How did you guys get over fucking your first fat chick?
How did you guys get over fucking your first fat chick?
Get getright outta here
getright outta here boi
>Be me
>Age 21
>nice young boy
>learn about Tinder.
>learns how to make profile look like dashing young lad.
>get some matches but nothing ever comes of them.
>get match with cute girl but cant see her body.
>oh well shes talking to me cant be that bad.
>jump to today.
Fucking the second one
>been talking for like 3 days.
>bros night out.
>pre pre game at best bros place.
>then off to second bros place for pre game
>then off to go bar hoping when dun dun dun.
>girl text me saying shes drunk wants to fuck.
>coming soon ep.3
Smoked some weed and had another glass of Jack Daniels to cope.
>line is fucking 3hr long
>first Friday of the college year.
>all the freshman girls.
>but i had something on lock (A cute 4/10 face that looks slightly chubby)
>g++ I-can-manage.exe -o If-only-i-knew
>I dont want to wait 3 hours when its fucking 12 am and the free drinks are done.
>bro 1 drove and wont take me to pussy tho so I take uber fucking waste of 6$
>driver thought we where friends because we both speak Spanish
>I give him 5 stars because we both speak Spanish
>but he drops me off at girl apparent complex but i have to walk to her place.
>idk where this bitch lives.
shut up faggot your story is shit