Your dog makes a quart of jizz

>your dog makes a quart of jizz
And you fags wonder why your girlfriends are cumming on your dog's dick?

tbh i'd love to see my gf get fucked by a dog

>plenty of male dog/female human porn
>surprisingly very little female dog/male human porn

Anyone ever notice that?


can you really blame them? fucking 8" circumference knot on the gspot, 5 minutes of lightning fast fucking and a literal bellyful of cum

Dogs probably rarely jack off hence why they release so much cum whilst human males fap like twice a day

What're you trying to say?

hm. There's loads of male dogs fucking dudes too. I wouldn't mind watching a dude fuck a female dog though.

I think it might be their balls are also fucking gargantuan for their body sizes, big breeds that weigh 90+lbs have nads bigger than eggs but dudes who weigh twice that still have fucking grapes

Besides, girls don't give a fuck, they just care about the feeling of it spurting super damn deep in em for 10+ minutes on end. don't forget their dicks are also a lot bigger than ours on average

There's also very little porn of small dogs (like poodle/Chihuahua size) getting some human vag.

All I am saying is that there are unfilled niches in the lucrative niche market of beastiality porn.