Alright people im fucking outraged...

Alright people im fucking outraged, i've been seeing alot of this channel of the clown fucking thing and thats fine and i even subscribed to that channel and now this fucking piece of shit faggot uploads this
he basically turns into a fucking leafy wannabe using text to speech im fucking tired of leafy and related channels like his. They're fucking cancerous as fuck. so Sup Forums i've decided to quit youtube for good


fucking commentary channel cancer bullshit


Why isnt anyone reacting to this goddamn it am i the only fucking person who hates these kind of channels

No one cares you fucking piece of shit if you dont like it then dont watch it, also who fucking cares about the link you sent lmfao

> if you dont like it then dont watch it
you fucking piece of shit if u took 2 seconds to read you would know that i fucking said that im qutting youtube you dumb fucking faggot

why the fuck are you watching them in the first place

OP is a fag once again

Tbh I hate leafy and channels like his. I can't wait until the YT terms of service change and he gets banned

what does that mean?

why are the terms of service changing and what are they changing to

There trying to eliminate bullying. So channels that make fun of other people with get taken down. That's y leafy took down a lot of his vids

oh..i guess i dont have to quit youtube after all :')

Great so now oyu can fuck off





ajktuallie 3 not 2


do people on Sup Forums actually like leafy?

and thats how you detect a 12 year old summerfag its the piece of shit who's screaming
>12 year old summerfag
so kill yourself you goddamn piece of shit

no one likes leafy

he has 4 million subscribers

going on youtube makes a 12 year old summerfag? are you fucking retarded? kys you waste of genetic resources