Other urls found in this thread:
I'll do a thing.
If you're taking requests:
Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before
Please and thank you. God bless
here's a lil succubus for you guys to draw. 'v'
taking requests
Arite.. now i'm all confused.
didn't know that little one has a doppelganger
Requesting Rukia and a Roselia, prefer something cute but anything nonlewd/nonviolent is fine.
why it so hot
I will draw anything simple enough. I will take requests, as long as it doesn't involve autistic chinese cartoon fake wives.
Stand against a blue background. cools me off everytime.
Aw, c'mon. I know some Chinese gold farmers that would give me . . US! a great deal on these horns!
Oh cool, these things unscrew!
Eat your left arm, always cools me off.
sup nerds
i'll hang out for a little while
Draw a melting face.
Can I request something of this?
If you're taking requests:
Draw an antelope head butting a jeep through a tree.
With you in it.
So, any more requests for the time bein'?
get some water.
drink the water.
Also, if anyone could help me out in identifying these individual artists with their respective doodles, I'll appreciate it a lot
taking requests
not so sure about this
not feeling it
ive been drinking water all day
now its lukewarm hghh
Can anyone recommend a good art book to buy to learn how to draw better
1471 on the bottom right looks so familiar but I cannot place why. The rest of them are pretty vague stylistically. Will try to find a match for that artist.
do you draw OC's??? :0
a Centaur type Creature
Human torso Part = Elephant half
Horse part = Ant thorax and abdomen
As simple as it gets.
Yeah, this one was actually recently received, but I had asked the artist for their name, and they never replied. So down to the Anonymous folder it goes
put ICE in the water.
if none of that helps, hop into your fridge.
someone draw a towel smoking a joint please
yea with consent from artist
kill yourself.
i'm bored dammit
Could you maybe do something with this?
Have you done before?
do it or leave thread its a law for all new drawfags to prove they are allowed to stay
Would you mind drawing an animal catching a human with a trap?
could you please draw a big big-mac bugging bugsy?
sure mang i'll doodle her up
i think i tried it a loooong time ago
but i don't wanna do it again
sorry m8
>new drawfags
boi i've been drawing here for a bit
A cute plague doctor?
They aren't a new drawdude, though
Yeah, I assumed you did, but I don't have it saved, unfortunately. You wouldn't happen to have it saved in your files, do you? Or maybe yours is jumbled somewhere in the anonymous folder of mine?
>boi i've been drawing here for a bit
that is the least wrong part about that whole post he made
a slime dragon
i dont HAVE ice
mm slurp
i kinda need these you know...
would you mind giving them back?
kill yourself bitch
wat r u? a goat?
I'm shocked that I'm the only one doing this.
Google south park Towelly
thank you but it looks awful
Have you ever tried drawing a humanoid towel before? I'm not that good at drawing + you chose a fucking stupid thing.
wew lad
here u are friend
i save over everything except a select few things
everything from back then is looooong gone
sorry m8
>hop into your fridge.
Ahh, damn. It's cool. Thanks for having done it before anyway
fuck i had part of the layer hidden
the other shit he said was way more wrong about it being a law and making a demand
not having terabytes of hardrive space , for shame.
Yeah, that was dumb as fuck for him to say
I think Shadow said it best with "It's just a token request that has no purpose, like Rainbow Dash with a bong"
Aw hey wait! Weren't you tired just a little while ago?! C'mawn I'm too kawaii to be mad at
aaaaah omg someone actually drew her!!!! thank you!!!!
Just a minute ago.
rainbow dash, rukia, yotsuba, antelope/jeep, all just harmless nothing
Can you draw Widowmaker in her Odette skin doing something lewd
no prob~
sorry it's gone!
there is no law of this land
>tfw 500gb
>not even ssd
anytime friend!
glad you like it~
I am taking requests. Ask me for anything.
Can I request a melancholic girl in all black?
So to the dude who claimed it as "law for new drawfags", please don't. You're making us look worse than we already do
Eh, it happens. My dumb fuck fault for sleeping or not being around in general when the doodles are posted in threads
Haha fuck you guys
Princess Jasmine eating a hotdog with her anus.
Can you draw Jimmy? You know, the wednesday prophet.
a request from the previous thread
also Hello thread
>hey drawfags, please draw me a nice pair of titties. they don't even need a body attached, just a pair of titties will do.
ahhhh welcome to the fun! how are you tonight scrib?
can you draw my succubus OC??? pretty please?????? 'v'
you still lurk around here?
holy shit
Any drawfriends willing to do lewds?
separately requesting all 3 of these
gotchu fam
Requesting these two having sex.
Toko Fukawa can be in her psycho or normal form depending on who you want to be dominating, same goes for Gasai Yuno.
Trib, Scissoring, Grinding, ect. Whatever you call it these days.
Example, danbooru.donmai.us
i wonder what exactly do you have in mind.
it happens~
anything else before i go to bed?
someone draw a panther snorting glue please
That's not what I meant but ok.
gib sec
im doing as okay as i can be.have a small bit of free time for tonight
i lurk when i can i'll be around more this comming month as i'll finally be back home hopefully
i didn't make the request but those are some nice boobies
How about your favorite Pokémon getting it's ass kicked by a Togekiss?
Or have I asked for that from you before, too? I can't remember; bad memory and all
Jimmy is here is his youtube name I think.
Die in a fire
Could anyone draw Marika Tachibana from Nisekoi flashing her butt?
glad to see you around, you taking requests?
Tee hee I put all my points in DEX you'll never catch me!
Oooo! Ice cream! Who left this here?!
Hey there Scribbie. Do you feel like taking porn request? or just fooling around?
>i lurk when i can i'll be around more this comming month
you're crazy good m8
ehh maybe next time
i wanna make it look neat and i'm too tired for that rn
i'm off to bed, 2 tired
later nerds