...is the first and only thing you grab when an intruder breaks into your home

...is the first and only thing you grab when an intruder breaks into your home.

>mfw it's an M&P 9
>mfw you don't own a gun

who am i supposed to attack with a damn dildo?



20 lb cat is not a bludgeon. Have some courtesy.

bout to kill this motherfucker with an empty bottle of crystal pepsi

Well, I guess we know what you're going to do with her.

A wheelbarrow. Should be able to fuck something up with that. Probably my back.


I'm not even mad.

>Probably my back

I kek'd.

Also It's a Glock 43. Fuck SW.

what is this scale of this home invasion? board with a nail in it wielded by some nigger, or the SAS?