Can someone have an ear for me please

Can someone have an ear for me please


I have been treating my parents like shut so they could hate me but my mom still loves me. The reason I'm doing this is when I kill myself they won't miss me so far I have made so many past friends distant even my brothers and cousins and aunts and uncles don't like me anymore. Only them. I tried so hard but she still loves me my dad a little

Why the fuck can't you have an ear? That shit isnt free.

Your parents (if they are good ones), will love you no matter what you do.

They've always forgave me for the hateful shit I did to them

I don't want to be here anymore dude

Why do you feel a need to kill yourself?

I wanted to say they even WILL forgive anything you do, no matter what, they are parents.

There's the reason to not kill yourself.

user, shh. :*

I would like to know it too.

Don't be such a looser. You have people that love you, which is more than some can say. Purposely trying to make people not love you is a horrible idea which will only make you less happy. They love you, ask for help instead of being an ass to them.

Wait, are you OP saying you're depressed without a known cause?
Or another user concerned for OP?

The anonymity can get confusing.

dude you are totally right, this guy doesn't know the pain of losing your parents

Nope, I'm not depressed, just wanted to help the op

Go out with a bang, shoot up a place. Become a hero of Sup Forums

When I was I don't even remember the age I was raped by an uncle... I was young very young. I didn't know what was happening. He gave me money I became his fucking prostitute and I didn't know what I was doing. Then I see this fucker on Facebook being free and enjoying life with his family and shit smiling. I have not been happy for years. Then looking back I think, what did I do? Is it something I did? Did God not like me. What the fuck did I do.

I don't want that to happen

What have you been doing to them op?

I still love you little bro. Even if we don't even talk over steam anymore.

Is that your butt in the bottom corner? That is really horrible but you can get back at him by telling your family, which loves you according to yourself. Tell them and they will understand. Don't kill yourself or do anything to the few people that love you.

man seek some professional help, this matters cannot be healed with a normal 'get over it'

Op. Listen. Excuse me for being a sentimental faggot. Im so sorry about what happened to you, but really, God has not abandoned you. He's still watching you and loving you, and will never leave. There are times in life where you will be broken, and He will be here to put you back together. Sometimes people have to be broken to be built up into something better. He will always be around waiting for you, to come to him so he can set you free. I hope you find your way. Suicide is not the answer. May God bless you.

It would honestly be most best to tell your family the truth. Its much more healthier than hurting your parents those ways, Even if they dont believe it you gotta tell them what happened and how its impacting you or else theyll never understand ya know? Im sorry to hear that happened to you. And As far as an user goes I hope i can be of some assistance

not the best place for christianity bro, but for what is worth you are right you have to go through a lot of shit in life but there is always a way out(not talking about suicide btw)

About that uncle, does the police know it?

No haha thanks for making me chuckle.
I don't want anyone to know about it. Even though if I do tell that would be the reason I should kill myself.
I'm not rich I can't afford that
Was him abandoning us not enough
user I am far beyond it
No they don't I'm not telling

why you don't want to talk to the police?

You will not kill yourself, without hurting anybody. So best for you and your parents: Get help.

You are not so special, bad things happen to many people all the time, you got raped? Why you? Well, bad luck,. I will tell you sometholing, I got abused many times when I was young and someday I feel like a shit but then I finaly got clear into the idea that nobody cares about that but me. Now I accept what happened, I was there in the wrong moment with the wrong person ant thats all. Today I have a lovely family and I enjoy Sup Forums everyday and think how this life could be a real shit, yes as shitty as you want. Sorry for my bad english

Here is the sad thing out of all of this my Xbox where it stands where I set it up. Where I play. The room I sleep in is where he raped me. I will never forget about it no matter what I do. I can't change rooms. I am stuck with this one.

I'm the butt guy. Tell your parents then get through it together. Put yourself in their position. How horrible would it be for their child to do a bunch of bad stuff to them then kill themselves? You say your parents love you and I can tell that you love them back because you are trying to make them not like you so that they arn't as hurt when you kill yourself but that's not the way to go. What I understand is that you love your family and they love you but you feel too scared and hurt to give them the bad new that (I'm amusing one of their brothers) raped you. So you either hurt them by letting them know what happened or hurt them a lot more by killing yourself. If you really do love each other then their is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to go to your parents and start walking out of that tunnel together.

Goodbye anons see you guys wherever I go

Good luck. Don't you dare loose the little love that people have for you. Goodnight

OP is not going to die, OP knows that dying is more painful than being raped


dude don't. Things will get better. Just jack off man.Or go outside and start running and think about the beauty of life or just do whatever. But whatever you do don't kill yourself

You don't know what's beyond life man. Don't ruin your whole family because of this. Talk to your parents or whoever you can trust and trust me you'll feel a lot better. They will help you!

Dubs don't lie

Is OP gone? OP respond if you are here.