominating...

Why the hell are people getting pissed off that our basketball team is dominating? The whole point of the Olympics is to send your best athletes. I keep hearing people talking about how we should have sent college players. Fucking un-American dickheads if they're getting mad that we're too fucking good at basketball.

Whos getting mad? Doesnt matter anyways Delly is gonna dominate them tommorow

Team of monkeys and a zookeeper tbqh familia.

They were supposed to dominate the Olympics in general, but even Hungary has you Aussies beat.

tbqhwy our college players would absolutely destroy anyway. The argument is the olympics was amateur athletes, not professional athletes. Obviously not the case anymore though and hasn't been for awhile, so people think sending college kids would even it out a bit but fuck no it would not. Those people who think that obviously haven't watched college basketball

because a few of them are really horrible representatives. If you replace Green and Cousins with Davis and Drummond then nobody probably cares.

3rd worlders BTFO because all the best
players are not from just one country (theirs)

If that were the case theyd be way more horribly obnoxious than US apehoop fans

I havent seen anyone mad about that. Only seen americans saying WHY YOU MAD?

Lmao i have never seen anyone gettin mad at your basketball team for being too "good"

stop making shit up just to have something to cry about

The other countires have pro players sprinkled in but they don't have enough of a solid core to compete

The games literally go in favor of the other team until we decide to play serious and then blow them the fuck out by 30 or 40

If they played hard from the jump the score would be such a blowout they might consider steps to limit our ability honestly. It was a big reason why we lost that year - no one was taking it seriously and by the time they realized 'oh shit we're going to lose this' it was too late to climb back.

but it's not even the best US team. Compare this team with the one taht played in the london olympics.
That ones won gold playing on practice mode and only in the final against Spain, they to speed up a little bit.
This team although strong, is much weaker and they already had to shift their their pace against Venezuela. If this US team starts joking arround, they will be knocked out in the semi finals, when they face a good side.

so far i haven't seen many people here care about basketball

People often get mad simply because they hate seeing you win and then come up with some blatant excuse that has nothing to do with it

I just hate the US basketball team when they're playing against muh Serbia.

>one white dude

why is this allowed?

Sport is about entertainment. Those monkeys are supposed to keep my mind off the crushing reality of my life and watching massive blowouts just doesn't do it.

>black dad

Does anyone other than the US give a shit about Olympic basketball? Who's getting mad, other Americans?

>that roster
>our "best" athletes

That lineup is no where near our best

I just hope they get complacent and choke somehow.

Imagine if Sup Forums existed in 2004

The shitstorm would've been so fucking massive

This is tru, durant, draymond and paul george are the only ones on that team who would probably make USA's a team.

Who exactly is mad?

kek they haven't even won the gold yet and you're already salty as fuck.

and klay and kyrie

That poor lone white guy.

You just know he's getting filled with negro semen nightly.

> The whole point of the Olympics is to send your best athletes.
Wrong fuckhead. The whole point is to send amateurs and celebrate peace. That's what the olympic spirit is you shithead. That's why Eric the Eel and Eddie the Eagle are LEGENDS and you're a faggot.

Klay and kyrie would both be maybes id put steph, cp3 and westbrook ahead of both of em

nobody cares cancer americans, basketball is US only, like if the bomb would drop on all the NBA stadiums nobody but you guys would care

The Olympics are supposed to be for amateurs, regular people.
Every Olympics america stacks the team with roided out professional super niggers from the NBA

Theres no need for our niggers to juice since they've already been bred to perfection

Most team sport in the olympics is filled with proffesionals though.

And when your country is underwater in 20 years, no one else is going is care, either.

>no one was taking it seriously and by the time they realized 'oh shit we're going to lose this' it was too late to climb back.
*rewrites history*

of course I am
I'm seething

Then no pro soccer player should go either.

>he actually believes that shit

All sports niggers are roidiing.

>needing your own negrosport to get medals
Pathetic desu. :D

The only thing making up for it will be however that you guys will get spanked at baseball next olympics by superior Cubanitos and Japs.

>All sports niggers are roidiing

You honestly think every black NBA pro would risk losing their million dollar contracts and having to pay huge fines by roiding?

>bred to perfection
You mean from playing basketball their entire lives because that's all inner city niggers can do with their time besides killing and stealing

yes, niggers are very stupid

you actually think NBA would want to risk their million dollar contracts by enforcing anti-drug policies?

Nobody gives a fuck about niggerball.

Every Olympic athlete is a professional. Just because one sport is popular to watch and the other one isn't doesn't mean shit

If it was that widespread it would've been leaked years ago

Sponsors would sue the NBA to non existence

sponsors don't care about athletes doing drugs, they care about they getting caught. As long as they don't get caught and deluded retards like yourself believe it's all clean and people can attain 250lbs of lean mass naturally, then it's fine.

I'm about to drop an ELITE TRUTH BOMB

If the pinnacle of the sport is not winning an Olympic Gold, it shouldn't be there.

No Golf
No Soccer
No Tennis
No Basketball

>sponsors don't care about the atheletes they're endorsing ruining their image beyond repair

If it was revealed Lebron was doping, Nike's stock would plummet.

that's why it won't be revealed.

like he said they care about them being caught not doing them

i actually agree

there's no way you can cover up something as big as league-wide roiding for that long.

lad theres a reason why the NFL drug testing is non-compliant with WADA

did you know Lance Armstrong was never actually caught? That is, he never failed valid drug tests, yet he was roided to the bones. The only reason he was exposed was because of drug trafficking. Drug tests are a joke, there's no reason for the NBA to enforce effective anti-drug policies, and there's no reason for athletes admitting to using it and losing their contracts, not to mention getting sued out of existence for slander.

>Drug tests are a joke

Even if they are, we would've had a whistleblower for rampant roid usage by now.

>Lance Armstrong was never actually caught?

We're comparing 1 guy to an entire league here

I wonder if the white Male athletes prep these superior black bulls for the white Female athletes?

think you've posted a pic of the nigerian team