> Really shitty ideas for transformers
I will start

> a canoe

Hot dog stand

That from Family Guy and a fan

yep from family guy, still, its a really shitty idea.

Shopping cart

Self-checkout tills. It would probably explain why they have a fucking mind of their own.


old people's mobile carts



I have 3 of these.

I don't think you can get worse then that.

A fleshlight

furniture. A table and chairs. (....wait...thats actually pretty good....I'm gonna sell that idea to Ikea for an ad.

that plastic part on the end of shoe-laces.

the lever you use to flush the toilet. (or the chain).

a set of false teeth.

you mean the AGLET? ive learnt that from Phineas and Ferb years ago.

an orange juice machine

this thread is gold.

yeah! so, name would be Agletron

also, we have to name our transformers each time!

A wheelchair

ok, for this one the name would be: ChatterChew.

His name would be BubblePlop



A vibrator

CarteeWiz (i good..!)


his name would be NiggerTron

a smaller transformer

Why and how

okso now lets imagine: ChatterChew is an autobot and NiggerTron is a deceptecon. They both do battle...

A printer. It's name will be Kill Switch.

not bad...not bad!

A scooter- idk the name though


a tampon (plugstream, Deceptecon)

lol Haha, nice one.

a electric toothbrush. Would be called Buccal Lord

Go bots actually had one as a main character....damn go bots was awful. But Cykill was bad ass

I suck with names so I'm not gonna try, but a Book


FlipThrough! (autobot obviously)

A TV Remove - Decepticon


the slot where you put money into a vending machine (just the slot part) Slotjew - decepticon

In the old 1980 version of transformers there were 2 called Omega Supreme and metroplex. they were a rocket launch site and a fucking hospital

yeah, i remember that!

A group of rad robots, the dankest of the darkest: the PARTYBOTS
Cooler the ice machine
Mega the light system
Booster the Dj table
Canny the beer dispenser
and the renegade: Vocalied, the karaoke.

I recall some day being so bored and slightly drunk and drawing sketches of those abominations.

Leantoo, autobot, universally hated.


I got a bad feeling about this one.