I just fucked a girl without a condom and I have HPV. I told her I was clean. I'm a piece of shit

I just fucked a girl without a condom and I have HPV. I told her I was clean. I'm a piece of shit.

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

she let you, her fault

Pretty much every sexually active adult has HPV for most people it will never have an effect.

Some people will get warts and rare case it can cause cancer but it is nothing to worry about.

Just like herpes. Most have it but few have symptoms.

it's fine dude, she probably deserved it

you know what kind you have? there are a bunch of types. Most males are asymptomatic but yeah... you are a fucking coward dude, she can get cancer from that and she was nice enough to fuck you.

Knowingly giving someone an STD is sexual battery/sexual assault depending on which state you live in.

Almost as much of a piece of shit as western medcine.

HPV vaccine was given exclusively to girls for years when it's now shown to be a good idea to give it to both.

Chances are she's already immune OP.

yeah thats a dick head move bud. kill yourself to stop the spread. for the greater good. #FTGG

was she hot or ugly?

if she was a fatty or uggo, thanks to you good sir. you've done mankind a service

if she was hot:
wtg, jackass

Reported. Enjoy jail faggot


top kek

You've just been reported. Enjoy, faggot

pffft lol'd



Your ass hole is going to turn into rhe mariana trench after being rammed by all your cell mates in prison you fucking faggot

>those tabs :D

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She wasn't the first either.

I don't have the cancerous type and the warts have gone away.

If you have the kind that gives you warts, you don't have the kind that gives you cancer. You are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums though.

Reported for fuck a girl of 32 years old? Really nigga? Haha!



RIP English

You'd better fucking hope that doesn't develop into cervical cancer, you fuck.

>how to find Jesus
>before he finds me

this. she i'll be fine. now you should be worried about dick cancer or something.

nah, she ain't the first and I've done it with girls who never contracted it.

But please, shower me with hate of how shitty I am. I need to cum.

You ARE a piece of shit

Everybody gets vaccinated for that shit now.


you should eat her out so you get orapharyngeal cancer