
Other urls found in this thread:



>uggo edition

only gaypop haromny


crayon pop

the only difference between liking girlpop and gaypop is your sexuality

prove me wrong


>tfw sticking lovelyz lightstick up your ass

>tfw I can listen to him talk all day



lalice 2bh

Does anyone else realizes that that KARD girl is actually Taeyang in a wig?

dubu > bp

luigi wins a korean idol survival show by doing absolutely nothing


stop saying that

there's one missing...

who do you do it to?


nah bro didnt you hear they dont even care they flopped xDDDDDD

Will Bonus Baby make it?

Leave it to BTSshitters
I just pointed put it began when OH went down, minus the very sparse V posting
Which all non-newfags know is true

protect choa

Spoke too soon it seems ()

what's the meaning of life?

Naeun has a sexy ass

lying grandma pats cute girl on the head.jpg

My gf ~

post short hair cub

to marry the slug and make her happy


I listen to both and i have a gf

our girl choa will be okay


mentioned mentioned

to marry slug and put that gorgeous smile on her face every day


I'm gay but I only like girlpop. Idk gaypop just seems so boring and repetitive to me. Does that make me any gayer than your average gaypop poster?

why is she so meme

>not a gaypop thread
you had one job

i wonder how much the other members hate seolhyun and jimin now that they effectively killed the group

talk about possible bullying

they will be ok


what did that retarded fuck mean by that




Funny how didn't deny coming from OH. You may be European but your taste is extremely SEA.
is she making up her own language?


Thats how I was for a long time
Seventeen changed me

meant for

idk probably some meme bang shitter lmao

why would they hate seolhyun when she has been feeding them by sharing her earnings from her cfs with them lol

He was saying the truth lmao

based editor

when i said gaypop harmony i didn't mean please continue repetative senseless shit flinging you silly faggot


That hes a fucking uggo

I prefer her short/long hair ifykwim

thats not her decision tho

i'm not a faggot though

is a slug aware it's a slug?



>tfw you will never break the conditioning with slug

So you disagree that BTS posting is new?

>trying to make peace on KPG
How onew

i hated gaypop and only cared about girlpop until recently i started to kind of get interested in gaypop so i feel you

All the groups i mentioned are really popular here.

I used to like Infinite, their music was great. No boygroup does it for me anymore, they're so lifeless

ya but still you get $ and dont even have to work. only choa would be bothered by that cuz she has talent but she can go solo so i guess even she isnt bothered


are dogs aware of time?

n-nice feetsies

not that slug because it's dumb

cute lazy eye

>only gays like lovelyz

I remeber you, theres was a Jiminlewdposter too
Unless that was u




Dubu > everything

Sure, I like those groups too, but listing them as your top three just screams SEA (nothing wrong with it user).

>too cool and narrow minded to like gaypop
lmao you guys are missing out on some great blastboys sessions

change that filename, it's disrespectful

V poster is pure



do you think liars feel shame when they look at themselves in the mirror?

cute and entertaining and pretty and smart

Not me
But I dont kfap


Damn. She looks great here.

truly the world's greatest smile


Isn't that a good thing?

Fangirls and gayfans are the best supporters. Straight males drop their new faves every week

Im serious...

>screams SEA
This really doesnt say much.
The others at the top would be YG groups.