Movie thread: Fuck you, I liked it

Movie thread: Fuck you, I liked it.

>decent enough story, pacing
>looks fucking amazing
>dat soundtrack

It was alright and entertaining enough. Just over-hyped is all.

Another for bump.

I loved it. I think it's on par, if not better, than the original. My only problem was that dumb ass who owned the club. I never bothered to remember his name because he was completely useless beside the fact that he introduced Daft Punk's cameo.

>Just over-hyped is all

By far. It was the sequel nobody asked for. Sill though, I dig the environment they built. It's a pleasant to look at and listen to film, even if the story does has some missteps.

I think too many people had their own idea on what Tron should have become - especially with modern computing in mind.

>Modern Tron - gonna have the internet and shit in it

This is what brought the movie down. Not the movie itself but troglodytes with sky-high expectations.

watched the shit outta it as a kid because i was big into natural disasters. amazing visuals, plus it's nostalgic to me now.

>My only problem was that dumb ass who owned the club

Yeah that was a real shit performance I thought too, that guy is a good actor idk wtf he was thinking portraying him like that. And like you said he was pretty much otherwise entirely unconnected with the plot.
>not great screen writing

But by that point you're sorta already sold on the movie so it didn't ruin it for me.

Greetings, programs.

> gonna have the internet and shit in it

Yeah I think there is a ton of different things they could have done and directions they could have gone and people ran away with the idea of what it could be.

Still though, I think they pulled it off. I really liked the world, the feel of it etc. Wouldn't mind a sequel not sure what direction they'd go with it. I guess it has been shelved but cannot confirm.

i beg to differ.

nostalgia purposes gets a pass


Holy shit she is right up there with trinity and black widow with rocking the body suit!

>using character names instead of the actresses'
LOL why though? Also Matrix wasn't that good. Fight me.

yeah she looked fucking good in it. The fight scenes were somewhat clunky but she stretches and twists a lot which was semi boner inducing.

Nah, you're probably right. Most movies I enjoy are usually bad - but I like them anyway.

But fuck II and III.

The idea of The Matrix is amazing but I personally hate how Hollywood uses Jesus imagery in EVERYTHING. Also fuck the Wachowski trannies. They should have never made the sequels.

shitty ass movie, Harley Quinn is hot though so I have that going for me

Despite what you may think, this has gotta be one of the most comfy movies I've ever seen
>Winter setting
>Daniel Craig chilling in a log cabin
>Rooney Mara getting raped

I disagree. I thought that it was a great movie with amazing pacing. The only problem I have with it is Enchantress. But yes, Margot Robbie is fucking hot. 9/10 have a dedicated folder on my laptop.

>not great screenwriting
>not great directing

Jeff Bridges is Jeff Bridges and you just kinda gotta let him do whatever he wants, cause he will deliver.

The other actors though, yeah. There was some awkward dialogue and delivery by the main character, the son, and the bar guy was just a fucking clown. Like user mentioned that dude is a good actor but it's like the director said:
>just act super eccentric and nutty do whatever you want
Then they stuck the first take in the movie. Shit, even the very next scene when they are talking and he mentions Cora's name you can see his character get visibly startled by it and it was totally convincing. The dude is a great actor i don't get why they made his character that way.


All the Fast and the Furious-movies.

I loved the details ( like the lunar module cockpit)


Slightly bloated but I agree on all points.

And the location and environment is almost as important any of the characters, the setting elevates the tone of bleakness that parallels the story

Anything David Fincher is pretty fucking great though imo. He knows how to make a movie.


>Rooney Mara getting raped

Never change you guys
